CAD Files
Various CAD files for your Z projects.
9 files
This set of .pdf files can be used to print full-size templates for all of the various foam gaskets used in the 240Z Series 1 Heater and Blower assemblies. These are a companion piece to my separate article on rebuilding the Heater and Blower. The article provides recommendations for the types of materials that should be used to create the various gaskets.
This is a 'functional' replacement and is not intended to appear as OEM. The part was printed at .20mm using TPU.
I designed it using a badly deteriorated sample, so it may need some tuning. The old and new appear to match well - but the new part has not been tested on the vehicle. If you print it and find it could use some tweaks, please let me know and I will dial it in.
Templates and a 3D model (.stp format) for a 240Z glove box. the main formed body and flat sides were checked against disassembled and flattened original parts and are quite accurate. The smaller formed corner parts are not as accurate.
Also included is a 1:1 scan of a tracing for the two formed corner parts, these parts were only roughly modelled and did not flatten exactly the same as the actual parts.
This is a 3D Assembly Model (.stp format) of a pair of LH and RH Interpart Lift Louvre Lock Assemblies. The assembly contains individual part models of the lock components. These plastic locks are no longer available so I hoping that these files will be of use to someone that needs to make replacements. This model was created using Solid Edge ST5. Also included is 3D pdf file of the same assembly for those that don't have a cad program and simply would like to view the model, it requires Adobe Reader X or higher to use.
I have done my best to accurately model these with measurements taken from a good condition set of parts. These might be suitable for 3D printing, or could be used for CNC machining. Users of these files should check them for suitability with the manufacturing process they plan to use. The assembly includes the left and right aluminum mounting strips to show the complete assembly.
Other CAD 3D formats can be supplied on request.
Templates for the tar mats (floor insulators) for the front floor and under seat areas of a 1970 240Z in PDF and DWG formats. The dimensions were taken from my July '70 car. I measured these as accurately as I could and printed verification templates on a wide format printer to check fit. Transmission tunnel and rear deck templates have now been added, this now a complete set.