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Free 240 Z parts for the cost of shipping. I will mail and then let you know cost.
Free 240 Z parts for the cost of shipping. I will mail and then let you know cost.
Offered by:
Mikes Z car
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Free 240Z parts. Most pulled from a 1971 240Z parts car. Speedometer, roof for deleting moon roof (does not include pillars), voltage regulator, rear surrounds for tail lights, Master vac (this item pulled from a 1970 240Z), speedometer, 2 oil gauges, 2 fuel gauges, glove box (includes an assembled harboard prototype for a replacement glove box) rear view mirror, new gauge lights, engine wiring harness, tail light to glove box wiring harness, gas pedal assembly. dashboard with usual cracks. Clutch master unit. I will mail the item and let you know the cost. Be aware that due to size and/or weight of some of these items some will be expensive to mail. Speedometer and gauges in good condition cosmetically, condition of other parts unknown.
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