Engine & Drivetrain
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- 1 reply
I just bought a 73 240z with the original engine, with maybe 140k miles on it. The problem is that when I'm gasing it, the engine chokes like it can't breathe. Since the tach does not work I don't know if I'm just redlining it or what, although it doesn't seem like I'm even close to the redline.
Last reply by beandip, -
- 2 replies
Last Fall I posted about my 75-L28, N42/N42 burning oil on decel, and due to your great advice, I totally rebuilt it this winter, myself...first time. And its running great.. However, Sat, I took it out for "spirited" driving with the Z car club, touring So. Vermont rural roads... at lets just say... at challenging speeds !! Well its still creating some odor/smoke on heavy decel mode. like long down hills, and going thru the esses.... Its got new rings, head rebuilt by shop with new valves,seals, guides were OK . Compression readings after 500 miles breakin are 160(2) 164(2) and 168 (2) . Manifold vac is 21 at idle. No oil usage to speak of, maybe 1mm o…
Last reply by beandip, -
- 9 replies
I'm planning on replacing the engine in my 73. When I got the car it had the 2.4 and 4 speed. It then got a used 2.8 with Automatic Transmission (long story don't ask The used 2.8 is very tired and leaking oil. Its time to switch it back to a manual transmission also. The 2.8 has round exhaust ports and my stock manifold is still on the car which is square (I'm sure that doesn't do much for performance) I can get a 2.8 rebuild with square ports. Although comparing a 2.4 with a 4 speed to a 2.8 with A/T isn't a real good comparison I do miss the high revving 2.4 engine. It used to pull pretty strong right up to the redline. I'm not sure if it had any mods pr…
Last reply by ta240, -
- 4 replies
Is there somebody thar makes a "tune up kit" for the 280Z? I mean stuff like dizzy cap, rotor, points/condenser, plug wires, etc. What else should I get? All I did so far was put in new spark plugs. thx
Last reply by TomoHawk, -
- 1 reply
Does anyone have a picture of a 280 ZX engine bay? I'm particularly interested in a shot that shows the appearance of throttle linkages as I'm considering buying some for a mod. to fix my sticky throttle. The engine they are coming off is an L28E and I'm wondering of the connector bushes on the throttle rod ends will snap onto my 240Z throttle linkages. Anyone?
Last reply by drunkenmaster, -
- 42 replies
Hey All, I never got much of a response from Hybrids, so this stays here where i feel happier:) Please note, in the near future i'll add this info to my website with pictures included. The Scenario *********** The warm L24 sounded great, but just didn't have to go when push came to shove. I'd always dreamed of the mighty Rb26 but it was far out of my price range. So i was off tuning my SU's one day and took the car for a sprint down an industrial street - to the amusement of a Police cameravan, i prefer to consider myself lucky i was only caught at 104 in a 60, not the 140 icould have been. So i lost my license, and though PERFECT. Since then every dollar has gone into m…
Last reply by Ben, -
- 6 replies
I have a strange problem with my 73 240z that has got me stumped. My setup is as follows: - Original 240 bottom end - E31 head - stock - 72 3 screw SU carbs - early 70's aircleaner - Pertronix electronic ignition with coil - stock exhaust - all smog removed, except EGR which I've put a gasket under to make sure it stays closed Whenever the engine compartment gets hot, the idle begins to slow down and the engine stumbles. This will happen almost everytime I park and let the car sit (engine off) with the hood closed for about 5 or more minutes. Even now when the highs for the day are only about 50. Yet a few weeks ago when we had highs in the 30's the problem never show…
Last reply by Sean240Z, -
- 3 replies
Has anybody tried using "top engine cleaner" to decarbonixe an engine? that's what it's for, right? To de-carbonize? Also, where is a good place to get some. the local NAPA didn't have any. thx
Last reply by Fun_in_my_z, -
- 12 replies
I just put a new distributor on my car. I had some problems getting it running... I out the plug on the #1 cylinder, and waited for it to get to the top of the stroke and hooked everything up acordingly. I forgot that it could be at the top of the exhaust stroke, instead of the compression. So I took the head cover off and looked at the cam. I finally got it all hooked up, but now when I put my timing light on the #1 cylinder to time it ( one closest to radiator) I cant even find the little timing marks in the crank pulley... but the #2 (second from radiator)I can barely see the timing marks and it gets fairly "lopey" when I set it on them... My idle screws may be …
Last reply by sims76, -
- 36 replies
After searching the archives for my quest to make a HOMEMADE cold air intake... I concluded the following: Get a 90* Bent Mendral Bent tube with 3" inlet and 3" outlet Get a K&N Cone Filter with a 3" inlet SO I started looking around for mendral bent tubing.... yeh... really hard.. so I came across this website JCWhitney.com and I found 2 that closely matched my needs : *90 Mandel-Bent Aluminized Tubing, (A/B)=12, ©=6", ID=2-7/8" OD=3" $20.99 http://www.jcwhitney.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10101&storeId=10101&langId=-1&productId=219788&mediaCode=ZX&appId=384383 *Swaged (Expanded) End 90 M…
Last reply by ALT_255, -
- 6 replies
hey all, if i put in bigger injectors, will it give me more power???? i take it i will not have to modify the ECU system atall? thanks, mellow:dead:
Last reply by sims76, -
- 6 replies
Hey guys, my 280z (1978) needs like 10+ key turns to turn over, i cant hear the pump buzzing untill about 5 trys, then it still takes a couple, it pops, sputters then finally starts, idles rough and a little higher than normal and when i give it gas it shudders and sometimes dies. Do i need a new fuel pump? i looked in the fuel line when i replaced the fuel filter and i saw some stuff in it! what should i do? Thanks alot.
Last reply by sims76,
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