Engine & Drivetrain
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- 8 replies
I wrestled with the oil rings for about 20 minutes and came to the conclusion I'm not doing something right or something has to be modified as I can't even get one of the two oil rings to fit correctly with this spacer in place. It wont stay in place, overlaps itself at the slightest move and the rings won't fit into the piston groove correctly. I can't figure it out and I'm a handy dude! Can't find anything on the interweb other than throw them away and buy some other brands. Anyone have any ideas or am I really missing something obvious? It should not be that difficult....
Last reply by grannyknot, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Hi all, Looking for guidance regarding part selection and source for water pump and fan clutch on a '73 S30. Nissan dealer quoting $90 for the water pump and indicates a new pully is recommended (as a result of a slight part design change); $67 for the pully. ($47 for the water pump on Motorsport Auto) Nissan dealer telling me that I can't buy the fan clutch alone, so fan clutch with fan is $271.15 (compared to $80 on Motosport Auto) I suspect this is an OEM vs. aftermarket question. Anyone here experienced with replacing these parts and have advice? Newbie post. Did search the forums, apologies for anything I've missed. Thanks, -TD
Last reply by Zed Head, -
- 10 replies
Took my 240z for a spin yesterday and got into heavy traffic. RPM mantained at 1,100 in light traffic but once i started going bumper to bumper, the rpm started to lower to 800 rpm and the raised back to 1100. The car carries Datsun L24 motor with crank and rods from a L26, special oversized 84mm flat top black coated pistons from D.L. Potter Engineering with E88 Head and Far 311 New Race Cam and 2 original SU Hitachi round top carburetors rebuilt reason why it has a rough idle. Anyway,i would like to mention that i did cancel the EGR system and that the fast idle Actuator was removed as the diaphgram is broken: Could there be some air escape somewhere on the engine …
Last reply by Johnny wick, -
A few years ago I bought an extra L28 engine that had just been completely rebuilt by Jasper, but never fired. The engine sat in storage with my cars for the last four years and I've finally decided to do something with it. The block is an F54, with dished pistons, and the head that came on it is a P79. This combination provides a very low compression engine. The engine will eventually be transplanted into my 72 240Z. My goals are to increase performance over my tired stock L24, be able to run on premium fuel without detonation and to have the engine run equally well (relatively speaking) with my stock SU's or 40mm tripple Webers. I'm not touching the bottom end of the mo…
Last reply by madkaw, -
- 3 replies
I need the plate to finish installing my dizzy. Clean, dirty, I don't care. Thanks!
Last reply by CEgg11, -
- 9 replies
Hey guys (and gals), I'm the new proud owner of a 1977 280z. I don't know a ton about cars, but I'm mechanically handy and I have downloaded and read through the FSM and the FIB for the car. When I first got the car, it had been sitting for a year and wouldn't run at all. After replacing the fuel pump, it starts and runs, but very very rich. It fouls all 6 spark plugs in short order and idles very rough, occasionally dying. I first suspected the CSV, so I disconnected it with no success, though the engine still started fine so I have left it disconncted. Then I pulled the CSV to see if it was leaking fuel, but it was fine as well. Next I checked the water temperature sens…
Last reply by Zed Head, -
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- 6 replies
Hi everyone, drowning in various NOS engine back breather, heater, and coolant hoses here that seem to have the colour from the cotton weave faded to a dull black or grey colour. I have now seen them in both finishes, and was wondering what is more "correct" as per Datsun. Is it January, 1970 "period correct" to dye these hoses so that they become black again, whilst repainting any markings or insignias back onto the hoses? I've done the hose dying countless times and it always comes out amazing. so all I'm wondering is if it's "OE" to bring it back to black, or did they come "grey-ish" from factory. Thanks. Raff
Last reply by Bonzi Lon, -
- 11 replies
After 10 years off and on with the restoration of my 240Z, I have discarded two bodies, and am left with HLS30 28726, which is now totally rust free and painted the proper shade of orange. I have three transmissions, all of which are of the second generation pattern, that is to say the shift lever rises about 2 - 3 inches forward of the earlier ones, and the lever has an S bend. Problem is, the hole in the tunnel is too far back. So, I have to decide whether to cut a larger hole in the tunnel sheet metal and do everything necessary with the interior attachments, or find an old-style transmission. I'm interested in hearing your thoughts. Should I try to find an early…
Last reply by pjoe, -
- 1 reply
http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/PROD/classic11k/12-3901 As soon as it warms up I'm diving into maintenance, tune-up, etc, and prep for a cross-country drive in the Z (just like old times.) If I'm changing plug wires I might as well dress it up a bit, right? The Taylor sheathed wires seem made for my engine bay, shown below, anyone buy them and wish they hadn't? I've looked around Taylor's website but can't find any instructions online, and was wondering where the ground connections are made...thanks.
Last reply by rossiz, -
- 12 replies
What size plugs do i use to plug the cylinder head outlet to heater core and heater core to water pump inlet? Im bypassing my heater core and cant seem to find the sizes in any thread. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Last reply by Blue_streak, -
- 8 replies
After taking apart perhaps more than 3 dozen diffs (R180 and 200s), I found this plate. Has anyone else seen one of and if so has anyone found one in an R200. I assume it acts to keep gear oil from directly exiting the breather tube as a liquid (as opposed to a vapor). Since the one I found has a rust hole, I am having a sheet of them made up via water jetting.
Last reply by 240260280z, -
- 3 replies
Can someone point out where can i purchase this part? Been loking in several websites and have not been successful in my search.
Last reply by AWAUDIO,
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