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Open discussions about the early S30 series issues and topics.
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- 1 reply
I have a 75' 260z,and the fuel pump will not power on,I have put direct power to the pump and it works,what can be the problem.Why aren't I getting power to the pump(all the fuses are good)is there something I am missing?Please help!
Last reply by LanceM, -
- 21 replies
im parting out a 1972 240z. If u need ANY part off a 240 or 280 dont hesitate to ask i should have it! =) I will accept trade or lovely cash :laugh: email me at or shoot me a pm.
Last reply by zman525, -
- 0 replies
I was having a power problem, after much trouble shooting I sent my RC 500CC's injectors back to RC for testing the results are amazing. See link below for larger RC flow sheet. Summary is; Before cleaning//////////////after cleaning #1 72.0 CC's /////497.00 CC's #2 456.0 CC's /////499.0 CC's #3 471.0 CC's///// 502.0 CC's #4 489.0 CC's///// 502.0 CC's #5 460.00 CC's /////499.0 CC's #6 438.0 CC's /////498.00 CC's I'm very pleased with RC, I overnighted my injectors to them and they completed the work and had them in the mail the same day as they received them!!!!!!! RC ROCKS!!!!!!
Last reply by PeteZ Racing, -
- 0 replies
Howdy, not sure if there is already a topic on this (tried search and got a fatal error) but I met the Highland Studio photographers on the 2005 One Lap of America Event and they happend to shoot the 2005 Z Car Convention in August. Here is the link That's all, hope you enjoy them. If you have time check out the pics of the Cannonball Event! :classic: Cheers, Miki K.
Last reply by MikiK, -
- 0 replies
Heading to SEMA this week ... I will be thinking of you all. I'll bring back some photo's! Zya!! B.
Last reply by azcarbum, -
- 3 replies
If you worried about driving your Z and being looked at as a possible criminal because of the show, my morning was similar yesterday to that show. Here is the story, I pull into work yesterday and see a pretty nice looking mid 80's Z, gold with decent wheels. I say to myself maybe I should give the guy in it a flyer for my meet today. I decide I would do it later, go to punch in. As I open the door at work I look back and see a lady get out in a hurry from the passenger side, she opens the trunk and gets her belongings. About 2min later she starts yelling for help as people drive by, she walks towards us at work saying the guy in the Z just raped her. We call the cops as…
Last reply by Fun_in_my_z, -
- 30 replies
- 4k views Lots of 240Z parts for sale. I'm updating the list daily. I'm willing to work on prices. I'm hurting for cash right now so I need volume sales (found out today I have to have a ~$2000 medical procedure - after insurance!) So anyway thanks for looking. Updates may stop next week when I'll be incapacitated for awhile. I'm hoping to get rid of soem things before that though. michael
Last reply by mperdue, -
- 10 replies
So my heater valve blew this past summer, and I ordered a new one from MSA at the beginning of August. Needless to say, It hasn't been shipped yet. Now it is late october and its getting really cold in the mornings. It is still on backorder and they have no clue when it will be shipped. Until then, what can I do for heat? Can i just bypass the valve with hoses and have it on all the time? I'm pretty pissed about this whole thing. I wish they would have told me it was on backorder when i ordered it, but I didn't find this out until I called about it much later.
Last reply by azcarbum, -
- 1 reply
- 1.2k views Anyone know anything about these? They're tempting for the price...
Last reply by Ed, -
Datsun pickup 1 2
by Ed- 18 replies
The tailgate say's "DATSUN" does anyone know what model this is?
Last reply by Murph, -
- 7 replies
This site is a great place to find out much needed information as i used threads from it to make extra credit in chemestry... you think it will work?? How Fast Will It Really Go??? If you use common sense equations to figure out this problem it really is not all that hard. Say.. Power = 400hp = 300kW = 255 Rear Wheel kW ( 85% driveline efficiency) The density of air = 1.2kg/m^3 (give or take) Cd = 0.4 Frontal area = 2m^2 Rolling resistance = 0.014 ( Not sure but very reasonable) Mass = 1200kg Acceleration due to gravity = 9.81m/s^2 Top Speed after computing = 79.58 m/s Which after converting into Miles Per Hour = 176.8 mph.
Last reply by Zwief280Z, -
- 18 replies
The first decent shots I have taken of my/my dads 280z. Thought they turned out ok so I decided to post them for you guys to enjoy. Hopefully I can meet some of you at my/my friends Z meet in Vacaville, CA this Saturday posted here. I will have all three of my families Z's at the meet. Enjoy the pics.
Last reply by EScanlon,
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