Engine & Drivetrain
Post messages here about engine mechanics, exhaust, intake, etc. Anything to do with the engine system as a whole.
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Hi all, I thought I'd share a write-up I did on my recent clutch repair. Not a how-to, but more of a what's up, it still might be of interest to my fellow Z fans. Our Cars- The Datsun Project Update*|*Hooniverse
Last reply by Graverobber, -
- 16 replies
I'm sure this has been covered in other help me threads, but I've read through a dozen or more and have consolidated all of the information that pertains to my setup. I'm beginning to wonder if perhaps my distributor is going. Any advice is welcome, I appreciate the input. The problem that I'm experiencing is while the car is occasionally very smooth up to 6500rpm or so, after a few minutes of idling, it'll become jerky and misfire. The problem seems to have no easy cure. Sometimes if I shut it down for a few minutes, everything is fine again, sometimes it's the opposite. I assumed fouling from carbon may be causing this, since when it runs poorly, it will occasionally gi…
Last reply by oranngetang, -
- 9 replies
I went to the local AP store (Advance Auto) to get a new condenser for the ignition system, and after fooling with the computer, the sales guy tells me there isn't one for my engine or any old vehicle. I looked up myself on the company's website and found one that looks like what is on my engine, and again the sales guy says there aren't any, when I give him the part# I wrote down. Even MSA and BD don't seem to have them, unless you own a 240Z, and you can get a condenser with a set of points. Finally, he found one. Then he tells me they don't carry parts for old cars because it doesn't make "good business sense."So now all those old classic cars you see at car shows …
Last reply by beermanpete, -
- 7 replies
I'm going to fuel injection and I'm told the RB26 TB will bolt right up to my Weber manifolds...
Last reply by surfer.tech, -
- 5 replies
Hi all, A quick question regarding my B-model four speed. I pulled the transmission last Saturday in order to replace the clutch which had failed (throwout bearing really) and in giving the box a once-over outside the car I discovered a second electrical switch up near the shift mechanism. I'm including a pic below. The box has another two-wire connector just aft of the clutch fork, which I know is the reverse lights switch, as I had no reverse lights until I connected the loose wires to that. What I'm wondering is what is that other switch, or whatever it is, up by the shifter? Also, has anyone ever pulled a transmission and found the throwout bearing collar to hav…
Last reply by Captain_Zeros, -
- 46 replies
I was going to visit a friend on a mid 60's degree blue afternoon. And car was running great. At the light where the car had been running perfectly, it just turned off. I mean just stopped cold. Would not crank to save my life. I pushed her off, and noticed I still had 3 psi of fuel pressure and the car cranked well. Oil pressure and temp were spot on. So this leave ONE thing. Electrical. I am betting my bottom dollar the ignition module in my Mallory just up and died for some unforseen and unpredictable reason. That is my first guess and where I will start the investigation. However if you guys can come up with anything else, ANYTHING, let me know. 45 minutes late…
Last reply by Stanley, -
- 4 replies
I removed the head the other day and i noticed that the little groove on the end of camshaft did not match one on cam sprocket. It was eeny weeny to the right, less than half inch. So i wonder should i install the sprocket so that the both grooves match perfectly? Or is it just the chain that has loosened over time?
Last reply by Reverend, -
- 6 replies
I'm going to work on getting the Z running again this weekend, but because the car sat for a year, I think I should probably pull the plugs and try to rotate the engine by hand. This will be a new experience for me. The crank pulley bolt is 27mm (I know that 1 1/16th, thin walled will work). What size is the oil pan drain bolt? I don't have a lot of my old notes anymore - I think it was 22mm? Think I could get by with the longest 27mm wrench I could find for turning over the engine? I'd prefer not to have to loosen or remove anything to get at the bolt.
Last reply by Virto, -
- 1 reply
Hello! Back in the day, I had a 1970 Datsun Fairlady Z. Great car, now a memory, but I've got the original engine and I'm not sure what to do with it. I pulled it out to do modifications and put in an L28 and get smog'd and some speed. Now, I hate to waste the opportunity for someone that might want an original engine (in an original condition), for their show car. Any suggestions from the community? Thanks!
Last reply by EuroDat, -
- 6 replies
Take a look at the attached picture. Piston number 5 & 6 deteriorated down to the compression ring. There should be debris through out the entire motor. It is an N42 block with an N47 heads. My plans are to bore, stroke and add turbo. Should I spend time trying to determine if this block is salvageable or trash it and start looking for another motor? I have a turbo intake. Thank you for your thoughts and opinions Robert
Last reply by madkaw, -
- 8 replies
i been looking at a r180 with the 3.9 ratio from a 720 truck 4x4 . will it direct bolt in to my70 240z? or do i need new shafts . this one has bolt flanges. i am going with l28 and want to make the best of it. i am going with the 4 speed for now although i have 5speed from a 83 zx . but from what i read i should not use it.? any ideas would be helpful. thanks dan
Last reply by malibud, -
- 22 replies
Hi guys/gals. I hope to find the time in the near future to post a full write up but for now I wanted to share some of the progress on my engine bay. I cant believe how nice this is starting to look! Matt 5/71 Build
Last reply by gnosez,
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