Discussions about the interior components of your early Zcar.
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Seems I lost the screw that holds on the fan switch knob. Anyone know the size? We don't have metric fasteners that small at work or in local hardware stores, so I can't find out the easy way by "trial fit".
Last reply by Oiluj, -
- 3 replies
I have discovered leaking coolant coming from the heater core hoses. Do I need to drain the coolant to replace these hoses? Any other hints would be appreciated Thanks
Last reply by colinc, -
- 3 replies
I thought I would post what I went through to replace the heater control panel on my 72 with a new 73 panel. I am sure others have done. - the 73 panel will fit into the dash opening of the 72 but the 72 parts will not fit onto it - you will need a 73 lever slide bracket - it was too wide to fit into the dash and had to be cut back at one side by my local machinist. - you will need a 73 cowl that goes behind the rotary vent - its slightly different than the 72 - I removed the cables from the 72 bracket and installed them on the the 73 slide bracket. - you will need a 73 fan switch since the 72 is too short to fit through the slide bracket and reach the front of the panel.…
Last reply by 240dkw, -
- 1 follower
- 20 replies
So I noticed as I was putting my new interior in, that the scuff trim on both sides that grabs on to the interior door weatherstrip was rusted and the 'leather look' lamination was coming off. A little research on the part of my buddy Mat here locally after I asked him if he had a spare set in his stash revealed that they are available new from a couple sources and there was a set for sale on eBay in a buy-it-now auction. I grabbed the eBay set as it was $40 cheaper than either MSA or BD. It arrived today and I was somewhat dismayed to discover that the Nissan superceded part is structurally identical but painted instead of laminated with the 'leather look' stuff. I run …
Last reply by Mat M, -
- 19 replies
I am building a new track car and decided to use the original heater/vent system... I figured I would give a complete makeover... I started by tearing everything down completely.... Then I sandblasted every nook and cranny... I used self etching primer and 4 coats of metallic black paint... I covered every nook from all angles... It WILL LAST my lifetime... Before!!!! smelled like burning hair and sounded like a rattlesnake... It blew leaves, dirt, and bugs in your face at speed... Repainted inside and out... Honda blower/fan drops in the 240Z snail housing... completed blower unit.... I am waiting on the radiator shop to rebuild my heater core.…
Last reply by GreenZZZ, -
- 2 replies
Lastly, I need to make the control nomenclature on the facia match the new functions of the system. I’m going to print new control labels on adhesive backed mylar and cover with clear tape. The place these over the markings on the facia plate. (See pic) I’ll have to paint the embossed “DEF� above the bottom control black. This is not finished yet, but it's pretty easy and should look OK.
Last reply by Derek, -
- 16 replies
This form is great. With the help of you guys I have been restoring a very original, zero rust 1973 240Z with 60K miles on it. In the last few weeks I have. 1. New Z-therapy carbs 2. New bushings front and back 3. Honda blower mod 4. RX7 fuel pump mod 5. Dynomat in key places 6. New fuel vent hoses 7. No more exhaust fumes! 8. New exhaust from the factory down pipes back 9. new radiator, mechanical fan and clutch 10. New struts 11. Lots of other bits and pieces Yesterday's project was to replace the old York R12 AC system with a new unit from Nostalgic Air. Nice kit. It included everything I needed to do the job. Here is a photo of my previ…
Last reply by steve91tt, -
- 0 replies
The Vintage Air (Indak) rotary fan speed switch was incompatible with the stock facia plate, and decided to see if I could make the stock fan switch work. I mapped-out the connections for both the Indak and original Z fan speed switchs. The original switch will work if I add a jumper wire for the A/C power. It's the A/C wires shown on the circled section of the wiring diagram. (See Pics)
Last reply by Oiluj, -
- 5 replies
Any one see any obvious pitfalls in trying to install the compressor, condenser, and dryer from a 88 300ZX to the old dealer installed A/C that came with a 240Z.
Last reply by Zedyone_kenobi, -
- 20 replies
I recently purchased MSA seatbelts and now that i installed them i cant pull seat full back. Retractor is on the way. Also it barely retracts anything, that's not safe. I also got MSA carpets and those little carpets behind the seats wont fit in to place if the retractors are installed... I feel quite frustrated after waiting 4 weeks of this package to arrive and then i get this. Suggestions?
Last reply by BadDog, -
I have a small 2" slit in my black original driver seat,anyone know what I could put on it to stop in from getting bigger.Thanks
Last reply by EScanlon, -
- 8 replies
Well my 240Z seats were showing their age. I got these new seat covers made for $200 (Both seats) and am really happy with the results. Below are a few before and after pictures of the seats. BEFORE: AFTER:
Last reply by logan1,
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