Help Me !!
This is the emergency HELP ME forum for those of you that are having troubles with your Z-Car and need immediate help.
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- 11 replies
i have a 1978 datsun 280z. I am experiencing what i can best describe as "engine pause". driving down the road and suddenly nothing for about 3 seconds, then all is well again. As the days went on, 1 pause became 2. then 3. then 4. then one day pause and died to a rolling stop aside the road. I pulled a spark plug and could see spark when i tried to restart. had it towed to the mechanic...started right up! replaced the fuel filter... next day, still paused. so, took it back to a mechanic and told him to drive the car for a while to replicate the problem. he did. for a week. nothing. so i brought it home...a week later...pause, dead. ugh. took it back to him. …
Last reply by ZCurves, -
- 3 replies
My '76 starts easily and runs - but with a miss at all speeds. I checked the vacuum and I only have about 10" of steady vacuum. I intend to pull the cam cover to look for problems - any hints, suggestions, condolences, etc.?
Last reply by Zed Head, -
- 3 replies
Hey all This afternoon I replaced my distributor on the Z (long story I won't have the energy to explain). I noticed that my vacuum advance seems to be hoocked up directly to a T where one half goes to the TB (I'm guessing) and the other goes to the vacuum canister. Now this T was apparently VERY old as it broke on me. My question is, how exactly is the vacuum advance supposed to be hooked up. Is it supposed to go to the canister or to the TB fitting (or whatever that little nipple sticking out goes to)? Thanks all Jan
Last reply by Pomorza, -
- 19 replies
Really need some electrical help in trying to revive the '71, I've uncovered a host of electrical issues that seems unmatched on the forums. Car has been sitting for 4 years. But is stock, and has no electrical mods that I can see. Heres what I have (with a good battery) -Emergency flashers -Brake lights -Parking lights -Washer bottle motor;) -Wipers -heater Heres what I dont: - No start, no starter engagement -No power getting to starter solenoid lead when trying to crank (read by my friend with a voltmeter). Just get a clicking from the accessory cut out box in the passenger footwell. - No dash lights - No headlights Have swapped out fuse box, ignition t…
Last reply by HermanM, -
- 21 replies
My 240z has been the most reliable car that I've owned for years......until yesterday. Took it out for a drive and it ran great as usual. Stopped at the local c-store for an energy drink, fired up the car, and it had almost no power at all (had to limp it home). When trying to accelerate, the car would crawl to 3,000 rpm and then begin backfiring through the exhaust. At idle, it stumbles around 400-500 rpm, then dies. My question is this: I want to know where to start trouble-shooting. Are these symptoms more represenatative of a fuel system issue or an ignition issue? Any suggestions that you may have would be greatly apreciated. By the way, it is a 1970 240z in mechanic…
Last reply by LeonV, -
- 18 replies
Just purchased a 1975 280z w 111k mi, driven 200-500mi a year past 10yrs. Drove it over 300-400mi w no problems. My mechanic(good friend of mine) checked it out for overall condition and determined alternator was putting out only 12amps (explains why battery is bad). I replaced alternator with a Bosch unit he provided me, started and ran engine for couple of minutes to make it was all problems Replaced distributor cap, rotor & wires and now runs like crap (like timing is off or not firing on all cylinders). Checked and doubled checked wire order. Plugs are getting spark. Even tried putting old cap, rotor & wires back on but no difference. (btw, this is …
Last reply by az240z, -
i've been trying to sort out my blinker/light switch assembly wiring and every time i check voltage on a hot wire its 18-19 volts - is this normal? ( i don't thinks so..... )
Last reply by Mikes Z car, -
- 6 replies
"Tank Fill Point" (where you put the gas in) ... Last week I filled my tank and noticed the smell of gas driving down the road. I'm at a stop light and I think the young lady rolling down her window wants to comment on how neat my car is;).... Instead, she tells me I have gas leaking out of my gas cap area. It took a while of repeatedly shutting down and letting the gas settle, starting it up only to still have it pumping gas up and out of the fill point.... finally got in and drove home a few miles hoping I wasn't going to blow up. It stopped and hasn't happened again, but then I'm afraid to fill it up and have it repeat the problem, so I've been only putting 10gals…
Last reply by olzed, -
- 14 replies
my Z has a small leak and an aluminum radiator looks like a good substitute....opinions on this one are welcome, thanks.
Last reply by 72 OJ, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys, Yesterday afternoon I started the Z after she had sat for ~24hr. To my surprise a large white cloud of smoke (bluish hue, smelled like oil) came from the exhaust. I drove the Z to work and parked her. There was no smoke when driving (none) and none I could see at idle either. I checked both the oil and the coolant both which looked exactly as they should. (The oil is new so it still looks like honey, the coolant is nice and green, smells like coolant). So I believe that my valve seals are getting old. My question is, I've seen some place (maybe on this site) that there is a way to do these without removing the head, is this true? It didn't do it this morning a…
Last reply by Pomorza, -
- 8 replies
Hey all. I went to change the trans oil last night (5 speed from an zx) and it had quite a bit of metal on the magnetic plug. How much you ask? well if I spread it out it might be the size of a quarter round and thick. It is all fine metal but still I am wondering if this is a problem. I have no idea when the last time the trans oil was changed. I want to flush with say a quart of gas then after a nights wait refill it. Might do it again after a couple hundred of miles just to see the new amount. Any thoughts?
Last reply by tlorber, -
- 6 replies
I was running through my wire harness today to check and see what connectors need to be cleaned or replaced. Well I found that my water temp sensor one of the wires was completely off of it with only one connected, after pulling it off gently to look at it closer the other wire came off. So my question is how do i pull the connector pins out so i can re connect and solder the wire back in?
Last reply by z_ya,
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