Help Me !!
This is the emergency HELP ME forum for those of you that are having troubles with your Z-Car and need immediate help.
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- 6 replies
Hi I'm a novice mechanic with a problem. What would be the best way to remove this rusty stud?
Last reply by NCdatsunZ, -
- 5 replies
Hey guys I have a strange issue with my 77, its bone stock and was running fine until i changed the spark plugs, now, when the car is warm and i turn it off then restart it, its only firing on 5 cylinders while idling, as soon as the car is moving and under load it goes away. The car does not do this when cold, but i pulled the plugs and it is running very lean, any ideas?
Last reply by bryand2, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I hope someone can give me some advice. My 71 Z had been sitting in the garage for about a month due to the cold and snow so yesterday I decided to start it up for a quick spin around the neighborhood. Went to start it and it was stone dead...nothing, looked around and could't find any lights or anything else left on and thought it was strange, but I I got the jumpers and it started right up. I hopped in and started driving and everything was fine...but I did notice that the amp gauge was not showing a high rate of charge as I expected. I had the radio turned up and was just enjoying the drive. I figured I would drive it for a while to get a charge back in the batt…
Last reply by SteveJ, -
- 8 replies
Title says it all, I own a 1978 280Z and the air flow meter I have now is from a 75-76. I called MSA they gave me a list of what it COULD be. The mount i have in there now is a three bolt but I don't know if the PO changed it to. My AFM connection is 5 wire if that helps and the production date is 10/77 if that helps as well.
Last reply by ZCurves, -
- 7 replies
75 280Z with 114K miles. Took my z in to have the rear tranny seal changed and my mechanic asked if I had been smelling gas in my car .... Yes, I have been for several days. Turns out the fuel pump was leaking. That may answer the other problem I have been having ... in the am the car would start up right away but run rough until warmed up. If It died before being warmed up, I would have to crank the car for long period of time (40+ secs, 2 or 3 times) before it would eventually start, acting like it was flooded, but got through it and ran well. Would have no problems for the rest of the entire day, stop and go, starting fine. Forgot to tell my mechanic about the morn…
Last reply by SteveJ, -
- 9 replies
So my car was running pretty decent, just had a rough idle that I was working on. So I tried a few things like, screwing the air screw all the way in to find air leaks. Spraying the intake with brake cleaner (also in the air screw hole). After those troubleshooting processes,the car won't hardly even start now. It will only run at idle roughly. When you give it any sort of gas it dies. It seems to me like it overloading now. Sometimes it won't even start unless you unplug the fuel pump. Anyone have any ideas off the top of there head?
Last reply by Zachary Lawson, -
- 2 replies
Hi all I'm looking for some replacements for my 260, should the bolts be the same length? Anyone found and used any good substitutes? I understand some MOPAR and Jeeps have similar bolts, anyone know? Cheers, Steve
Last reply by black gold man, -
- 3 replies
I took them off to change the ujoints and diff seal. Now for some reason i cannot get the bolts on the diff side. I cant get a swivel socket i can barely get a wrench in there which is what i used to get them off. Anyone have a special tool or trick to make a 3hr per bolt job easier? I have flank drives also...wont work.
Last reply by Carl Beck, -
- 14 replies
1st of thanks for the help on my fuel problems. Now I only have 12 amps or less. I have the battery and alternator tested both are good. The alternator had been replaced at one time. I think i found it on advanced auto website it is listed as having a voltage regulator included but external and it is listed as 60 amps. Leaves me to believe it is the newer type. I think I am still running the old external VR. Would running two VRs cause my problems ?. How can I tell if the new alternator has a VR ? should I go ahead with the conversion as shown in this forum ? thanks Dan
Last reply by 71Nissan240Z, -
- 16 replies
I'm new to 240's and mechanics in general. I bought a 71 240z that was running fine but I let it sit a couple months while moving and now it won't turn over. I've started to buy basic tools and am now moved in and want to get my weekend car running. I'm smart enough to figure out it has spark but am hesitant where to go from there. I've never worked with a carburetor and would like to start learning. I've been looking online at carb cleaning sites assuming that might be the issue, but don't know how to be certain or which precautions to take when removing/cleaning the carbs.
Last reply by 73 240Z Man, -
Pretty much what happens is I will turn the key and it will start right up then if i don't give it gas it will just die after maybe a second. I can keep it running but i have to hit the gas pedal a few times then it will be fine running on it's own. It's like I have to "prime" it while it's running to keep it running. The car is a 1978 280Z all stock it's my daily driver and something I've come used to but when you go to start your car and the ladies are around and it dies it doesn't look to cool anymore. :disappoin It does not happen however after its been ran for awhile it seems to only do it after sitting for maybe an hour or more. Any info is appreciated guys, thanks…
Last reply by siteunseen, -
- 8 replies
Hi, I've got a 1972 240z with round top SU's that sat for many years. I put all new fuel lines, fuel pump, plugs and wires, distributor cap, points, and did the Z Therapy carburetor rebuild kit. Last night I got the car to crank and sit at idle long enough for me to adjust the timing and fiddle with the fuel air mixture settings. Now When I crank the car it acts as though the accelerator is stuck to the floor even though the floor and linkage are not. Is my Z haunted? What should I do?
Last reply by Captain Obvious,
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