Help Me !!
This is the emergency HELP ME forum for those of you that are having troubles with your Z-Car and need immediate help.
6,113 topics in this forum
Okay, so i attempted to get my car smogged but the CO and HC were ridiculously high, from running rich. Drove it home and just started looking around the engine bay and i saw that the Water Temp Sensor was unplugged! It was missing the connector and all, the 2 black bullet connector wires for the sensor were just dangling around the engine bay, how didn't i notice that before? ugh. Well i'm PRETTY sure they are for the water temp sensor, anyways i bought a connector and a new sensor it was fairly cheap and figured why not, I wired it up and when i connect the sensor the engine idles super rough and if i were to give it some gas it'd just die. If i unplug the sensor, it ru…
Last reply by bryand2, -
- 30 replies
I just bought one of these fine four-wheeled vehicular devices a couple weeks ago, and it is missing quite a few things. I was wondering what, if anything, can be eliminated for the car to run decently. I do not know much of anything about these cars, and it's really setting me back on my project...
Last reply by pureZero, -
- 5 replies
I posted about these in NOv. and JLPurcell responded with a pm. I responded but I don't think my response got to JL. Anyway I am looking for the little hooks that you hang the seatbelts on when not in use on early (71) 240Z. Jerry if you didn't get my response I'm sorry. I can't seem to get a response "sent". Anyway I am also looking for a stock 71 steering wheel. I have a neat little Momo style leaterh wheel but it makes the car hard to steer for this old man . Anyone with anything for me let me know. Thanks.
Last reply by jfa.series1, -
- 2 replies
I would like to start off saying thanks for all the help from the previous posts. It has been really helpful, and I love you guys for it. My 78 is sluggish when accelerating when the motor is warm. I guess it isn't getting the right amount of fuel/air? I noticed today when the engine is cold, and the automatic idler kicks in. The car has much better response and power. I'm guessing this is because of the increase in fuel. It's mostly sluggish between low RPM's to medium RPM's when the engine is hot. It seems to help when I petal the gas before accelerating. Is my problem the fuel being too lean? Is my TPS not configured right or broken? Thanks Note: The car idles around 1…
Last reply by Zachary Lawson, -
- 2 replies
Hello, Anyone in Pennsylvania near either State College (my hometown) or Pottstown (my summer home) with experience willing to let me come help them out, or to help me out occasionally? I know a little. I've had my '71 240z for about a year and I've done whatever needed done, but now that I want to start doing things that don't NEED done I'm unsure of where to start... Anything anyone can do to help would be greatly appreciated Thank you, Renee
Last reply by cbuczesk, -
- 9 replies
I just picked up a FS5C71A 5 speed for my 71' and it came with two driveshaft's but neither of them have the front slip yoke. Does any one have one they are willing to part with? There is one on ebay but it's $60 and looks like the seller has an extended shipping and handling time. Was hoping to get it by the end of say next week. Alternatively an entire drive shaft would work if its the early style for the 70-71 cars before they moved the diff. Any help from my fellow Z enthusiasts would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! Eric
Last reply by er34gtt2000jp, -
Just a wondering, has anybody lately contacted (1 week ago) pallnet ? The ony email address that he provided is a hotmail and as we all know hotmail is out. ...and yes I tried outlook and also is not recognizing the address. ..hope pallnet sees this and replies. .
Last reply by cesar280z, -
- 20 replies
I went through the EFI Bible, did everything it said and checked all the connections on the 35 pin ECU connector, everything checked out fine, i've checked the fusable links, relays, fuses, wiring, cleaned/replaced whatever corroded connections I can, checked the dropping resistors, replaced starter, new battery terminals, checked the airflow meter, cleaned fuel pump contacts and checked fuel pressure (43psi while trying to start, 39 afterwards) the issue is I can't hear the fuel injectors firing when I'm trying to start it, I've had a friend try to start it while i hold a screwdriver to the injectors, no click, no sound, no nothing. So I think I've narrowed it down to de…
Last reply by 77Datz, -
- 12 replies
So a few months ago I took my car in because my parking lights failed after the wiring at the combo switch melted. I took it in, and had the switch and wiring replaced... Everything seemed fine, I took it out for the first time today and tonight when I got in it to drive home I realized my headlights and my dash lights arent working. I pulled took off the covering around the steering column/combo switch and began to look around and found a few disconnected wires. Got the Headlights working which is a start, but dash lights still arent working, I think something is incorrectly soldered/wired because when i went to adjust the dimmer knob, my parking lights are going dim or …
Last reply by SteveJ, -
- 11 replies
I have taken off work to R&R my 240's struts. I have convinced a local sports car guy to come by to help me. I ordered my stuyts from a local parts store and they arrived this morning. We have my car torn down and were getting ready to start the re-install on the first strut,...when I notice a warning on the box to, "Make certain I use the correct amont and type of oil in the strut housing". What the heck are they talking about? What oil? What kind do I use? How much do I use,...and Why am I using it? My Haynes manual does not reference oil. I have read several threads on this forum about the struts and have never read anything about oil. Any quick help wi…
Last reply by siteunseen, -
- 3 replies
In the middle of cleaning out engine bay for sand blasting ..Can I take of the hood hinge is it spring loaded ? I guess the real question is can I get it back in ? also what color is it suppose to be ? thanks
Last reply by tlorber, -
- 6 replies
OK, first of all, THANK YOU to everyone who has responed to my two prior threads regarding replacing my struts. UPDATE: We replaced the back struts last night. Not a terribly complicated job and easier than I had feared. It did take a long time though. We started at 6:30 and didn't get finished until around 9:30,...including clean up. Three hours to do just the back. The first side took much longer as we were learning as we went. The second one took less than an hour. NOW MY NEW CONCERN: I was replacing the struts becasue my car rode very rough and "bottomd out" on every small dip,...with a hard "clunk". It rode like a car that had been lowered. When you tr…
Last reply by LeonV,
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