Help Me !!
This is the emergency HELP ME forum for those of you that are having troubles with your Z-Car and need immediate help.
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- 4 replies
Hi, I have a high idle prblem on a 1976 280Z EFI. I can screw down the idle screw to about 3/4 of one turn out from closed and it's idling around 1k. Even there if I give it a little gas, it hangs at an higher idle. If the idle screw is 6 turns out from the closed postion (as the FSM suggest), the idle is 2k and hangs a bit on acceleration. The FSM states that "if less than six rotations are required,the throttle valve is opened excessivley or working parts are faulty". What could make that happen & would that cause high idle? I have cleaned the springs at the accelerator linkage, checked the throttle valve switch and checked all my vacum connections with no fix. If …
Last reply by kcdc, -
- 4 replies
Basically, when the car starts it sounds like it is only firing on a few cylinders. After a couple of seconds it smooths out and begins to idle. However, the idle is a little rough (slight misfire). The cylinder closest to the firewall has also been knocking intermittently, but only at idle. It seems to be more frequent when the engine is hot. The knock is high up in the engine. The valves were just adjusted. New plugs/wires/cap/rotor. From looking at the plugs it is running rich. My mechanic friend said it sounded like a wrist pin, and would likely be ok. I am less optomistic. I only get about 17 mpg. Could it be fuel related (bad injector)? Spun bearing? An…
Last reply by beandip, -
- 1 reply
Hey, does anyone happen to have diagrams for which bushings go where with this kit ? I know where the front sway bar bushings and so forth go but some of them I haven't removed yet and don't know where they go. I got the master set with the 2 Zs I aquired last year and am installing them on mine but it came with no instructions or well it has 2 sheets of diagrams that show the exact same section of the car and does not show the rest and doesn't list all the parts and where to find them :disappoin. So I emailed the company but it's Saturday now and I'm afraid I won't see a response from them till next week if I'm lucky. I'd like to get the rest installed over the weekend …
Last reply by Coastieee240z, -
- 3 replies
Quick question for all of you. I have my whole shell stripped down now its time to remove the engine and drive train. Can i remove these ALL together by supporting them up and removing the mounts? this way I can just slip the new shell on ( IF I CAN EVER FREAKIN FIND ONE) I looked at it as i was removing the exhaust and suspension and all that good stuff, looked like i could but i figured i would ask incase theres something i dont know about. The jacks would be as following: 2 under the engine, 1 under tranny mount and 2 supporting the drive shaft.
Last reply by zman525, -
- 4 replies
I am about to pull my 280zx motor out to put in my 240z. I am not finding the books very helpful that I have. I know there are bolts that hold the drive shaft to the rear end but it looks like on this 280zx the drive shaft just slips over the splined shaft of the transmission, is this correct? I already pulled the trans. support bracket off and again it just looked like the drive shaft slips over a splined shaft of the transmission. thanks for any help.
Last reply by AChev, -
- 1 reply
Are the mounting points on a 240Z and a 280Z for the radiator the same?
Last reply by V8-240Z, -
- 8 replies
Found this on ebay. Not to far away ive been further. What do you guys think its worth?
Last reply by kurtwwalters, -
- 2 replies
i had a 280 motor put in my 240z. i had a mechanic rebuild it. he wanted to pre-oil before i started it. i want to start it today. is it posssible to pre-oil this engine? would it be worth waiting for?
Last reply by Phred, -
- 6 replies
i need a moderator to delete the pics in my gallary for me. they are pics of a car that i was looking into buying and dont need anymore, so i can put picks of the car that i bought. i looked around for a list of mods, most forums have a list of the mods for each section but i didnt see any here. thanks
Last reply by DatsunZsRule, -
- 3 replies
For some reason i think my 78 z is running rich. When im sitting there at idle i can smell raw fuel, and the idle misses and bobbles around. Then when i rev it up to about 2 grand and hold it there i can hear slight backfiring, and pops coming out of the exhaust. Then i let off completely and it pops and burbles back down to idle, only it drops to about 100 rpm and acts like its going to die. what do you think is the problem? Thanks guys
Last reply by webdawg1, -
- 11 replies
I got to borrow a company car to get home tonight while the Z spends the night in the parking lot waiting for the overnight delivery of a new starter from MSA tomorrow morning... Well during the commute I got to thinking that maybe I've got an added problem I failed to consider... Thought I'd run it by you guys and gals for someone's two cents... On Friday afternoon after I filled up with gas before driving home it did once fail to start (only heard the solenoid "click"). After I checked over everything and tried again it started right up. I drove the car this morning & it worked fine. At lunch I got in turned the key, heard the fuel pump come on as usual and then wen…
Last reply by billcapp, -
- 8 replies
I'm borrowing your photo drunkenmaster hope you don't mind :laugh: Where would I be able to find a ball joint puller like this one??? I'll be doing mine on my Z soon. Can hardly wait Thanks in advance.
Last reply by DatsunZsRule,
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