Help Me !!
This is the emergency HELP ME forum for those of you that are having troubles with your Z-Car and need immediate help.
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- 0 replies
Hey I was wondering what pre-ignition smells like. I seem to get a slight pinging around 3k or so, and my timing is about 10 degrees BTDC. After driving for awhile I get a smell in the car like when you weld or grind metal. Is that the smell of pre-ignition? Thanks guys Chris
Last reply by cj71z, -
- 2 replies
Hey everyone- Newbie here with a big problem. I have a 1976 280Z that has a 'flat spot' when hitting the gas when the engine is cold, accompanied by back fires through the throttle body. I just had my mechanic replace the cold start valve, clean out the throttle body, clean out the mass air meter, and clean off the spark plugs. When the car warms up, it runs like a champ! Please someone help meeeeeeee!! I want to get back to driving my Z!!!!! Thanks! later! Sean
Last reply by venumus93, -
- 2 replies
I ordered OEM springs from Courtesy Nissan for my 71 240Z I am trying to keep the car as stock as possible and really did not want to lower the car. I am running P215/60 R14 tires with dealer added slotted rims. I am trying decide on what type of shocks and struts would be best suited for this set up? Is KYB shocks and struts my best choice ?????
Last reply by boostedz, -
- 6 replies
My nepehws buddy has a 1980zx. It needs a starter and an alternator (probably a battery too). He is pretty young so I volunteered to help him out on the cheap. I have replaced the starter and alternator several times on my 72 z and 1985 Nissan 720 pickup. The alternators and starters appear to be interchangalbe between the truck and 72 z. Although im not sure about the Alternator as there may be issues with output. BUt at least the holes line up. And I did take a starter off my z and put it on the truck at one point. I am heading to the boneyard this weekend to find him an alternator and starter. My question is, if I cannot find a 1980280zx what cars/trucks and years a…
Last reply by boostedz, -
- 17 replies
I've finally, sort of, put my finger on a peculiar acceleration quirk I've noticed with my Z. Last weekend I ran the engine in my 280z for the last time (presumably) until spring, and I decided to put her through her paces by slowly pressing in the accelerator further and further (why not?) ... What I noticed is that the engine seemed to "hang" at about 3000 rpm. I kept pushing in the accelerator slightly, it stayed at 3000 rpm for a bit, and then shot up to 4500 as though playing "catch up" with itself. I don't believe this to be a tachometer issue since the car was stationary, and I'm pretty sure I would have noticed the engine speed climbing. ... On a side note, I've a…
Last reply by KDMatt, -
- 32 replies
OK gents - this should be an easy one I hope. Today I degreased and cleaned my engine. That went quite well. Looks much better and started right up after. I dont think it's a factor in my question but just so you know in case it is relevant. Being a novice mechanic I thought it would be a good idea to check and adjust the timing. I went and got a light, hooked it up, and decided the distributor needed some tweaking to dial in the timing. So far so good.... In the process of loosening the distributor I loosened it quite a bit - so much in fact that it moved completely off where it started. I didnt understand that the adjustments are minute so I was pivoting it all ov…
Last reply by ddezso, -
- 2 replies
I just rebuilt the engine a little over a month ago. Charging system was fine before the build. It ran fine for a few weeks, and then the alternator died. I replaced it with a crappy one from autozone (all I could get at 10pm). It did great for a week. The AMP gauge was showing about 50 amps, the car was running strong, etc. Then it would only read about 10-20 amps, and sometimes would not charge at all. I then replaced the voltage regulator. The car ran fine, but with the lights on, the alternator was only putting out about 13 volts, so I got another (better - BeckArnley) alternator and bolted it on. After I started the car, I noticed the AMP gauge only reading abo…
Last reply by venom42, -
- 1 reply
Ok, I think this will be an EZ one what is the trick to getting the retaining ring around the outside seal on the caliper pistons? Thanks for the help.......
Last reply by Capt Mark, -
I have a 1977 zzzap can anyone help me out. I would like to know how many were made and if there is a difference in value. Also the differences between the zzzap and the 280z thanks..
Last reply by zz1, -
- 3 replies
This is on my 1973 240z. About 2 months ago my dash and tail-lights went out on me and I replaced the fuse (which was fried) and it worked again. Well, I have been running fine with all lights working and then when I got into my Z to go home from work and turned on my lights my dash and tail lights were out again. I replaced the fuse and the lights still didnt work. Tonight when I got home I took off the cover of the steering column and looked at the switch. On top of the switch one of the wires is green and blue striped. I notices that the solder was almost completely gone and the wire was almost hanging by a thread (of solder). Could this be my problem? Is this the gro…
Last reply by Arne, -
- 1 reply
I did a search but didn't find a specific answer. I need to replace my hatch and headlight cases for my 4/71 there a reference somewhere that xrefs common parts across Zs? Doing some junkyarding this weekend, the info will help with part location...thankzzz! :beard:
Last reply by 71ZZZZZ, -
- 3 replies
My vacuume thermostatic control unit is leaking antifreeze. I did take it out & replaced the o-ring gasket that seals the flared pipe coming from the firewall. Tried an o-ring from Osh hardware store the same size but it was not like the flat stock one. Put it back in & it still has a slight leak. Does anyone have any experience in repairing one of these units with a gasket or sealants? A new one is still available if it can't be repaired for around $80 but I want to know if this can be fixed first? Thanks for all replies in advance.
Last reply by larsz,
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