Anything about the electrical system on a Zcar.
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- 11 replies
Can any other electric antenna be used in my 1975 280z? The stock Datsun electric antenna are upwards of 200 dollars! There are numerous other types of electric antennas on ebay, has anyone had any success using another brand/model in their 240/260/280? Thanks!
Last reply by mikewags, -
- 6 replies
At what time in the S30 run did the change occur from 2-speed to 3-speed wipers? I, frankly, wasn't even aware that there were 3-speed wipers as the only S30s I've ever been in are '72s, which AFAIK have the 2-speed version. The reason I ask is because a local friend has a problem with his combination switch and it's of the 3-speed variety. His problem (so far) is that the headlights don't work. We can get them to work if I plug in a switch from my '72. I'm testing the continuity in his switch, but don't have any results yet. However, it's more complicated than it appears. His chassis is HLS30-143954(stamped in the firewall), which tells me it is a mid-'73 car. Howev…
Last reply by Zs-ondabrain, -
- 23 replies
when its dark and im driving the zed i can't hardly see a damned thing. is there anybody out there that makes a brighter headlight bulb that will work with the zed that wont kill the electricals?
Last reply by TomoHawk, -
- 3 replies
Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone knows where I can find a choke switch. I was putting my console back together last night, and one of the wires broke off. Since the two tabs used to secure the switch to assembly are already broken off, I thought I'd try to find a better condition one. The wires are hard and brittle anyway. Also theres not much room to make new solder connections on the tiny switch.
Last reply by moritz55, -
- 4 replies
hi, does anybody knows what is the color of the wire for the hi beam? I am building my own harness but i am not sure what color is it, according to the diagrams I think it could be the RW wire. Thank you
Last reply by GILDIA, -
- 4 replies
My ammeter is reading a constant +15 to 20 at idle or while I drive. I have a 60 amp alternator with an internal regulater and Arne's upgrade. When I turn on my afternarket AC, the reading drops close to 0, back up to +15 to 20 when I turn it off. I am thinking the installation of the AC has something to do with it, but have checked the connections and can't see anything wrong. I just installed a stereo and it doesn't seem to have any impact on the reading. Was living with this for the last 2 months, but now the battery was drained this am. Any ideas?
Last reply by Duffman, -
- 3 replies
Hello. I drive a 71 daily driver and it is very reliable until yesterday. Driving down the fwy at about 3400 rpm the engine stopped for a split second. The remainder of the drive was uneventful. This morning howebver it happened again 4 or 5 times during a 20 mile drive to the office. Coming home it became more frequent and it actually stalled while driving down my street in 1st gear. Following this stall was a loud backfire. When it happens it is like someone kills the ignition -- just for a second. It is freshly tuned and I have a new ignition switch. I run a mallory dual point with an MSD coil. All of the connections look good. Please help with this puzzler
Last reply by ONZEDGE, -
- 7 replies
Previoius owners are unbelievable, are they not? I've been chasing a no spark no fuel problem with intermittant success but I may be on to something. I have had power to the fuel pump and to the injectors at the clips regardless of key position. Undoubtedly wrong. What I have discovered from the two cars setting side by side is : there are two red wires that come from a loom that crosses the front of the car to the driver fenderwell. One of those wires stays red, the other goes some 18" and then becomes two blue and one black wire and continue in the loom. Which wire goes to the positive side of the battery and which to the negative side? The previous owner had the …
Last reply by IdahoKidd, -
- 9 replies
Hi guys, I am brand new to this forum and brand new to Zcars although I have years of fooling with cars, mostly old-really old Volvo's. Here is the short version of a long story. I just inherited a 77 280z in pretty good condition (good condition is always relative). The guy had fooled with it for years off and on trying to get it to run but was too stubborn to ask for help so I am not certain everything is where it is supposed to be. I bought a second 77z that is complete but the motor is seized. I bought it to have a life size reference manual and as spare parts. So, there is no spark from the coil when cranking. Power to the coil. And here is the catch. When yo…
Last reply by IdahoKidd, -
- 5 replies
My 1976 280z balast resistor has a black and white wire that is hot when the key ON. A black and blue wire has power only when cranking the engine and another black and white wire that goes to a capasitor. When I crank the engine no spark from the coil but when the key is on ACC the coil wire sparks. I have a mallory coil, mallory distributor. Any Ideas?
Last reply by Curtis240Z, -
- 14 replies
hey all, im new to this forum and to z's i just bought a 73 240 a couple of days ago and spent like 6 hours cruising this forum for information. here's the dilemma: my headlights work, when the hi-beam is on and don't work when they're on low. what am i looking at here? thanks all
Last reply by Neumeier, -
- 5 replies
I've got a strange one. My 73 is pretty stock. It does have an aftermarket crane ignition, but I can't see how this would cause the following problem. When it hasn't been started for a few hours, and the engine is cooled to the ambient 90 degree air temp, the first two or so times you turn the key, the starter behaves as if it isn't getting enough power. It sounds like the battery is almost dead, and simply cranks slowly. On the third try, the starter cranks normally, and the engine starts fine. If the engine is hot, this problem won't happen. I've read up on cleaning the electrical connections between the battery and the starter, done that, no change. I'd really …
Last reply by ConchZ,
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