Engine & Drivetrain
Post messages here about engine mechanics, exhaust, intake, etc. Anything to do with the engine system as a whole.
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- 0 replies
The water inlet has three hoses on it. The one from the radiator, the heater core, and another smaller one. Where does this go to on a FI engine. I know on a carburreted car where it goes (to the inlet manifold to warm the incoming air), not sure about on the FI car though. Cheers Ray
Last reply by san_maru_zed, -
hey its me once again, and I'm still deciding on what cam to get for my 240z with an L24 block and e31 head. so I'm asking this time for any that has a stage three cam or the stage two from MSA to please write back and discribe what the cam is like, its pro's and con's. This information will be very helpful, thank you.
Last reply by halz, -
- 10 replies
My 2nd cylinder had low compression, the guy that looked at it said you thought the piston ring from sitting for 2 years was not good. I got it to run and drive finally. The dual webers need rebuilt I think, it was doing alot of spitting and sputtering, not much power, most of the time! Please tell me what you think I should do, are the webers easy/cheap to get rebuilt, and what about the 2nd hole, how much $$$$ do you think it will take? Thanks guys!!
Last reply by cremmenga, -
- 2 replies
I am building a 280 engine. How much clearance do I need in the piston for the wrist pins? (I have floated the rod/wristpins) One piston seems really tight with the wrist pin clearance being marginal. Will I need to relieve that piston so it is like the others? Or, as long as it pushes into the piston will it be OK?
Last reply by ZSaint, -
I have been working on my 1972 240z with the intent to race it locally around NE, I curently have one sponsor, and maybe an engine sponsor also. I am putting a V8 in the car for the soul purpose to compete with the corvettes and vipers. I need help from you engine guys. It will be curvey roads with hills and then up to 4 miles of straight away, I need speed, what engine do I need to get me the top end, yet the pulling power out of the corners? It has to be a chevy engine! please let me know what you think ASAP!! Thanks Guys.
Last reply by waynekarnes, -
- 2 replies
Was the correct early metal fan, 5 blades, 7 or something different? Thanks
Last reply by Bambikiller240, -
- 13 replies
when one or two turbos isnt not enough: http://www.lateral-g.org/sandlin/incin9.jpg
Last reply by Alfadog, -
damper doc
by madkaw- 5 replies
I thought I would follow up on my damper pulley saga. I had to find a newdamper pulley for my 240z since the integrity of mine was in question.My options I found out was to buy another used one that the rubber was probably shot or buy an after market race pulley for a couple hundred.I found this damper doc guy out in california that rebuilds dampers for all vehicles.It cost as much as buying a used one , and he about guaranteed it against failure. I asked him if it would hold up under slightly higher then stock rpms and he said he would only worry about torque issues. And he was talking big block torque values. He charged me 69.95 for the rebuild which I thought was reson…
Last reply by Bambikiller240, -
- 5 replies
Ok, yell if you've experienced this yourself: Whenever the engine is under extreme load in upper RPM, it begins to cough and stumble. Power literally drops as if falling off a cliff. It began shortly after I tuned my SU's and advanced the ignition from 10 init 32 adv. to 13 init 36 adv. I don't believe its the carbs, as the car is running stronger than ever before (until X rpm, as stated below). I tested for detonation by putting the car in 3rd, and pulling as hard as possible up a hill from 1800 RPM. No pinging or knocking. Just a complete lack of power at roughly 5500+ in 2nd, 4600 in 3rd, 4200 in 4th and 3500 in 5th.
Last reply by Hallowed, -
- 5 replies
Got the thing to crank and start up with some gas-in-a-can. but it won't sustain itself so thinking it's the fuel pump. Where is this thing located? This is my first Z. It's been sitting at my cousins farm for about 6 months. now there's a bunch of snow around it. Trying to decide if I can fix it at where it is or if I need to tow it home (abut 25 miles away) Thanks in advance. -Chee Forgot to mention it's a '72 240Z.
Last reply by cremmenga, -
- 16 replies
I need to build a engine stand for my L24. Has anyone got a set of plans of what I need to weld up? Cheers
Last reply by texasz, -
- 10 replies
Anyone have an idea of what a fair cost is of an original, used 4spd transmission setup in good working condition? What's the best non-eBay place to get it? Looks like I'll FINALLY be purchasing my Z later this week after a very long search It's an auto and I'm seriously considering the switch. Aside from changing the Z from its original factory specs, are there any other issues/drawbacks to go along with the switch? Is the transmission code even located on any of the data plates? Aside from some aftermarket seat upholstery, the car is basically bone stock. Mike
Last reply by hls30.com,
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