Help Me !!
This is the emergency HELP ME forum for those of you that are having troubles with your Z-Car and need immediate help.
6,113 topics in this forum
- 23 replies
My 72 240z is leaving in about 2 weeks to go live with my brother in Norway for the forseeable future. I've spent the last 2 years getting it prepped for this, and thought we had found a way around Eroupean laws as an imported vehicle. Evidently that is allowed for show only and must have amber turn signals to be legal on the road. I found at the beginning of this process somebody who was reproducing them, but cannot find the site now. I would prefer an original set but at this point I need something that will be legal. Help! Devin
Last reply by esprist, -
- 6 replies
Need some advice on whether (or how) to fix or replace my exhaust manifold. PO retapped and replaced original collector studs with 3/8" bolts. We broke one bolt when pulling the exhaust system out. Long story short, the extraction didn't go well and we tried to JB Weld a new 3/8" stud into place. The JB Weld didn't hold as I was reinstalling the exhaust so now I'm left with two good 3/8" studs and one stripped hole. Options (as I see them): 1) Try to get someone to weld in a stud with the manifold still in the car. 2) Pull the manifold and replace with used OEM. 3) Pull the manifold and replace the entire exhaust with aftermarket. 4) My father is trying to convince me to …
Last reply by cbuczesk, -
- 7 replies
I'm redoing my compression rod bushings but the sleeve on the end seems to be seized onto the rod. Does anyone have any suggestions for removing it?
Last reply by Mikes Z car, -
- 10 replies
So a few months ago (august 2013 ish), my Dad bought a 1977 280Z, we really like it and has been fairly good so far, but recently things have been heading a little south. First, we started noticing that after driving it, the passenger side of the front window would fog up, my Dad and I never thought much of it, I had just assumed it was something old cars did. But upon further inspection after a tip off from one of my friends, I found that the carpet on the passenger side was SOAKED in coolant. Yes, I know, how we didn't notice is completely beyond my understanding. But, I got to work. I pulled off the center console, labeled everything for later, and plastic bagged all …
Last reply by akre28, -
short circuit 1 2
by jcb- 13 replies
Tail light circuit has a dead short, blows fuse. With no fuse in place If I short across the switch, power to tail light circuit, it goes to ground. Am I correct that the short is somewhere between the switch and the fuse. I have traced the loom to the rear and can seen no area that looks to be damaged. Everything was fine and suddenly a dead short. Any suggestions are very much appreciated. Thanks. JB
Last reply by SteveJ, -
- 26 replies
I'd like everyone's opinion. I have a white 1972 240z. It has slotted mags and black interior. I orderd the black "240Z" side stipes almost a year ago, (right after I had it painted). I keep planning on installing them,...but everytime I plan to start,..I look at the car in plain form and back out. At other times, I feel the car looks too bland and I think the stripe would "jazz" it up a little. I look at the gallery and see several of the Z's with the stripe and I really like it. I may end up selling it in another year or two, i should factor sale-ability into the equation too. I'd like to hear everyone's opinion. Should I install the stripe or not.
Last reply by 73str86, -
- 22 replies
I need help identifying these carbs. The other day I went to autozone and had ordered a rebuild kit, however after looking at the kit and then looking at the carb and back to the kit, then to the carb, ect. i came to the conclusion that the kit was wrong. The carbs say z therapy on them so im pretty sure these are not the stock ones. There are three screws holding the bowls on but not sure if there called the three screw su carbs. I got the rebuild kit cause this carb in the picture was leaking on the bottom, the screw driver is pointing to where it was leaking fuel. not sure if I need a full rebuild kit but where is a good place to get one? Is there somewhere that kinda …
Last reply by 3ryce, -
- 18 replies
Hi, I just bought a 240z which has some engine issues. In short: The idle is very rough and initial pickup out of neutral slow. The biggest problem: The engine won't rev over 4000 under load (2nd gear and up). I did reset the point gap which made the idle a bit better (Before it would misfire and run on only 5 cylinders in idle. Then again, the gap was about half what it should be...). Since the valve train sounds a bit too noisy to me, and the valve clearance could be the source of the 4k problem, I measured the valves. If the measurement has been done correct ( I think it is, however it is the first time I did it) the Valve clearance is way to big. However I was not abl…
Last reply by wenzlern, -
- 7 replies
Does anyone recognize either one of these as a thermotime sensor? I am trying to trouble shoot my cold start circuit and I am not sure if I have thermotime sensor. Thanks Glen
Last reply by 5bzhive, -
- 4 replies
superglued ears back on to measure, both lids are identicle valves are different lengths, pretty sure that means i need different length float bow lid ears the good lid, 11mm from lip to hole I received my su carbs in a box, mostly disassembled. I have been cleaning and reassembling them. The box of parts contained two float bowl lids, both stamped with "F" next to the Hitachi logo. The ears on both are the same length, one of the lids had the ears broken off. I have arranged to purchase another lid from someone but they said "I have several lids and all the ears are about the same length, but the mounting holes for the float are at different heights. Can you measure t…
Last reply by putmattaway, -
- 9 replies
I plan on installing a new fuel sending unit in my 1972 240z tomorrow. Do I have to drop the fual tank to perform this installation or can it be done with the tank still in the car?
Last reply by dltalfa, -
- 4 replies
I have a 77 280z all stock original 78000 miles that jumped the timing chain bending the valves. I replaced the head and timing chain and it did it again but luckly the valves didn't hit the pistons this time. I reset the timing chain and tightened the tensioners and it ran perfect. This morning I went to start it and it turned over very fast like it did it a third time. Can anyone give any suggestions what I am doing wrong? maybe a cheap ebay timing set that I used?
Last reply by Zed Head,
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