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Set of 4 1970-1971 Datsun 240Z "D" Hubcaps Professionally Rechromed & Repainted!
Set of 4 1970-1971 Datsun 240Z "D" Hubcaps Professionally Rechromed & Repainted!
- $2,300 FOR SALE + Shipment cost 70 USD
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This beautifully restored set of 4 early and very rare Datsun 240Z "D" wheel covers / hubcaps that have been professionally re-chromed and have been painted as close to the original gray paint color as possible. All 4 of the hubcaps were first primed and then painted with gray paint and then a low luster clear was sprayed on the gray paint on all 4 hubcaps. This set of D hubcaps also has 4 brand new reproduction D center caps. The backsides of the hubcaps were first spray-painted with primer and then were spray-painted with some Rust-Oleum Satin Metallic Aluminum-colored paint to protect them from rust. Please note that this beautifully restored set of 4 "D" wheel covers / hubcaps are in excellent condition and only has just a few very minor flaws in the paint. Shipping via FedEx Ground is $70.00 and includes excellent protective packaging and seller's shipping insurance. Price lowered to $2,300.00 for ClassicZcar Members Only! SHIPPING TO THE 48 CONTIGUOUS UNITED STATES ONLY! Please email me if you have any questions. Thank you, Lonetreesteve |
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