Engine & Drivetrain
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- 1 reply
<img src="http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/9/web/669000-669999/669670_88_full.jpg"></img> is that right? they are gapped at .05 cause of the ZX upgrade and MSD coil....should i gap them at .04-.045? im concerned about the black ring around the outside. all new sensors, new AFM, new injectors, new everything, and 5000miles on the rebuilt engine... i cant seem to figure this darned tuning thing out. UGH!
Last reply by PrOxLaMuS©, -
- 2 replies
If someone happens to have a spare gas pedal assembly for a 240Z in their spare parts and wants to get rid of it I am on the lookout for one. Thanks. -e
Last reply by EricB, -
- 2 replies
I happen to notice a spot on the floor where my Z parks. I jacked up the front and checked her out and it looks like it's seeping out of the reverse lamp switch right next to the fill plug. Has anyone here had this problem??? Does the switch have to be replaced with a new one or is it possible to put some kind of sealant on the threads and reinstall it??? Thanks in advance for your help.
Last reply by DatsunZsRule, -
- 12 replies
I just go my Ztherapy SU's in the mail yesterday and put them in today. It only took about 1.5 hours to get them in and tuned. I watched the video last night which was a big help. I took the car out and it feels like a hole new motor. The motor now pulls to 6500K+ or so where as before it started to loose power at 5500 or so. The power through out the power band has increased noticably. The old SU's must have been in bad shape. I hit 2nd and the car spun the tires and launched forward like never befor, usually the tires barely spin, just a chirp. It feels like I gained 25HP, that could be more than reality but it feels great. The idel is much smoother and it sits right ar…
Last reply by Hallowed, -
- 7 replies
I'm getting ready to swap enignes in my 73. I'm trying to plan so I can do it over a weekend. I will pull the engine and trans, then swap the trans to new motor, replacing clutch and throughout bearing in the process. Then it goes back in. the car is in good shape but has not been apart since new. I hear its a good idea to replace bolts (i am replacing motor and trans mounts). My question, and I have tried to find it in searches, What bolts will I run into and how can i find the dimensions in advance so I can order them? I live in the boonies, so I can't walk down the street and get them. Thanks guys
Last reply by hls30.com, -
- 14 replies
I just finished putting a 5 speed transimission and 4.11 R180 into my 73 240. So far I really like the new ratios, but above 70-75 mph or so I start to feel a vibration that doesn't feel like a tire, but gets stronger as I go faster. It feels like it's vibrating the whole rear end of the car and it wasn't there before the transplant. So here's where I need help from the group. I figure it's either the tranny or diffy that has a balance issue (since that's what I changed), OR maybe it is the driveshaft which is now turning faster. Here's my reasoning: I have things right in my head, given my old diffy was a 3.36, for the same speed my driveshaft should now be turnin…
Last reply by Bambikiller240, -
- 4 replies
I have a track date on Saturday. My clutch seemed to be loosing some grip at about 5,800 RPM. I would like it to hold a little longer than that at the track. This is a stock trans, and gine, build date 1/71, so it has the adjustable slave. So, I got out the FSM and Haynes. Their descriptions leave a lot to be desired. Something like, back off the locking nut (pretty straight forward). Adjust the adjusting nut until the fork just stops moving (which way do you turn it, doesn't say; which way is the fork supposed to move, toward or away from the engine?). Then back off 1.5 turns and re-tighten locking nut. After I tried to follow the directions, now I am starting to l…
Last reply by Marty Rogan, -
- 8 replies
I was wondering how much i would want to mill an e88 head (and if i would use a different head gasket in conjuction with this or what) to get somewhere between 10.3 to 10.5 compression, and if this would create a clearence issue. By the way, its a 72' L24. Thanks in advance, Matt
Last reply by Matt.L, -
- 20 replies
What year did the Z first get these? I have a 72 and I know they didn't come like that from the factory. It has had a new radiator put in sometime during it's lifetime by the previous (first) owner. Why would they add the reservoir? Reason I'm asking is they added it above the engine compartment VIN tag and over time the movement of the bottle during driving has worn alot of the paint off the tag and I'd like to keep that problem from getting worse by removing the bottle. This may be a strange question but how much has this hurt the value of my Z? The numbers are still readable because they're etched on but the VIN tag is by no means pristine anymore nor is the Z's en…
Last reply by Red-Eye, -
- 1 reply
my 72 240 has an auto tranny in it,hopefully soon to be a 4 speed or 5 speed.Will the auto tranny driveshaft work with manual gearbox, if not, is there any difference in the 4 or 5 speed shafts.
Last reply by GunnerRob, -
- 6 replies
Hi all, I have the tranny out of my 240z (an '83zx 5sp) and want to change out all of the oil. I've seen a couple different capacity levels listed for filling. Is 3 1/8 pints an accurate capacity level for refilling? thanks Bill Oakes Libertyville, IL
Last reply by Bill.Oakes, -
- 5 replies
I just rebuilt my newly acquired '83 5-speed. (What a job!) I have new bearings, syncros, and seals. I am wondering if I can use RedLine Oil in the tranny? What about the brass/bronze sycros? Will this oil be too slick for the sycromesh? I put RedLine in the R200 L/S but I am looking for advice on the tranny. I will be driving it on the street. No racing for me and my baby. I might pick up a rock chip!!!!!!!
Last reply by ZSaint,
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