Discussions about the interior components of your early Zcar.
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- 3 replies
In surfing suppliers web sites trying to line up parts for my new 280Z, I ran across some place that was selling replacement door lock pulls. These were nice chrome parts with no bulge at the top, to keep people from opening them with a coat hanger. However, I can't seem to find them now. Does anyone know where I can get a pair of these? Thanks! Chris O
Last reply by scalveg, -
- 2 replies
Does anyone have the Nissan part number for the choke knob? I can't find it in any of the part diagrams.
Last reply by george71z, -
- 15 replies
I am trying to figure out what steering wheel this is so I might have a chance in hell of finding a replacement horn button for it. Sorry for the crappy picture quality, I cant seem to get the camera to take a close up of the emblem, but it looks something like either CPC or JPC england. Middle letter is a P anyway, the other two are all stylized. Edit: deleted the two extra large shots, see last post for smaller better one.
Last reply by Mike B, -
- 17 replies
I bought a new headliner with instructions to glue it to the roof of my 72z. I tried a dry run without the glue but with tape to hold the front edge n place as suggested. I had problems getting the edges under the metal flange and think it would be worse when the contact cement sticks the pieces where they touch rather than letting them slide into position. Any suggestions on how to position the headliner and work it into shape? Thanks Bob M
Last reply by Travel'n Man, -
- 1 reply
I was hearing a rattle inside my drivers side door for awhile and I finally grew tired of it. I hate rattles. After pulling the door panel and driving around without the panel to locate the sound, I identified it as the door lock rod rattling against the rod at the bottom that it connects to. So what I did to silence it was slice a piece of clear hose, put it around the verticle lock rod then taped it closed and finally pushed it down as far as it would go . No more rattle. Happy camper now.
Last reply by Unkle, -
- 1 reply
As some of you may know I'm stripping down a parts car and the headliner seems to be in good shape so I'd like to remove it carefully. Any directions on this? Tips/pointers also accepted.
Last reply by Seppi72, -
- 14 replies
Wonder if anyone can tell me what these parts are. I suspect they might be door components but can't find them in the micro-fiche. I've scoured my disassembly pictures and am not coming up with anything. They are 30" long or so and came off of my '70, #3212. Thanks, Terry
Last reply by Bonzi Lon, -
- 10 replies
the MSA kit is not of good quality and my driver's seat bottom is starting to split in the middle. Any sources where we can buy the fabric being the same pattern as the middle section and the side pattern bolsters? I would like to have the driver seat redone by a trusted shop in town. I don't want to pay again three hundred bucks for a full set when the driver seat is the problem and the passenger is perfect. I complained to MSA but they don't care.
Last reply by ConchZ, -
- 1 reply
I swear I have read a thread on this , but can't seem to find it now. I know someone has fitted later year interior plastic panels on an earlier year. We all know how flimsy the first 3or 4 years are, but the 260z the panels got considerably thicker-but will they fit? I can't imagine there could be that much of a difference and I am not interested in originality of the early panels, as much as the durability of the later years. I have 2 complete sets that are excellent, 240 and 260. I would rather paint the 260 panels and use them over my perfect 240 set because I know they will last longer. I need the sell one of the sets, but I want to make sure I can use the 260 set in…
Last reply by, -
- 15 replies
Wouldit be possible to fashion a lid for the armrest/centee console out of plywood or something? They seem to be about as rare as hen's teeth. It's a 1978 280Z. thxZ
Last reply by TomoHawk, -
- 9 replies
I have an uncracked 240z dashboard sitting in my garage that has small specks of overspray on it in some places. I used armor all on it today and some black started coming off onto the rag. Has anyone else experienced that? What is the best cleaning agent that will remove overspray without damaging the dash?
Last reply by Arne, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys, I'm on the hunt for the interior quarter panel trim (both sides) for my early '74 260. I was browsing and they list the plastic trim kit for 71.5-73 as being able to fit early 74's. Is that true? Here's the link to the product page.
Last reply by austex,
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