Anything about the electrical system on a Zcar.
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- 9 replies
If anyone knows what this relay/device is here in my picture next to the voltage reg it would be great. I can only guess that the 7 pin round plug in the second photo connects to it as its the only one in the area even though half the wires are missing and the colours dont match. The real fun part for me is the starter wire from the ignition switch is the black/yellow that runs to the plug and never comes out again so I'm stumped as to how the old motor used to start. Probably a very obvious answer out there... NOTE: RHD car so wire colours may differ
Last reply by drunkenmaster, -
- 1 reply
First off the car is a 73. I've done the alternator upgrade ( and the fuel pump relay problem) and headlight wiring harness. Everything worked great (about 6 month now) untill a week ago, dead battery and blown alternator and the diode on the upgrade plug was blow or melted. I bought some new upgrade plugs, and replaced the alternator, charged the battery. The issue I found was the white/red wire coming off the voltage reg plug was burned up. I cut and jumped it down stream in the harness to some clean wire in the harness. Seems to be ok for now. Questions, the amp gauge moves around like a tach anything from the middle to a 50+ reading, is this normal ? If it's a 60 amp …
Last reply by beermanpete, -
- 8 replies
are they changable with the 77? or are do they need that year alone?
Last reply by FastWoman, -
- 3 replies
Hi guys and girls I've been trying to figure out my running rich problem. I went down to the ecu with the efi bible and fsm and tested things and everything looks good besides a couple I have questions about. The afm resistance #1 test calls for about 180 ohms. I get 184. Resistance #3 calls for 100 an I get around there. Resistance #2 test calls for small resistance and continuity. I get 700 the first time I did it after a drive and the car was still warm. Thinking back that 700 is pretty high I went back to test it again a couple days later when the car has been sitting for a day and now I get around 500. Is that to High of a resistance since the test calls for a SMALL…
Last reply by 240260280z, -
- 5 replies
I've found a lot of references to this product, but does anyone know the maximum mounting depth that will fit into the MSA rear speaker panel? This is for a '75 280Z. Thanks for any help!
Last reply by mgood, -
- 20 replies
I can't turn off my radio/fan, where should I look first? this problem recently started, before it was running perfectly. Even with my Key in the Off postition, it stays on. Where should I start testing to figure this out?
Last reply by Milenko2121, -
- 6 replies
'73 240z, pulled out the tach to fiddle with it because it only worked when it wanted to, fixing it up went marvelously because all it needed was some sanding down of the copper contacts to remove oxidation. NOW, putting it back together I've got four holes in the back of the tach for two backlights and two turn signal lights, and lo and behold I've got two backlights and two turn signal lights in the dash harness to shove back in those holes.... AND ONE MORE! Now I've gotten out my mirror-on-a-stick, shoved my head in any holes I can fit it in, searched forums, the factory service manual, and a crusty old Haynes manual and I'm not getting anywhere on this. It has it's…
Last reply by Captain_Zeros, -
- 18 replies
I would like to know the best carb set for my 240z Werb's or Mikuni's ? and the best one for cold weather starts ?
Last reply by LeonV, -
- 4 replies
Getting the engine bay ready for soda blasting and am replacing the engine harness. Im having trouble finding where the harness connects to. I can't find it on interior side of the firewall. Is this something I have to take the dash out to get to? I found some connections below the dash, but this seems to be to a different harness. Thanks guys
Last reply by 240260280z, -
- 3 replies
Hello guys! As you can tell I'm new to the forum, but am already finding a lot of useful information. I have a 1970 240Z (6/70) that I am beginning restoration on. The original engine had a connecting rod sticking out the block so a engine swap is in progress. When I pulled the engine I noticed the engine wiring harness has been tampered with severely. It has butt connectors throughout it and numerous homemade connections. Easily said, it's not up to par. I've been trying to locate a new engine wiring harness and have seen reference to a difference between the 240 years. Does anybody know what's makes the 1970 harness different? I've found other years for sale, b…
Last reply by CG240Z, -
- 16 replies
I am trying to convert my early 260z over to the 280zx alternator. I have found write-ups for the 240z and the 280z but have yet to come across a definitive write-up for the 260z! I need to finish this conversion asap because I have work in the morning! If anyone could lead me in the right direction with this I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks
Last reply by Zed Head, -
- 3 replies
So I was cleaning my sensors bc my car is running a little rich and my temperature sensor switch the one with the 2 wires connected to it one is te ground and the other is connected to another wire and the ground wire broke off totally from the tip of the switch. I researched to buy a new one and it looks like no one have those anymore. Can I run without it grounded or is there any suggestion you guys have? Please I need help. My car is a 76 280z
Last reply by mjr45,
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