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1982 Datsun 280ZX hardtop coupe

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1982 Datsun 280ZX hardtop coupe

   (0 reviews)
  • $12,500 FOR SALE
  • Offered by: Thecarnut
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  • Specs

  • Item Condition USED
  • Quantity 1
Gold Hill, Oregon United States
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This listing is for a 1982 Datsun 280ZX two seat coupe with a 5 speed transmission. It had been repainted 7 years ago 'Viper Blue' and the paint has held up nicely. There are a few minor touch up spots, but no dents. The interior is the original cloth and is in very good shape. There is a small split on the dash, which is common for Z's of this vintage.

The engine runs great and the transmission shifts cleanly. A recent compression test shows all cylinders above 177.5 PSI. The odometer just turned 104,000 miles, which I believe is accurate. The AC blows ice cold, the cruise control and power windows work and the original radio works, but I have never tested the cassette player. The female voice warning for 'door open' and “lights on' is still functional. The two speed wipers work fine, but the intermittent feature is not functional. The wheels are original and have Michelin tires

There is no rust or corrosion visible. It has a clean Carfax report.

I am the third owner and have owned this car for 4 years and use it as a daily driver. It is garage kept.

The Z does well at local car shows. It is a head turner and gets many 'thumbs up” when cruising.

This is a nice fun to drive car with many miles left for the next owner.

The 280ZX is located in Southern Oregon and comes with a clear Oregon title in my name and is currently licensed and insured.

Included in the sale are the factory body protective side moldings (which I chose to not install), the owners manual, a Hayne's repair manual and some misc.receipts.

For more info call Larry541-261-1970

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