Help Me !!
This is the emergency HELP ME forum for those of you that are having troubles with your Z-Car and need immediate help.
6,113 topics in this forum
- 31 replies
I have a 1972 240Z that I race in ITS. I built a new engine and used it for a race weekend last month without any issues except for a miss that would kick in around 6400-6600 RPMs. After the race I rebuilt the carbs and took the car for a drive. The miss was still there but everything else was fine including water temp. I went out for qualifying Saturday morning and had the annoying miss but water temp was good. I swapped out the MSD 6 digital with the MSD 6AL that I used last year in an attempt to fix the miss. The race was Saturday afternoon and the miss was a little better but the water temp got up to almost 260 on the 6th lap so I came in. There was so much pressure i…
Last reply by madkaw, -
- 34 replies
well i bought the car with half the motor in the box, after two weeks of figuring out where everything goes. im having trouble getting it to start. i can get it to start for a second, but it turns off really fast, but if i spray starting fluid in the carb it starts very easily but stays on for just a while longer but still shuts off after a few seconds. i hardly know anything about these carbs except the little bit of info Ive read. i also noticed the clear fuel filter i put inline before the carb doesn't fill completely it leaves a big air bubble but when i disconnect a hose i hear air and the filter fills up a little bit more. any ideas also im running a old draw throug…
Last reply by Captain Obvious, -
- 20 replies
Well i decided i would not flog a dead horse and went out and ordered some Centric "sportstop brake rotors" from 'RockAuto'.... however after installing them, i now notice that the "hat height" on these rotors is about 3/8th inch shorter, thus making it impossible to get the calipers on... Here is a picture of the problem.. I'm just wondering if Rockauto sent me the wrong rotors, or what my options are.... I may have to make spacers - perhaps a 1/4 inch spacer will do the job, but of course that also means i have to find longer hub bolts. [anyone know the bolt size for the stock bolts?]
Last reply by MetalZ240, -
- 19 replies
My car had been driving kind of weird, stalling a little, and the head and dash lights would flicker when driving. This got worse and worse, until it was borderline undrivable, difficult to start (today it didn't start, dead battery), and running headlights seemed to make it worse. Rock Auto has several Alternators between 50-60 amps for about $30+shipping less a core charge, should I choose to send one. I could be mistaken, but I'm most likely on the 40 amp stock alternator. Does a dying alternator fit the bill for all this? And does anyone have a specific recommendation on the new unit? I'm not paying $100+ for an MSA one, though if I'm not already converted, it is my u…
Last reply by ninjazombiemaster, -
- 6 replies
ok, so I need some help here. I am working on restoring a '75 trans am, and recently took out the dash and all of the wiring from their corresponding resting places. In a lapse of judgement, I did not take any pictures, or label any of the plugs as to where they were to be returned. (incredibly stupid, I'm well aware) I've been in there for a day already trying to get everything plugged back in, but i'm still not sure where most of them are supposed to be pluggged in, and all of the wiring diagrams I can locate might as well be in french. Does anybody have pictures or anything of where everything is supposed to plug in, or know of a site that might be able to help me? I d…
Last reply by LeonV, -
- 2 replies
Hooking up a new FP gauge. The line has a dash-4 male fitting and the gauge has a 1/4" NPT male fitting. The place that put my hose together gave me a brass female/female dash-4 to 1/4" NPT adapter and said to put the Teflon tape on the NPT side only. Figured it would be easy but I can't figure out which side of the adapter is which. Everything threads into everything about the same. One end of the adapter is flat and the other end is slightly beveled; also one end of the adapter is slightly (about 1 mm) longer than the other. Put the male threads together to see how they lined up - they matched pretty good but I could see air between the threads. ?????
Last reply by Stanley, -
Temperature? 1 2 3
by Burl- 1 follower
- 35 replies
What do you think about this reading on the temperature gauge? Is this too hot? 90 degrees outside. Thermostat housing reads 195 degrees with an infrared thermometer. Original radiator (2 row) that I had power flushed last summer. This gauge reads the same with or without the air conditioning on. Temp from the AC vents inside got as low as 35 degree on the highway with R134. The temperature did not drop on the highway and the car runs great. Just installed a new 180 thermostat. Advice?
Last reply by grannyknot, -
- 14 replies
Ill start with some info about the car then my question. '73 240z L24, round top su carbs, 4speed transmission, headers, electronic ignition. Now to my question/problem. With a timing light connected to #1 cylinder wire and the car at idle the tab shows slightly below -7. I could be wrong on this but from what I've read the marks are from low to high -5, 0, 5, 10, and 15. Please correct me if I'm wrong on this but regardless the timing was showing below the lowest mark. This is only achieved by having the distributor turned as far advanced as possible. Any turn to retard the timing would cause the car to idle roughly and die. I found some pictures while searching that sho…
Last reply by ElCimino, -
- 2 replies
Looking for the directions that came with the Amco branded footrest for installation of the unit. I want to install mine in the correct location instead of guess-timating. Any assistance will be appreciated.
Last reply by Taz0162, -
- 5 replies
Good Evening All, Just doing some pre road checklist for my 1975 280z when I came across these wires and I wanted to make sure if these are necessary in order to drive because the car seems to run just fine. First, we have here is a lose ground wire which I'm not sure where it connects. Then, we have this wire which is just wrapped up in another wire. (see red circle) which happens to be coming from the firewall... Up next, the interior wires. If anyone can identify these wires, It would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!
Last reply by Powderkeg, -
got 72 240 and has no keys at all, can you get a complete lock and key set
Last reply by Bruce Palmer, -
- 9 replies
Trying to get this data. Thanks
Last reply by John Coffey,
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