Discussions about the interior components of your early Zcar.
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- 7 replies
Ok rebuild is not the word i mean but you'll get the point. I bought this 72 half ready, engine is okay but interior was screwed. I've been restoring the original plastic panels and now its time to move on to the doors. I need to know how to install door windows properly, i have renewed window channel rubbers. I have the factory manual and How To Restore your Z car book but i still like to hear it from you guys. I also miss some clips to hold lock cylinders on that lever that opens lock. Door panel installing is also ahead so advice needed on that. Is there any way to remake that silver stripe on door panels? And for the last, is there some clips also holding the wind…
Last reply by Reverend, -
- 3 replies
Is there any way you can refurb a stripped window regulator? I have the original window regulator but its stripped so i cant really roll my windows up and down. Any ideas?
Last reply by '77az280z, -
- 3 replies
I'm replacing the choke cable firewall grommet, the old one has long since rotted out. It's got a snout on it. Does the snout point into the engine bay, or into the cabin? Thanks
Last reply by BTF/PTM, -
- 3 replies
I need to get a window regulator for my 1977 280Z, found one on ebay but it says it came out of a 2+2 model. I was wondering if that would make it too large? Im not familiar with the 2+2 models, so i wanted to know if the '77 2+2 window regulator would fit in my '77 coupe. Thanks guys!!!
Last reply by '77az280z, -
- 5 replies
My lil brother found an uncracked dash in a parts yard (he's a car guy too, early 80's VW's are his thing), it's in a 11/71 car. Will this part swap into my 5/72 car?
Last reply by BTF/PTM, -
- 3 replies
I know this was brought up recently and I even commented on this problem but last night it happened to me! I am preparing my dash to go to Dashboard Restorations and in the process snapped the hinge on the glove box door. I have ordered a plastic piano hinge that can be cut down to size and hopefully I can modify it to fit. I am not sure if I will try to use something like epoxy or try to use screws to hold it in place. My concern with the epoxy would be that it would become brittle or not hold up over time. Will let you know when I figure something out. carl
Last reply by Inf, -
- 4 replies
Hello guys. Finally decided to fill the empty space where the radio went with a panel for gauges. It will eventually have a oil temp and lambda (air/fuel) gauge, just need to save up the money to get some. Here are the pictures of said panel. Thanks Jan
Last reply by Pomorza, -
- 2 replies
I have the driver's side ventilator that came off of its socket and I cannot fit it back. Is there a trick to put it back in place and being movable?
Last reply by richard1, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys. Decided this weekend was a great time to pull out the center consul and see what is under it. Found two things that caught my eye. First off there is a weird wire that comes from the firewall area to the where the radio is (first pic). Can someone please tell me what this does and where it should be connected? Secondly I found a vacuum line that is not connected to anything. Does it need to go someplace? Thanks a lot Jan
Last reply by Pomorza, -
- 1 reply
No more seat squeaks! My seat backs would squeak when driving with each change in road surface. A little detective work showed that under the load of my big posterior, the seat-back spring-arm was just slightly rubbing against the spring case. With normal play in the seat, it would squeak while driving. I took them apart, cleaned and re-lubed them with no success. Then I tried adding a brass shim to move the arm away from the case, while better, this did not completely solve the problem. Attached are pics of the final solution. I used some 0.020" thick teflon sheet to prevent the spring from rubbing on the housing. (Probably not neccesary, but I had it apart an…
Last reply by beandip, -
- 5 replies
I'm picking up fresh bolts for the seat belts tomorrow, and I'm wondering if anyone used any particular spacers or washers for the upper shoulder strap mount. That bracket is supposed to swivel, and it's entirely possible that the PO just never put the proper spacers back on (both swivel bolts were loosely threaded into the pillar when I got it). I just have the bolts with very thin red papery washers on them. Any advice?
Last reply by BTF/PTM, -
- 8 replies
My front carpet is in really good shape. I have no complaints save one. While the carpets are in dandy condition, with the sound deadening foamy stuff glued to the bottom of the carpet, they are not attached to my floorboard. Is the sound deadening foam suppose to be glued to the floor? If so, is there a recommended way to do this? I have thought of spray adhesive as the obvious choice, but that could get messy. then I thought of using super strong velcro strips. Less messy, but may be noisy. But it would allow me to periodically clean underneath the carpet and check the floorpan on the inside. Curious as to what others have done.
Last reply by ZCurves,
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