Anything about the electrical system on a Zcar.
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- 10 replies
I finally got time to get the blue '70 out of storage and went for a drive on Sunday. On the way back, I turned on the left turn signal and smoke started coming out of the steering column. I shut everything off right away and it stopped smoking. Last night I took the cover off the steering column. None of the wires looked melted. I am guessing something inside must have fried. Anybody have that happen to them? I remembered that I bought a brand new turn signal and headlight combo switch years ago as spares. After I dug out the spare and removed the original, I started noticing that they were different. The original has two large plugs, one with 3 prongs, the other has…
Last reply by grantf, -
- 12 replies
I just fired up the new engine in my 71. The amp meter pegs all the way right a nd the alternator heats up. I changed the voltage regulator.....same result. Any ideas where to go next? Guy
Last reply by FastWoman, -
- 5 replies
A few details on the car. 1973 240z /w electronic ignition. Using ignition module E12-80. Exactly as the title says. When starting the car the tach will bounce a bit but then drops back down to zero once the car has started. When driving the tach stays at zero. Today the tach slowly crawled up to 8k and stayed there until I turned the car off. I did however read that this happens when it's hot outside and today was one of those days. So that one makes sense (to an extent). I searched but didn't find another issue like this one. Is my tach fubar'd or do I still have a hope of getting this thing working? What I found on the tach going up due to hot weather.
Last reply by beermanpete, -
- 4 replies
The alternator conversion works great, but I have a 73 with the fuel pump relay that stays on. I have done a toggle switch on the yellow power wire but this is not a great solution. I want to do a Bosch relay, that uses a switching wire from the on side of the ignition switch. I just can't figure out the Bosch relay. I think the yellow wire that feeds power to the FP relay should be wired 30 in and 87 out to the relay. Do I switch the Bosch on with 85 and ground 86 or the other way around.
Last reply by 240ZGL, -
- 2 replies
Worked into the wee hours of the night yesterday on wiring. My donor harness is nearly tapped out - anyone have a spare female connector for this 6-pin? Thanks much, Bill
Last reply by SteveJ, -
- 5 replies
hey, im working on a 77 280. its auto,not sure if that will help here or not. while hooking the wires up to the alt and oil sender i found a wire that im not sure where it goes. our 75 manual car doesnt have this wire. does it go to the alt also or to the block? im trying to get all the grounds straightened out since it sat for about 8 years and my headlights and wipers arent working. thanks ps, its the one standing straight up
Last reply by sam74260, -
- 3 replies
hi all... long time member/lurker and have a question... i sold a tach from a 1970 series one 240z to someone overseas in Brunei, which i believe is in the philipines... it came from a non-runner so am not sure of the condition of the tach prior to sale. he installed it in his 1977 260z (remember, he's overseas) and when the car is started, the needle went up to 1k rpms and stopped. turned key off and it stayed there. the previous tach did not work at all. both tachs are 4wire tachs. he says the distributor is not points and is upgraded to electronic distributor. i've searched all threads just searching "tachometer" here and at zcar.com and haven't found anything e…
Last reply by A2Z, -
- 3 replies
I read through most of the already posted headlight problems and got some ideas of things to check, but didn't see my exact problem listed so figured I'd check for other sources. 1971 240z - a while back, my lights wouldn't come on, high or low beam. Figured out it was the arm that was broken. Got a new one, worked fine, no problems. Now, every once in a while, they just stop working. Yesterday I got in the car, turned them on to make sure they worked, and they did. Turned them off and then back on, and nothing happened. Screwed around with it a while, got them to come on again, off, back on, and nothing again. Could be another bad arm/switch, going to check the fus…
Last reply by 5thhorsemann, -
- 10 replies
Hey guys, I have a 1978 280z and the head lights went out on me. I have no high or low beams. I checked the fuses ( they are fine ). I checked the bulbs ( they are fine ). So my guess is it has to do with the wiring. I also heard that this was a common problem among Z's. But it has left me clueless. If anyone has any idea please let me know. P.S All the other lights work fine, back and front.
Last reply by aychummy, -
- 18 replies
I have a situation will the car will not charge. Started with a bouncing amp guage, thought bad alt or voltage regulator, replaced both with new. No charging. Car will start and run on just the battery, accessories work. Fusable link at starter has continuity. Took replacement Alt back to parts store got another one (5 day wait) put it on, no difference. Tried old voltage regulator with new alt, no difference. I have continuity to the W/R to the fusebox. So I have old alt and regulator and new alt and voltage regulator. AMP guage will show negative if you turn on accessories but will not show a positive charge with any combination of parts. I looked for links o…
Last reply by manuel59, -
- 1 reply
hey z fans, I need your help. I am having an issue with a fuel gauge. When I connect the gauge is spikes up to full and then goes back down to empty. The sender is new and I just purchased the remanuf gauge. Can anyone help. thanks.
Last reply by jaltman, -
- 18 replies
Thanks to Dave from Zs-Ondabrain I now have excellent lights throughout my 77 280. I purchased Dave's headlight wiring harness and parking light wiring harness upgrade. Very simple install. I would have to say at least 50% brighter now. That includes all dash lights. I can drive my Z again at night! If you are thinking about doing the upgrade, do it! Dave also rebuilt my combo switches. Was having electrical problems with them before Dave fixed them. It takes a lot to impress me and I am impressed. Thanks Dave. Bob. can anyone make out the pic of my Z or is it too small to see?
Last reply by Zs-ondabrain,
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