Engine & Drivetrain
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- 5 replies
My friend's '72 240Z Series 30 is a garage queen that is a family heirloom. My friend is disabled, so I help him with it occasionally. It is started occasionally and run for awhile to get the engine warmed up. It now won't start - at all. The starter spins it well, and there it has a half-tank of gas. I pulled the No. 1 spark plug, which was a little dirty, but not particularly fouled. We cranked it over, and there was pretty good spark. I disconnected the discharge side of the fuel pump at the front carb, and cranked again. Gas is flowing in even pulses from the end of the hose. Took off the air cleaner and tried again with no result. Throttle linkage seems to be w…
Last reply by Costjo, -
- 6 replies
Hi, all. A quick and basic question. Several years ago the vacuum advance on my 240Z got wonky and so I disconnected it. Recently the distributor itself has gotten wobbly, so I bought a remanufactured distributor. For the life of me, I don't remember where to connect the vacuum advance. I have a likely tap blocked off on the balance tube, but there is also a tiny vacuum tap on the front carburetor that I have sealed up with 3M electrical tape (only -- not on the back and it's different from the connection to the top of the float bowl). However, it is so small that the usual vacuum advance hose, i.e., one that fits the advance mechanism, is way too large for it. So,…
Last reply by Jetaway, -
- 0 replies
I thought it would be a good idea to replace my water pump while the engine was out, but NOOO! Two bolts broke, the 12mm at 7 o'clock, and the 10mm at 10 o'clock. With a broken thermostat bolt I think I now have the complete set.
Last reply by Z dreams, -
- 0 replies
is there a particular reason why all these L24-28 freeze plug sets seem to be short two 35mm plugs? there are 5 35mm on the intake side, and 4 35mm on the alternator side, a 50mm in the back and a 40mm in the front. total of 11 plugs but most, if not all the plug sets Ive seen only have 9. Datsun 240Z 260z 280z 280ZX 1970 1983 L24 L28 Engine Freeze Plug Set Brass New | eBay Did I remove a couple that I wasnt supposed to?
Last reply by dpascual1986, -
- 4 replies
About to put my engine block together. Had it decked, sleeved and bored. New pistons, polished crankshaft -armed with limited knowledge, youtube videos, some guts and a how to rebuild your datsun engine book. Ive seen this Blue character stop by local places and helps bros out and he has been helpful in my posts as well. I was wondering if there was a local guy in my area (90745 - Carson, CA) with as much passion in these cars, that'd be willing to spot me while I test uncharted waters (for me anyway).
Last reply by SteveJ, -
- 3 replies
What does the "RC39" stand for? I found a 2+2 '82 at a junkyard with that written on the engine bay ID plate, FS5W71B RC39. I've looked and can't find out what it means. That tranny and the motor for $150. It's an old junkyard that the kids of the deceased owner are cleaning up to sale the land, they're crushing everything old and there's about 5 Zs out there but they're ruined from sitting out so long. Thanks for any information someone might have.
Last reply by siteunseen, -
- 0 replies
I have a 73 240z. The car has a L28 with the 240 head. I'm not very familiar with these motors quite yet so looking for some advice. I recently did a compression test and only my number 2 cylinder is low the rest are 150 and above. The car has dellorto triple side drafts as well. One major symptom is the car isn't sucking fuel (more less spitting it from) into the cylinder at all and also it's making slight valve ticking noise. In addition the car misfires in the low rpms. Just curious at to what you guys think the problem may be? I'm thinking it's a valve problem not a piston ring issue. Anyone have a similar experience and can lend some insight? Any advice would be very…
Last reply by spoolin4life, -
- 2 replies
Early Series 1 240Z's had a valve cover that had "NISSAN 2400 OHC" written on them. Later S1's changed to read "NISSAN OHC" . Can anyone tell me which years had which valve cover? Any idea if there is a range of engine block numbers that had one or the other valve cover? Thanks in advance Tony V. '71 S1 240Z HLS30-17268
Last reply by an_unusual_eye, -
- 1 reply
I am about to carry out the installation of an A/C system which includes the following parts to my 1972 240z: http://www.summitracing.com/int/parts/vta-66005-vuz-a/overview/ http://www.summitracing.com/int/parts/vta-04808-vua/overview/ The problem i have is that down here in Panama, Central America the temperature is 32 degrees Celsius and lot of heat arises from the pavement. The other day while stuck in traffic bumper to bumper the temperature in the gauge raised to 3/4 and the car tended to stall lowering the revolutions to 800 rpm. Once out of the traffic at open road the temperature lowered to half. The queries i have are the following: 1) Should i purchase a fan shr…
Last reply by Kurbycar32, -
- 5 replies
I am really worried about the Reading on my temperature gauge as it is raising to 3/4 while on idle during this last weekend. The weather on Saturday was 32°C and lot of heat from the pavement. I am driving the car with no thermostat on and it should lower the needle to 1/2. I tried spinning the fan clutch and it does move at least 1/4 of the complete spin. Will i risk the engine at this Reading or could the gauge be damaged? The car has Brand new 5 quarters of oil and new oil filter and it reads what you see here! Once the car starts moving away from traffic the temperature lowers to half!
Last reply by Dreco, -
- 8 replies
I checked the fan clutch yesterday when my 240z was cold and it is not spinning freely. If you turn it, it only spins 1/3 to 1/4 of the full cycle. If this is the case, should i order a new fan clutch and wáter pump with gaskets also? Who sells original OEM Nissan fan clutch and wáter pump? My car was made in January 1972 and carries a plastic fan blade.
Last reply by Mark Maras, -
- 26 replies
Getting ready to help a buddy remove his 1970 240z l24 all original engine. Anybody in Melbourne,Florida area for help or any pointers,tips,tools type of beer to make our lives easier since its first time pulling a motor. Well for me I pulled a 77 trans am motor in high school about 30 years ago but my brain cells don't work like they used to. We are going to tackle it this weekend for Eiji to rebuild for him. Thanks, Joe
Last reply by 240260280z,
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