Anything about the electrical system on a Zcar.
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Last weekend I went on a winery tour with fellow TZCCVA members out in the Charlottevsille area of Virginia. Anyway, it was an uneventful trip (except for the torrential rain and flooding caused by that awful cold front) until I was heading home. Running along at 75-80 on I64 I suddenly hit a rpm ceiling of about 4000. I couldn't accelerate over 60 mph. I pulled off the road to check for scary stuff like fuel leaks but saw nothing wrong. The remaining 100 mile trip home was met with power then no power back and forth until I got home. My immediate suspicions is the 25 y.o. Allison ignition is starting to heat fail so I ponied up for a Petronix 1761 and new 40611 3.0 40k v…
Last reply by ezzzzzzz, -
- 3 replies
Ok going to make it quick and to the point. Purchased 72 240z with original engine and 280 dizzy and msd coil. Car ran good but would randomly shut off. No sputter just instant 0 rpm. Pull over and usually would start again within 1-5 min. Took to z shop, tech re wired coil. Previous owner had left ballast resistor and mechanic said that it coulda caused problems. Mechanic gave me a stock 280 coil and said it was more reliable. Car ran fine for a day then same problem. I swapped over to the 280 coil but still same thing. Read and read. Found out e12 80 module might be problem. Swapped over to a gm lx 301 type module. Fired up car and now won't start at all. Switched …
Last reply by Zed Head, -
Tachometer 1 2
by Robin260z- 12 replies
Hi guys my tacho isn't working either. I;ve read a lot of posts trying to figure out what the problem is. I;ve already read that i have a 4 wire tacho that isn;t original because a 260z normally has a 3 wire. But all the wiring is original so thats also weird. tha tacho gets good ground and 12 volt. The ignition signal is ok because when i disconnect the connector the car wont start because it is a circuit that has to be closed. So could someone give me the right electrical scheme for a 4 wire tacho or tell me how i can repair/ rebuild my tacho. Sometimes it starts to work for a few minutes but it can also dont work for a few weeks. Could it also be the resistor? where ca…
Last reply by LeonV, -
- 7 replies
My 76 280 is a wiring nightmare, i have no idea where anything goes. Dash was completely unplugged from a 280zx Swap.......................................... So was the entire underdash, rear lights, and engine harness. This was sitting in the back, i have no idea what it is or does also, if anyone could send me a link to a pdf or torrent of how the wiriing harness connects i would be extremely grateful, i'm not very good at reading wiring diagrams so a "follow the switch" approach would be best.
Last reply by 280, -
- 13 replies
Hello all, Can I wire the fuel pump on my 76 280z through a seperate switch from the battery to the pump for test purposes to get the engine running? ..heres why.... I only get power to the fuel pump while cranking..i understand this is correct and is due to the airflow sensor and that the engine only turning will produce power to the pump...all good with that. Well mine does not seem to continue to run "the pump that is" and thus no fuel to the engine, Ive given up. Since I will be doing a full restore on this car in phases and the fuel system will be replaced I'm not going to try to nick pick it apart but wanted to get it started to check through some things, I know it…
Last reply by 280, -
- 1 reply
I had an apparently common problem (I've seen 2 or 3 threads about it) where the turn signals, brake lights, and gauges are all inop. I have had problems with the ignition switch (has to be just right" for the starter to engage:), so I took a chance that that was the issue...it was. If the switch is moved to the right (er, wrong) position I lose all the aforementioned functions. I just bought a used switch for a '72 on Ebay this evening, so a replacement is only a week away...it's working for now. I found several hillbilly wiring mods to the steering column that I will try to return to stock. Later, guys...
Last reply by ZCurves, -
- 16 replies
Hi Everybody I have a windscreen wiper question. Beside the slow operation of my windscreen wipers which seems to be standard on a 35 years old 240z I have 2 additional problems! First the wipers does not park when I turn of the wipers – they just stop where ever they are! And second when I run the wipers in intermediate operation the wipers only covers a little more than half the distance – for example if I turn them on (in intermediate operation) when they are parked at the bottom of the windscreen they go up and return something like an inch back from the “verticalâ€� position – after what seems like forever they go down and returns up about two inches – fo…
Last reply by EScanlon, -
- 1 reply
Just when I get my 77 running again another electrical problem! Had a harness connector come unplugged that took a week to find. Had Dave rebuild my combo switches. Then I wired up the headlight and parking light harness upgrades from Dave. Took the car out yesterday for a cruise and 5 minutes into it my Z broke down. Was accelerating at a great rate of speed and all of a sudden it was as if I turned the key off! I coasted to the side of the road and parked. I tried the key and nothing, nothing at all! Here we go again I said to myself. I checked a few things I thought it might be and found nothing. Finally I called Hagerty's (free towing) and had it towed to the house. T…
Last reply by FastWoman, -
- 24 replies
I have read several of the threads on no spark issues. Even the recent one where there was a short in the dizzy. The car I am working on ran a year or so ago. Went to start it up but no spark. Pull off the coil wire try to ground, no spark. Get out volt meter and have 12v at both terminals on the coil with the switch in the acc position. I read in one posts maybe by Fastwoman that the coil sparks when the "-" terminal is grounded. I tried that with a direct ground and a manual push button ground. Thought the coil might be bad (MSD). Tried another coil (unknown condition) tried a third coil (unknown condition) No spark on any of them. Thoughts, anyone? Did I understand cor…
Last reply by Patcon, -
- 3 replies
So I've had my Z for a little over a year now and I've finally decided to address my lack of reverse lights. I upgraded my trans to an 83 and it has the sensor/switch I need to plug into....however I can seem to find the wires in the harness on the car. I'm not sure if they were wrapped up by the PO or cut or some other unknown fate. Does anyone have any recommendations on how I can go about fixing this besides taking it to a shop and paying them to cut my Z up. And I have a 71 240z.
Last reply by OniZ, -
Morning all. I have a 240Z which I have been restoring over the past 2 years. The car came to me in various boxes. Its a late 73 240z. I have now got to the point of getting the electric back in. Engine bay loom is back in. I have the loom through the firewall and sitting on the floor with a various collection of multi plugs.. blue,black, white etc which I know connect to the dash loom and the rear loom. What is confusing me somewhat is is the relay panel. nothing was connected and nothing labeled. Has anyone a picture of the actual relays that should be on there and which wires connect to what. One or two are obvious as the wire match up. others not so. The last thing…
Last reply by That-hurt, -
- 10 replies
I recently was cleaning out under the passenger area and center console of my Z and ran across 2 things that I'm unsure of. The first was behind the console and is a twisty potentiometer type knob that's just sitting behind the console, and it doesn't appear to affect anything seen here The other is a connector that was unplugged that sits under the passenger side seat. The connector appears to go together, but im unsure of if it actually does.
Last reply by Willoughby Z,
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