Help Me !!
This is the emergency HELP ME forum for those of you that are having troubles with your Z-Car and need immediate help.
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- 4 replies
1980 280ZX standard (non-turbo, standard trans). On extremely hot days (keep in mind this is the Pacific NWest - Seattle region, so high 80s/low 90's max) I can drive anywhere but once I stop the Z doesn't start right away ... takes a couple of tries before she starts up. Hot days don't happen too often so I didn't sweat it. Ok ... the other day I am driving, pull up and while idling the Z dies. Never, every happened before. Won't re-start in 3 tries. I dink around looking at/checking things for a 10 - 15 minutes, get in and it starts right up. Long and short of it ... I manage to get home and check: yep I can recreate the situation. If cold, she starts. Once warm (stoppe…
Last reply by george71z, -
- 0 replies
Anybody near Paradise Valley, Arizona 85253 wanna take a look at a 240z for me? I live near Chicago Il. and with my work schedule there is no way i will be able to get down there to take a look at it. I am lookin at this car for the shell only, im not worried about the mechanical or interior condition. Just want someone to check it out and verrify that there is only minimal surface rust, all body panels line up right, and there is no major body filler. Gotta make sure before i spend the money to have it shipped up here. If someone could help me out i would be more than willing to reimburse you for your time. thanks john
Last reply by J P D, -
- 11 replies
Hi, i currently own a 1972 datsun 240z with 55k original miles. Restoration is in progress and moving fast, however i just ran into a problem. The car will not rev past 2000 rpms, and when it reaches 2k it sputters and runs terribly. I had just replaced the condenser and thought that i may have swapped the distributor rotar 180* off but i didnt. Any suggestions? it ran fine with the previous condenser
Last reply by Gav240z, -
- 3 replies
I'm about to start putting in some new bushes, but the radius rod bushes have two metal sleeves in each pack. Both are the same OD, but have different ID's. What is the go here. My Haynes Manual says nothing on the subject at all. If I can clear this up, I can get started. Thanks guys Scott
Last reply by speedyblue, -
- 10 replies
I have my dad's 1982 280ZX, 129K miles. A metal part and piece of bolt fell off the back of the car, I brought it in to a car shop, they tell me it is the "exhaust manifold head and stud signaling a serious engine problem", that it is leaking through the gasket causing a putt putt sound, they said the only choice for repair is to remove exhaust manifold and intake manifold, drill out the old bolt, if that works....if it doesn't work, then they need to take the cylinder head off. they estimated minimum $1,000 just to determine what to do. PLEASE: I need advice. Do i repair the car? How much money do i put into the car when it is 1982 and 129K miles? Do i try to sel…
Last reply by e_racer1999, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys.. I just finished my turbo swap... and I started her up this morning and she idle'd and ran fine... and it revved great!! BUT when I backed her out into the street and put it in first gear and started to engage the clutch the engine started cutting out and died... What could be wrong with it? I checked all electrical connections that I could and I checked for spark and good fuel pressure and it's fine.. But what the hell could be wrong with it?? here are some pics
Last reply by PrOxLaMuS©, -
- 0 replies
Hey guys. I have a '72 240Z and just put an msd 6al in it with a pertronix ignitor. It ran great, but the tach didn't work, so I got the 8910 tach adapter. After installing that exactly as described by msd, the tach works but the car now misses at idle and up to 2000 or 3000 rpm (maybe higher, don't know didn't rev it more than that). Any ideas???
Last reply by sccabrian, -
- 10 replies
trouble shooting the new z. 72 240 man 5/72. I have been cleaning all the grounds I can find. The problem is a little baffling. If I turn the key to start nothing happens. No brake light in spedo, no clicking, guages don't work nothing. On the fuse panel I have tested all the fuses and all are good with good continuity. At the starter I have tested the fusible link and it has continuity. On my car there is a large white whire that comes from the wiring harness. A black fusible link (it says it right on it) is connected to the end of the white wire and goes to the same terminal as the pos cable from the battery. I have seen mention of another wire going from the batt posit…
Last reply by helopilot, -
- 3 replies
Hi Everyone, I am a new Z owner :classic: . I bough this car about three weeks ago. The car was built up two owners ago. The PO, who I purchased the car from had very little information about the cars'specs and could not locate the owner before him. I am hoping to locate the enigine builder to get a better idea of what I have. I beleive the engine builder lived in Santa Rosa, CA. I am not new to but it was many many years ago and a lot of beers consumed since I've owned one. I have determined a lot about the car from resources such as this site, but much still remains a mystery. Its kind of like Christmas, I keep discovery new ne…
Last reply by JeffH, -
- 16 replies
I just finished putting my door seals on and the door only partially closes. I've read that people have had the same problem but couldnt find how to fix it. Some said to use baby oil but i dont know... If any one has over came this problem i would greatful for your advice on how to solve it. Thanks, Hunter
Last reply by dogma420, -
- 0 replies
Hi, i just did some work on my 1972 datsun 240z. This "work" was replacing the condenser. Everything was going well until i dropped a nut inside the distributor and i had to take everything apart. I put everything back together, regapped the points and turned it over only to find i had no spark =( perhaps i missed something? i checked it twice then three times and even swapped the old condenser back on ( which sparked before i did all this) and still no spark. Maybe someone could help me... maybe not, but im sure with some time i can figure out what i did wrong. probably something dumb.
Last reply by zman525, -
- 31 replies
My left tail light is dirty from 30 odd years of exhaust fumes and it annoys me. So this afternoon I took it all apart (who would have thought gettnig a tail light out could be so difficult?) but now I'm left with tthe whole assembly on the kitchen table. I can't work out how to take it apart! How do you separate the lenses from the rest of the tail light assembly? Also, does anyone have any suggestions for how to clean them? Thanks !!
Last reply by Ed,
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