Help Me !!
This is the emergency HELP ME forum for those of you that are having troubles with your Z-Car and need immediate help.
6,113 topics in this forum
- 17 replies
Hi guys and gals.Do you know if any company makes dual exhaust like the old days.Its full dual and the tailpipes are on top of eachother instead of side by side.As a teenager watching dragracing inJapan i heard the sweetest sound of a Z triple carbs and that exhaust combined was the most beautiful sound.Also does anyone have any info about the OS GIKEN twincam 24valve engine L6? This guy way back in the days had one triple carbs 3liter non turbo. And he just stomped on this ToyotaSoarer 6MG with Blitz turbo kit on it.Back then that Soarer was dynoed at 420 rwhp. Too bad they didnt have digital cameras back then.That Z is etched in my mind and was always wondering what kin…
Last reply by EricB, -
- 10 replies
i checked my point gap today, used a remote starter so i could get the points wide open by myself. When i checked the gap with a feeler gage, i got a little spark across the gap. I beleive I still had the ignition switch "ON". Did I F. U? I tried to see if I was getting any spark after it wouldnt start by disconnecting the coil wire and trying to start it. it doesn't look like I'm getting any spark now.... :disappoin
Last reply by Gav240z, -
i just recently purchased a 240z from a junkyard and everythings in tact but im not the best with cars and i have a few questions... my clutch is blown and im wondering what would be involved and how i would go about a swap from the original 4-spd to a 5-spd also if this engine doesnt work out would a 280zx turbo engine swap be possible in this car ok also it need A LOT of parts replaced, ive herad of a nissan catolouge but i cant find anything like it one more.. the thing is i dont have any info or backround on the car and im curious as to the year i cant post pics yet but i just dont know much about it
Last reply by candyorangez, -
- 0 replies
Just brought the "new" home. 72 240 all original except for the wheels. Bought from the classifieds here. The car has no power to the fuse labeled ignition. If you bridge from the next fuse labeled flasher power will go to the ignition switch. With tester voltage always present to the flasher. Any ideas what to check next. Once the car is started everything guages ect work. The other thing which I am almost sure is tied in is when you turn the headlights on the car dies. All other ecectrical stuff works. I have cleaned the conections at the alternator and voltage reguator. When the car is running the ammeter shows no charge. A bit puzzling...
Last reply by helopilot, -
- 5 replies
help my 77z floods out on start up fouls out all 6 plugs any suggestions thanks
Last reply by Spdloader, -
- 8 replies
Hey all. I'm a new owner of a 1971 240z. It's all there except the front and rear bumper and the inside grill behind the front bumper. It needs some TLC. and I still need to pick it up so I don't physically have it yet. The problem is you have to push start it to get it running suposedly. They were telling me that it was the fly wheel teeth are bad and it just grinds. I am not sure on this the battery needs replaceing and I have not heard it run yet. I don't even know how many miles are on it. I just bought it for $600 bucks. They were just trying to get rid of it. I've been wanting one a long time. Anyone have any ideas on my first diagnos of why it's not start…
Last reply by 1 Bravo 6, -
- 16 replies
I just bought a 1976 280z for $500 knowing that it had some rust. I took it in to the welding shop to get it all welded up and when i took it in they found that the front left frame rail is completely shot to the point that he said it would not be worth repairing unless i could find a whole new frame rail for him to weld in. Does anyone know where i can find a frame rail. i would have to scrap the car just because i cannot find one. Please help. Thanks, Tim
Last reply by pbtim, -
- 22 replies
In case you were following my fuel problem I've put it on hold due to this issue. I've got a slow coolant leak into the engine. I noticed it when my coolant was low with no visible leak and I had steam coming out of the valve cover vent. Coolant is clean, but oil is milky. Front 3 plugs look fine, rear 3 are a bit dark, possibly due to the steam coming out the vent in the air cleaner that's just in front of the rear carb intake. Compression test ranged from 155 to 175#. I've taken the head off and can't see anything visibly wrong. The N42 head looks fine, and the head gasket looks like new except for being covered in coolant and oil. FWIW, when I first put this L28…
Last reply by First Gen Z, -
- 3 replies
Forgive me if this isn't the correct forum for this. My '75 280Z is in need of viagra and can't keep, well you know. The antennae was probably a power antennae but needs replaced. Call me strange but I was wanting to out a smaller rubberish black on on there. I found on at AutoZone and picked it up does one install it? I'm guessing I need to take off the interior panel in the hatch and then go through the hole and bolt it on. It was late when I looked last night, but I didn't see any screw holes for the inner hatch side to remove it to get to the antennae housing. How does this come off? Better question, the antennae cable that goes to the does it …
Last reply by Phacade, -
- 0 replies
Hi. I've got a '76 280Z and am having a bit of trouble. The problem started after I changed out an injector last weekend because it was leaking fuel. Now the car is flooding. I'm talking serious leakage...I pulled the PCV valve out today after the car sat for a week and almost a pint of fluid fell to the floor. After letting that dry out, I installed new spark plugs and car started/ran just fine. That is until I got on it-in which case it spluttered and died again (still flooding out, but only when RPM's are high.) I checked the fuel pressure regulator and it is not pouring fluid as far as I can tell. Is there something else that might be dumping fuel into the int…
Last reply by Stephenray, -
- 13 replies
Hello, I am a new owner to a 3/74 260Z and I purchased the car on eBay from Tuscon and had it shipped to me, sight unseen. I recieved the car and on the way home it dies a couple of times. Checked for spark and no spark. :disappoin It seemed as if the coil was getting hot - replaced coil. Continues to run for a few minutes and then continues to die........ same symtoms as before. The car will restart after a few minutes of sitting. Then you can drive it a couple of more miles and it dies again. Check for spark and no spark. I located the ignition module and it obvious it's been replaced (plug cut of and module hardwired into the harness. I am pretty much at a loss ri…
Last reply by spudea, -
- 10 replies
I am trying my "help" post in this forum as well: I am hoping to find a copy of a 1971 240Z owner's manual. A .pdf scan would be great but ,literally, if someone is willing to make a copy and mail / fax the bugger to me I'll be eternally grateful. I am still trying to figure out which fuses control what in the car... can't find a copy of this info anywhere. The local Nissan dealership stands in front of my car and says "Wow, cool. What is it?" Well, they're not that bad, but... Thanks Kevin
Last reply by EScanlon,
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