Help Me !!
This is the emergency HELP ME forum for those of you that are having troubles with your Z-Car and need immediate help.
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- 3 replies
I picked up a car a few weeks ago, it ran fine when I got it. I put it up on jackstands and changed the clutch slave cylinder, when i put is on the ground it wouldn't start. The car is a 260 with a 280zxt engine 83 i believe. Using the stock ecu. All it will do is crank, and a slight stumble if I set the accel just off closed. Now what I have checked, I checked the compression (just checking) 120 across the board Plugged in a spark plug and grounded it, and a nice hot spark Setup a fuel pressure gauge, 42lbs When I pulled the plugs they smell a bit like gas You know even if someone has the FSM wiring diagram. I have the FSM for the 260, and have seem to misplaced, my…
Last reply by seth, -
help i have a 77 280z that was given to me . Got it running it will run decent when you first strart it but after 5 or 10 minutes the engine starts to sputter and backfire then it will die . when you try to re start it the engine barely will turn over almost like the starter is trying to overcome exaust blockage. any help or advice any one can offer would be most helpfull
Last reply by st0878, -
- 1 reply
(a little background on my zx...It's a 1979 fuel-injected 280zx stock. The car sat for 10 years before I was given it. I took it to a mechanic who replaced the gas tank, fuel pump, radiator, spark plugs, wires and clutch (he cleaned the injectors). I paid 4500 bucks for everything... and now my car won't work. Shitty deal!) I was driving my zx after work. Car was moderately cold and after about 3 minutes of driving the car simply shut off while I was driving. (I was at high rpms while I was driving it. I was screwing around with a friend in a parking lot. Pretty damn stupid thing to do when a car is cold, especially an old car.) I pulled off to the side of the road and tr…
Last reply by st0878, -
- 6 replies
Hey all, I have a 1980 280zx. It is running great sense I put a new fuel pump on it. But it still wants to act up from time to time. I will be driving down the road, and I lose all power in my tact. My rpms just completely drop and the car dies. Now I still have power for my radio, lights and everything else like that. It’s just the rpms that die. I start it back up and it may do it once or twice more, then it runs great. What could be causing this? Like I said, it only happens once and a while. Thanks Steve
Last reply by st0878, -
- 5 replies
i just got my wiring some what straight up and after running about 4 min, the engine stop by itself. When try to turn back on my 240z l28et have smoke coming out from the intake and shut off when I try to start it.. I try it again, same thing happen? what going on???please help!!!!!!!
Last reply by beandip, -
- 2 replies
My 1982 280ZX was stolen wensday the 26th from Oakland. The only one of its kind in this area. Brand new red/orange paint, white decal and graphics on rear left and rear windows stating Oakland LO*CAL, and Team APOLLO. umistakable side exhuast that is very loud. tinted trim please email pictures here
Last reply by beandip, -
I got a 1973 240z. Its been sitting around since the late 80's and rarely droven since then. Been fixed up a few times and driven a little. Its been about 6 yrs now since anyone has touched it and been just left out in the field. Its in overall good shape, not too much rust. Anyway one of the pullys won't move at all. I "think" its the air pump pully? Its the one on the opposite side of the alternator on the bottom. Its the only pully you can actually adjust by loosing bolts. When I decided to push the car into the garage and fix it up, it had no belts at all on there. I got all new belts and put them on there ( I think their correct? anyone know of a website with the di…
Last reply by seerex, -
- 2 replies
Hey Ladies & Gentlemen, i have yet another problem with the 280, the battery seems to keep going flat, sometimes this happens when im driving & i just loose all power and the needles on the speedo & taco just drop, the car still has enough power to play the sterio & the lights & all still work but it does not have enough power to turn over the engine..... also when i drive it most of the dash lights come on & stay on untilll i turn the car off again.... from memory its, CHG, Fuel, Brakes & Doors the logical guess would be the alternator but would this cause all these lights to come on???? this is my every day driver & i have had no problems…
Last reply by mellow, -
- 2 replies
Can somebody tell me what the ECU part number is for a 1978 280z? Is it A11-600 000 or A11-601 000? Okay, thanks y'all.
Last reply by Gilzee, -
- 7 replies
I'm looking for a roll cage design for a 240 I'm building from scratch. Just looking for plans. Can fabricate locally.. Any suggestions?
Last reply by Steve Parmley, -
- 3 replies
I need a set of rings to go with the Nissan Motorsport performance pistons (12010-P8612). So far I can't find them anywere, and obviously the pistons are useless without them, so if anyone can help I would really appreciate it.
Last reply by 2ManyZs, -
- 14 replies
My new-to-me 75 auto-x 280z with l28 was burning some oil when I drove it back from houston. I just got around to checking the compression and it doesn't look good. Anyone know anything I can do other then a rebuild or put new rings in? any tricks? I am currenly running some high deterent oil tru it to see if maybe carbon was causing the rings to stick/ and to clean up the lower end due to the blow by. I broke the bank to buy it. I chked the cyl compression and I was getting 120, 20, 80, 120, 20,10 from front to rear!! The service manual says to test if the issue is with the lower end or upper end to put oil in the plug hog and test compression - it it is much high…
Last reply by 1975yellowBSPZ,
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