Australia & NZ
578 topics in this forum
- 8 replies
HI Just wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction... I need to get some new Needles and Jets or nozzels for my original Hitachi/SU carbs off a 1973 240z... when looking for the nozzels i was told that the 240z came with hitachi carbs not SU however in the handbook i have they are labled SUs.... i was just wondering if someone could clear this up for me as i'm unsure as to what i should be looking for.... Have contacted the main carbie group up here in Brisbane and they told me to hit up the forums as they are unable to locate them.... Any help would be greatly appreciated... Cheers Josh
Last reply by 240 in OZ, -
- 9 replies
Well, ..... I hope so, For those who are on Austar and don't read the programs a week in advance as I do, on Thursday, 16th March at 10:30 on Discovery Channel, is advertised, "The Greatest Ever Sports Cars", rated PG so you'll be able to watch it Lachlan. Now that I've let you all know about it, I'll probably forget to watch it. Rick. :devious: :devious:
Last reply by Fun_in_my_z, -
- 2 replies
Keep your fingers crossed. I contacted a firm of locksmiths that has been around since the sixties and asked them if they had any early Datsun key blanks hidden away in a dark and dusty corner. They said "YES" and asked for the key code I was after. I gave them; Ignition, = X1 MZ12, and; Doors, fuel, hatch, = DAT 6R. (Which is printed on the keys I have). They said, again, "YES". Do they have the "Z" logo on them ? I asked. They said "YES, Nissan Motor Z" Now, ... I wasn't dreaming, It's not wishful thinking and I'm not suffering delusions. I told them that I'll be in Rocky next Thursday to get a set. Cost, = $22.oo for the first key and $7.oo for every other ke…
Last reply by Ed, -
- 12 replies
One shot of many taken on a pier at Victoria Harbour recently.
Last reply by Fun_in_my_z, -
- 8 replies
I Finished my final year of high school in November last year, completed my TEE exams and achieved a Tertiary Entrance Rank of 98.00, putting me in the top 260 people in the state to sit the exams. I applied for University and had my application to study Chemical engineering at Curtin University of Technology accepted, as well as my application for an academic merit scholarship which covers all HECS fee's and provides $2000 a year in tax free dollars provided I can keep a course waited average of above 70.00%. So, well quite frankly, with a 4 month holiday ahead of me, and not much else to do but work, my dad and I got cracking on my zed. Here are the results so far with …
Last reply by mjfawke, -
- 3 replies
If anyone needs a copy, I have it hosted HERE. Edit: The important bit I totally forgot to mention was this is for the aussie spec car.
Last reply by Murph, -
- 0 replies
Just a heads up for the big datto lovers out there.
Last reply by Murph, -
KGC10-R Pics 1 2 3
by g72s20- 26 replies
Yeah I know, I made the name up, but its the closest thing to explaining it I can think of. It went to auction in Japan as a KGC10 /spec R? Wrong bits front guard gt badges, stolen intransit missing rear quarter badge/garnish? interestingly, the rear quarter panels are a different part no.'s for the real GT-R, and this car appears to have them! But the body is a P! A few pics from the trip from Victoria. Hey! It's Australia mate, ya gotta have a gumtree photo somewhere!
Last reply by domekpgc10, -
Help please 1 2
by s130- 15 replies
The previous owner of my car decided to put silicone around the seals of the windows and targa tops instead of replacing the seals. I now have a problem of bits of silicone on my chrome trimming parts. Does anyone know the best way to remove the silicone (which has been there for at least a few years) so I can clean and polish up the chrome?
Last reply by Ripper, -
- 14 replies
To all you aussies out there, may your beer be cold and your picnic free from ants and screaming kids. Have a good one. Scott
Last reply by Zedrally, -
- 1 reply
Caught on Google earth.
Last reply by kenz240z, -
- 11 replies
- 2.6k views Make of it what you will. I'm not sure the offset would be ideal for a Z car but someone may still be interested regardless...
Last reply by Alfadog,
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