Anything about the electrical system on a Zcar.
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by 260 z- 15 replies
I am refreshing my 260z and the electrical keeps kicking my butt. I was blaming everything on the relays but weak grounds repeatably raises their ugly heads. Most of the wiring connections at the lights, gauges, and the dash are open so the car can go the the paint shop next. Could that be why I am not getting good grounds at some of the grounding point of the harness???? Could that also cause my wiper motor not to work from the combination switch??? Why do I get 10.4 volts on the harness side at the wiper motor connection when the battery is putting out 12.3 volts??? With the key on, and the combination switch at the first position I read: red lead LR wire LW and B re…
Last reply by z74z90, -
- 6 replies
Car is a 1974 260z wire is on passenger side coming out the harness??? Photos should help someone who knows what they are doing....that person is not me!!!! Who knows where it goes Thanks Glenn
Last reply by Zed Head, -
- 5 replies
I have a 1974 260z with a external starter button.Usually you turn the key to the on position and hit the button and it starts. If the key is not in the on position the car will turn over but not start. Seems the key being on ignites the spark and allows the electric to flow to the components. I just put the engine back in and when I put the key to start usually the electrical components become live. Usually at this time the defroster light come on if the defrost is on as well as the choke light or wipers if they are switched on. Now nothing no spark either. Anybody have any ideas as my electrical knowledge is zero.This starter button arrangement was in the car when I bou…
Last reply by zdude1967, -
- 12 replies
recently having problem starting my zed. turn key and the starter will whizz. i have to try a few times for starter to turn and start car. i had the same trouble before with the wife's 68 mustang. after replacing a selinoid on her car i found out it was a dead cell in the battery. replaced battery and problem fixed. i'm thinking, ok i need a new battery for the zed. i have an optima red top that's 7 years old. had it checked and it hold 400 amps which is half of it's output. does this mean i need to replace it, or should i try replacing the selinoid first? is 7 years on an optima a reasonable life span? ( only used 6 months a year) ps- the po put in a new starter just be…
Last reply by zhead240, -
- 3 replies
Does anyone know what the bulb part number is for a 73 240Z map light? I know the bulb is 5W, but I need a number so I can order it from a bulb supplier. MSA does not have the bulb in stock. Thanks for the info.
Last reply by SteveJ, -
- 8 replies
Hey guys, new member here, owner of a 78 280z for 5 years now. I ran into a problem that I need some help with. I've been having some electrical issues with this car since I purchased it. I'm nominally knowledgeable about vehicles to begin with, but I want to learn more. The problem Im having is that the battery isn't getting a charge or full charge from the alternator. I took it in and had the auto parts store check the alternator (while in the car) and the guy said it was sending 11.46v but only 30 amp output. He told me to clean up the terminals before replacing the alternator. Not that they really needed it, but I did so anyways. By the way, I myself replaced the cabl…
Last reply by nhines3, -
- 1 reply
Of course, the '76 we are working on has cracked boots, and in the case of the air regulator, a broken connector. My first question is are there any tricks to cleaning the connectors? the air regulator plug is definitey corroded, I'm sure there are others that are as well. My second question is, what is the best replacement conntector to use, and where should I get them? I want to solder/shrink tube whatever I use, I won't be using butt connectors in a fuel injection harness.
Last reply by rexz, -
- 5 replies
Help! "Z" enthusiasts! Checked most posts and haven't found this discussed yet, so thought I'd throw it out there and see if you've any suggestions about my weird idle issues. Car starts fine, but after revving it up to 3.5k, the tach starts floating at higher rpm's. When I get off the gas, it wants to die, then goes into a bouncing, revving/dying death throw. When I turn off the ignition and restart it, it idles fine again until I rev it up and then it does it's thing again. Replaced the distributor/coil, and found a bad tach wire and fixed it. Ran good for a couple of quick jaunts, but then started doing it again. Any suggestions would be/are welcomed. Thanks...
Last reply by adeedue, -
- 1 reply
I was replacing the ground wire on my alternator when I noticed there is a small green wire (maybe 18 gauge) coming off of the positive terminal that goes nowhere - its broke off. I cannot find a broken wire to reconnect it to anywhere. Any ideas where this should be connected to? Also, I see many discussions about upgrading a 240 alternator to an internally regulated one, what about the 280?
Last reply by FastWoman, -
- 5 replies
Are the turn signals for the 280z tail lights supposed to be above or bellow? Mine is setup wrong I think. Tried to find some videos of 280z turn signals for the rear but I found only custom LED light setups that implement the JDM or Europe style tails. these have an amber lens at the bottom of the red lens. Here is an illustration I did to show what I mean. The turn signals are barely visible so I'm thinking they are in the wrong place maybe.
Last reply by tymarbry, -
- 27 replies
I got a call from MSA yesterday and they said they were having issues with a few ZXP's. After a little research, They discovered that the issue with the ZX alternator and the ZXP alternator adaptor was ONLY is the 73' 240Z's.... So if you have purchased a ZXP thru me or MSA and have had Battery drain issues. Please post on this thread. What year 240Z? What was the Issue(s)? (battery drain? Melting wires? what? Average Climate in your area of the world? Any other electrical mods that may have contributed to the issue? What was the solution? What did you do to fix it? (replace alt, ZXP, wiring?) Not looking for a discussion. Just the facts. The glue in the ZXP's melts bu…
Last reply by twofouroh, -
- 2 replies
My temp gauge was working fine until I worked on the car today. I put freon in the car and also had the finisher, finisher brackets and center air ducts out to check the condition of the evaporator and expansion valve. Could something have been knocked loose on the temp gauge during reassembly? It shares that pod with the oil pressure gauge and it still works fine. Coincidence or do you think something else just happened to break today?
Last reply by Ben's Z,
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