Anything about the electrical system on a Zcar.
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- 12 replies
Hi, I recently had an electronic ignition modification done to my 1970 240Z. It runs much better but at higher rpms there is intermittent missing and the tach goes haywire. The tech working on the problem called PerTronix for help. They offered several suggestions, one of which the car would not run all and the other made no difference. I'm about to have the the original point system put back in to see if it runs ok. Anyone have similar problems that they have solved? Thanks, Ronald
Last reply by Ronald, -
- 7 replies
Hello all Can someone help me. My washer fluid motor was unplugged when I bought the car. I took it out and could not for the life of me find the other connection for it. Mine looks like the picture below and the only connector in the area looks exactly like it. Can anyone post the wires that are there please. Thanks Jan
Last reply by Pomorza, -
- 8 replies
Hello there, I bought this reproduction voltage regulator cover from MSA. I just wanted to share it with you all. It appears in the same shape and demention. The comes in slight textured white plastic material. It costed $62.99 Plus Tax and shipping. Pictures shows it with an original one here. Esprist
Last reply by Walter Moore, -
- 14 replies
After some HEAVY searching on the forums I have found a lot of information about not revving over a certain RPM (5000) and all the issues that could lead up to that. I think I'm having ignition issues combined with carb issues. The carbs I'm going to get rebuild, but when I look for ignition troubles I can't seem to find what the correct advance is supposed to be. So far I've found that at @700rpm you're upposed to have 17 degrees BTDC of advance. But what is supposed to be at speed? My car is exhibiting the following symptoms (4-screw dome, 1970 L24) - hesitation, poor idle, won't ide when cold. - using more than 1/4 throttle the car loses power at 70 mph if I push …
Last reply by Walter Moore, -
- 2 replies
Hello all Ever since I bought my Z in August I've had issues with my volt gauge. When the car is off it shows ~12 volts. When I start the car the gauge will hover around 13 but the second I rev the engine it will max out. I had two (2) independent shops test my electrical system and both said that its the gauge. So this past weekend I went to a junkyard and yanked a volt/fuel gauge out of a 77 280z 2+2 and put it in. The volt gauge worked great but the fuel gauge didn't :mad:. So I ended up placing the old one back in the car. Does anyone have any idea what could be wrong. I inspected the volt gauge when I pulled it from my car and everything seemed ok. Any ideas? Jan
Last reply by TomoHawk, -
- 0 replies
Before adjusting my SU float bowl levels yesterday, I disconnected the spark plug wire attached to the coil. While turning the engine over to operate the mech fuel pump I hear a sparking noise coming from the coil. My thoughts at the time were, "gee, that's interesting, I probably don't want to get too close to that". After the bowl's were adjusted, I got in and took the car for a spin. I immediately noticed no tach movement (very little anyway:disappoin). I am guessing my spark was going into the green the wire that leads to the tach. Bummer, that means something in there is toast. So will have to pull this out and get it fixed eventually. From readin other thr…
Last reply by motorman7, -
- 7 replies
.1971 240Z. the keys were not in the ignition. i wiggled the wire to the oil pressure sensor and then the wire that goes directly from the starter to the wire harness melted. i then noticed smoke coming from the back of the ammeter. once the wire to the harness melted i removed the battery, attached a jumper wire and then reattached the battery, imediatly that wire began to smoke. help, i am not knowledgeable at electronics, how may i find a ground. i do know how to use a multimeter and where the cable wire disconnects between the starter and ammeter. am very willing to learn
Last reply by 70 Cam Guy, -
- 34 replies
Has anyone lost their voltage regulator allowing the alternator to run wild charging? Did it toast any of your components? I lost my regulator on the drive to JCCS down highway 5. Turns out it wiped out my week-old Facet fuel pump and yellow top optima. We diagnosed the regulator and battery on the side of the road. I didn't notice the fuel pump until I had time to start diagnosing the problem. It popped the fuse whenever I keyed on (no start). Figured out the relay was not to blame so now I have a new fuel pump installed. While I was working on it today, I installed a ZX alternator and Dave's alternator plug from MSA. As a small review, the conversion plug is well wor…
Last reply by 70 Cam Guy, -
- 10 replies
I had the dash brake light on with the parking brake on or off, it would only get dimmer. I thought the switch had gone bad like everything on this car. Payed $15 for a new switch, replaced the switch and the light would go out when i disengaged the parking brake and come on when i engaged the parking brake. One problem fixed, i thought, today i moved the car and the light is back on, what gives :mad:
Last reply by sblake01, -
- 7 replies
I have been reading tons of posts on here about all the ignition "improvements" one can do to the 240 and 280's. ( I am working on both at the same time-ugh!). In real world application, it seems much of the effort and expense on the 240's is over kill. Is there really a significant gain in going beyond a pertronix and good coil? It is hard for me to believe that one will ever recover the benefits of spending more money on it than that. I could be wrong, have been before, but when I used to fool with SBC's, the only time it might be worth the money is when we were running 9 seconds or less and there was money involved at the finish line, and never on the street. N…
Last reply by 70 Cam Guy, -
- 15 replies
I just replaced wires (ngk) plugs (ngk) dist cap and rotor button. I had a miss so i did an old test i learned back many years ago when i had my 260z. I disconnected on plug wire at a time, with #'s 1-3-4-5-6 the engine would change idle and run rough, straightening out when the wire was reattached. With #2 there was no change, there was a spark at plug and dist. cap. What do you guy's thing ?
Last reply by Pomorza, -
- 16 replies
I just picked up a 71 240z in stock configuration... but it's missing the coil. I'm a newbie to Zs... is this a standard item I can get at the dealer or a parts store? Any reason to look at some upgraded coil? This is going to stay a stock, street car... Thanks, Mark
Last reply by Nigel1943,
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