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Mounting bracket for NISMO electric fuel pump

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Mounting bracket for NISMO electric fuel pump

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  • Offered by: Seppi72
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I want to put a NISMO fuel pump on my early-run '72 but my car did not come with the bracket to mount the pump.  I understand this part was standard from the '73 model onwards.  The photos show you what it generally looks like and where it's mounted by the rear diff.

Living in Ohio, there are probably few to no early Zcars in boneyards anywhere near me.  So I'm asking any of you sunny-weather types who have access to lots of early models to let me know if you would pull one for me.  My option is to fabricate one myself and I have quite enough to do already.

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Were you able to find one of these?  I'm also looking for one.



No joy so far but it's only been one day that I posted the question.  I only started thinking of this because Motorsport Auto is having a free shipping offer for orders over $100 until January 2nd.  I already have an electric fuel pump that I got from another CZCC member but figured a NISMO one can't be all bad.  Plus, I DO have two '72 S30s.

Frankly, it may be easier to have a bracket fabricated by a local shop than to expect someone to go to a pick n' pull and do the dirty work required to obtain one.  And, with all that effort, what is that person then going to want for his/her troubles?  I'll work out some dimensions and take it to my local shop for a quote.

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I think Taka is remaking them?  



Well, thanks for that lead but I have no idea who or what Taka is nor where it's located.  Do you have any further info ?

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Guys, see the discussion topic ...  I may have found something.  (click the blue button above to jump to the discussion topic)

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