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1980 Datsun 280ZX 2+2 - One-owner

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1980 Datsun 280ZX 2+2 - One-owner

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  • $16,900 FOR SALE
  • Offered by: bbaier
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  • Quantity 1
Oro Valley, Arizona United States
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PRICE REDUCED BY $3,000. The 2.8L six-cylinder engine is mated to a 5-speed manual transmission. The engine starts and runs excellent. Overall, the car is mechanically sound and drives well with plenty of power in the motor. Options include power windows, power steering, power brakes, cruise control, moon roof. Black paint, tan interior with tan leather seats. The passenger seat and back seats are in good condition. The driver’s seat needs to be reupholstered.  The AC was upgraded to 134A Freon and is automatic, but the air compressor leaks and needs repair or replacing. The most recent repairs include replacement of gas injector multipack system and fuel filter. The radio and tape deck are original and work. The dash has the typical cracking as is common in these cars. The car has a front bra that goes with the car. Mileage: 135,767. If you are out of the area, fly down and drive the car home. Now asking $16,900.

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