Help Me !!
This is the emergency HELP ME forum for those of you that are having troubles with your Z-Car and need immediate help.
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- 1 reply
I was working on my 74 260z and I put the battery in. I connected up the passitive and the negitive came in contact with the negitive one. I then hooked up the car and a battery fusible link burnted. what else do I have to check to see if it is ok? What else would be effected by this? The car was in the lock possition and nothing was on in the car.
Last reply by Virto, -
- 4 replies
I am looking for answers here .I have a 9/77 buildt 280z 2+2, because of the late year manufacture, I can assume that it is conscidered a 78. Any way It does no have a catalytic converter installed. It has a hood sticker that says non catalytic, but if I remove the hood for another one what tells the MVD that it does not require one and that I just didnt take it off? I know about the floor temp sensor and the light in the center dash just below the vents on the left opposite of the fuel light and none of those are installed ,but what tells the MVD that this is a non catalytic car, is there some where else that it is spelled out? any one out there got any ideas??????
Last reply by Jeff Bolin, -
- 0 replies
I'm putting this in the help me forum because I never look in classifieds, and therefore, you might not either. I'm missing one chrome end of the grab handle on the passenger side for my 240z interior handle. Does anyone have an extra that they could sell me? Please PM if you do, and thanks for reading my post.
Last reply by dogma420, -
- 1 reply
Hi Guys, was wondering if i could get some help with my 280zx, I have a problem with the fuel consumption, Im getting roughly 330km's (200miles approx) out of a tank, roughly 65Litres of fuel, That seems kinda rough to me, Ive had a bit of a look around and other folks have said they are getting (or its possible to get) out of an L28E atleast around about the 20mpg's mark, which would give me in-access of 500km's out of a tank by my calculations, The car runs really well, starts first time, dosent seem to be miss-firing, Anyone got any theories on what could be leading to this kind of fuel consumption???
Last reply by Z Excellence, -
- 1 reply
does anyone know if the 78 280z rear end can be aligned? the rear end of the car doesn't line up strait with the wheel well
Last reply by jmortensen, -
- 9 replies
I am trying to find a breaker plate assembly for a ZX dizzy with the E12-80 module. It is a Model D6K82-01 distributor. I am reconditioning a unit that I purchased in classifieds but, :nervous: , the breaker assembly plastic plate and ball bearings are shot on one side of the breaker plate, so the vacuum advance doesn't work. The diaphram is good, as are all the other parts. No shaft play. I sure would like to get the advance working. If anyone has a plastic plate and a few ball bearings from a unit that has a bad shaft, or whatever, please let me know. I apologize for posting here instead of the classified "WANTED" section, but I don't think many people visit that s…
Last reply by HizAndHerz, -
- 0 replies
duplicate message sorry
Last reply by Jeff Bolin, -
- 8 replies
I just got the car and in 96 it was wrecked, the pass rear end of the car was slammed into a curb. rearend was replaced then the car sat since 98 and now I hear a grinding from the driver side rear...anyone know what it might be?
Last reply by T's 280z, -
- 0 replies
Like Clint Eastwood said: "A man's got to know his limitations." Well, that cracked speaker in the center of my dash on my 280ZX is staying put. Cannot get at it without pulling most of the dash out. After two attempts decided it's not worth it so am looking for somewhere to relocate a new left speaker to. Anyone who has done this? Any suggestions gentlemen? Mark
Last reply by jaeger83, -
- 13 replies
Hi guys, I got my 240z about a year ago and I've been cruising this site ever since then. It's taken me a year but I think I'm getting my head around the mechanicle side of things... Having no mechanicle experience at all :squareeye I want to know if I can put an E12-80 Ignition module out of a 280zx on a 280z electronic distributor? As far as I know the 280zx ignition module mounts directly onto the side of the distributor, where as the 280z distributor has no area to mount the ignition module on it. I was just going to fabricate a plate that I can mount on the side of the 280z distributor and then screw the ignition module onto that. Any input would ne great. Cheers!
Last reply by Carl Beck, -
- 4 replies
hi, i have a chance at buying a 240z 1971 model and it has been in a barn for awhile and i have not seen it , but the guy says it turnsover, and interior is sort of bad:carpets ..what would be a good asking price for it? kjb
Last reply by montoya_fan01, -
- 3 replies
Hey I got another 77' z not all that long ago that was in non-running condition. They guy I got it from let it rot on his driveway for 3 or so years. The motor had supposedly been "rebuild" or something like that and all that needed to be done was put the motor back together and it "should run". I got the car for 100 bucks so I wasn't complaining... Well, I got the parts i needed...couple nuts and bolts and an old radiator..nothing much really. I just bolted the intake and exhaust manifold back up...made sure everything was connected...changed the fuel new plugs...changed out the old gas with new gas.... Anyways...So it's all ready to go and when I …
Last reply by Helldog,
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