Help Me !!
This is the emergency HELP ME forum for those of you that are having troubles with your Z-Car and need immediate help.
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Does anyone know exactly what options the "Sports Appearance Package" had on the 78 280z? How do you tell if they are aftermarket or original? Is there a difference in the VIN# or anywhere else? Any idea how they were distributed to dealers or were they added on at the dealers? I know the "Black Pearl" had the SAP, but am interested in getting a car in another color with a SAP option. Thanks--Stephani
Last reply by stephani, -
- 7 replies
I am having challenges with my 70 Z and blowiing out my fuse for my gauges and marker lights. I started having this problem a few weeks ago . When I change the fuse, start the car and let it idle, no problem. When I rev up the engine, the fuse usually blows and none of my gauges works (other than speedo, of course), and my marker lights are out. Not being much of an electical genius, any sure-fire steps I should take to find the problem? Thanks, Stephen
Last reply by Duffman, -
- 7 replies
I need some help. Another 280z has blown my way. It is super un-rusty 1977. No rust in all the usual places and darn straight. Its a 4sp with air cond that does not work but is all there. It has a ratty interior and a cracked dash. It runs and drives with a cracked winshield. The stereo hole is cut wider and its just sittting on stock rims. The guy wants 1000 bucks for it. What do you all think??.
Last reply by stewsjunk, -
- 10 replies
I am putting my rebuild kit on from Ztherapy and noticed that my old setup on my 72 carbs had 2 different length needle/seats. Where as the rebuild kit from Ztherapy has both of them the same size. Does this sound right and do I just adjust the float accordingly? I sent Bruce a note, but wanted the quickest response. Tx, Bill
Last reply by wfl_colorado, -
- 1 reply
Recently, my 1971, 240z has been running funny. I go to start it, choke fully on, and it seems to run fine at a high idle, and when i rev it. If i completely release the choke, the car dies after about 30 seconds. Earlier today, i tried to drive it, and its completely powerless. The car is very sluggish, and i barely made it back into my driveway after only taking it around the block. The exhaust is a very dark grey/black color and smells very rich. I cant seem to find the problem. If you have any idea of what this could be, let me know. Thanks
Last reply by wfl_colorado, -
- 3 replies
hey problem with car starting, turns over but doesn't start, or even show signs of starting... I have spark, the problem is i dont have fuel.... ive used 2 differant pumps and both arn't pumping anything, and both work fine by hand, as they are mechanical type off the 73 240z.... could it be a possibilty that the lines are cloged, and blocked, as no fuel is getting to the engine, not even to the fuel filter.... it turns over fine, so im sure the pump is trying to suck fuel, and yes i have fuel, put $20 worth in yesterday from the can.... what do you recomend.... the car is auto, if that makes any differance...
Last reply by beandip, -
- 7 replies
I just got an rx7 fuel pump from an 82 rx7. I mounted it and set the filter up and everything works good except for my wiring. Here is the deal. I have a 73 240z, which had the factory electric fuel pump. From what I have read this fuel pump is supposed to go whenever the engine is over 600rpm. I figured this would be the perfect place to wire the rx7 pump up to so I did. This setup is not working. I checked the fuse, and the wiring to it and found a problem. I fixed it and still I am not getting any power to the pump. I have tested the pump, it works. Has anyone set their fuel pump up like this on their 73 240x or 260z?
Last reply by beandip, -
- 1 reply
1980 280zx I'm installing a new Intake/exhaust gasket, the manual doesnt say anything about using any type of gasket sealer on the gasket. What do you think?
Last reply by 240ZX, -
- 5 replies
ok i started workin on my z a few months ago. got fired ran out of money and its sat in the back yard since. the main reason i even stoped driving it cause it was acting funny electrical wise and i am about 99 percent sure ive narrowed it down to replacing the fusible links. and thats what i need help finding. if anyone knows where to get fusible links to a 1979 280zx that would be great. or if you have some you just wana give me that would be nice too haha. thanks. - tim
Last reply by sblake01, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys hows it going. Lately i have been noticing that my 78 280z has been shutting off while driving. Ill be driving, then slow down sorta fast, and the car will just slowly bumble, then shut off. Also, if im driving, and i take a sharp corner the motor will instantly shut off, then start back up by itself about a second later. I am totally lost. Full tank, half tank, quarter tank... does it every time. Any reccomendations?
Last reply by sblake01, -
- 0 replies
I am restoring my 77z it has been in the shop since I am not mechanically inclined for the last 2 weeks. Spending about a grand so far. It is skipping a little one of the valves the mechanic says isn't measuring any pressure. My question is about a adapter kit to place a cd player in the car any idea whee I can get one. Also if you are in the Atlanta area and can recommend a good place to have it paintd I am open for suggestions.
Last reply by dbenz280z77, -
- 3 replies
I have a bonus 5 speed that came in a junker 73 240 I bought years ago. Didn't even know it was a 5 speed at first. Attached photos of the tail. Can any one tell me if it is a ZX or a 1977-78 280 model. Any help would be appreciuated! Thanks!
Last reply by rzola,
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