Discussions about the interior components of your early Zcar.
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- 6 replies
I've been wanting to do something different as far as attacking the flimsy interior plastic in the early Z. I could buy some new and spend 500$ for a complete new plastic interior or try something different and maybe better to some. I finally finished off one panel today. Basically I just fiberglassed the back side of all my panels to strenghthen them plus repair any cracks or broken pieces. Then I plan to vinyl cover the panels. I thought the vinyl would match the rest of the interior plus provide some noise suppression and the panels would be much stronger and last my life time. I picked out the easiest panel today to cover with the vinyl(which i found a perfect match a…
Last reply by madkaw, -
- 4 replies
I feel like a newbie. I am putting my '73 240Z back together after paint and today I reassembled the door lock handle assemblies. They have been off the car for about a year and after I get them together the seem awfully tight. The handle hardly lifts and everything seems like it needs to be lubed... Do these things come back from the dead or do you have to buy new or hunt for good old? I have never had this problem with any of my old Z cars...
Last reply by EScanlon, -
- 12 replies
Hey guys, found this site surfing the net. You might be interested.
Last reply by psdenno, -
- 14 replies
As I continue cleaning and reassembling my car, I've come across a question. The black metal filler panel (in front of the dash pad at the base of the windshield) is retained by five sheet metal screws. The finish on the screw heads of mine have me wondering what is correct. Mine appear to be chrome screws that have had their heads painted black. The black paint is chipping off all of them, leaving a mottled finish. I could see them being either black or chrome, and if they were all five the same and in good condition (with either finish) I would never have given it a second thought. But as they are, I need to figure out which finish is correct. Right now I'm leaning towa…
Last reply by Arne, -
- 13 replies
Well I think I screwed up. I sold my pedal box getting it confused with another I had. they looked identical until I tried putting mine in today and the holes didn't line up. My car is 9/71 and the box is a late 73. They are NOT the same. The spacing in the bolts between the clutch and Booster is different. Hopefully this thread will help someone else and help me find another one.
Last reply by Fun_in_my_z, -
- 11 replies
Can anyone tell me where I can buy the trim piece the goes on the rear deck lip on series one cars. Z's-ondabrain mentioned he thought they were still available through someone. I've included a picture of what I'm talking about.
Last reply by AZ-240z, -
- 8 replies
Hi all. The uppermost lever on my heater control panel will only go to the two right detents, can't get it to go all the way to the left on my 71. Will this be a pain to fix?
Last reply by EScanlon, -
- 12 replies
This is a follow up poll to the on-going 240Z carpet thread. What features in a 240Z carpet kit are important to you? Please check as many choices as are applicable. Also, please assume that there will be at least two basic kits, one for most Series 1 cars, and one for the later cars. Very early low-VIN cars are a special case, and should be considered separately. Here are some pictures that illustrate the things we are talking about here, more photos are in the thread linked above.
Last reply by soundmasterg, -
- 0 replies
Hi all I recently ordered some Bride FO slider seat rails from a company called Greenline Motorsports - they are a Hong Kong based shop with a location in Japan that will conveniently sell you any Japanese parts and ship them to you regardless of where you are in the world... So I ordered some FO type slider seat rails for my S30 with then intent to use them in conjunction with an older Recaro SPG I've got from a previous car. While everything did bolt in exactly as expected, it turns out that the end result puts the Recaro SPG about 2" higher than the stock seat, and that unfortunately is a big problem when you are 6'2" So FYI, if you are putting in a modern bucket seat,…
Last reply by EricB, -
- 1 reply
I just bought a 83 280zx the gas gauge read just under a 1/4 of a tank on the little arm gauge, and E on the main gauge. I just put 9 gallons of gas in the car today and it didn't move? Can you fix the gas gauges on these cars? Is there a float in the gas tank? Any help would be helpful. Thanks
Last reply by zbane, -
- 2 replies
On my 76 280Z I'm going to remove the seat belts in order to do a neater job for putting in a new carpet. Many years ago I undid something on the lower outer seat belt mechanism that caused the coiled spring to unwind. Many hours later I got it back together.Can any one refresh my memory which bolts or screws NOT to take off. Thanks
Last reply by jtl260z, -
- 1 reply
Hey, I have to replace the driver's side rear speaker on my 280z, what is the best way to remove the interior trim to get to the speaker? thanks
Last reply by mgood,
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