Body & Paint
Discussions about bodywork and painting a Zcar.
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- 7 replies
Hi I've got a 72 240z and I've lost a bag of bolts somewhere so I'm going to have to replace them. What size are the bolts that attach the cowl to the body of the car? Thanks Will
Last reply by ZCurves, -
- 3 replies
Just finishing restoring my 240z quarter windows but was wondering if sealant is required in the groove where the glass sits, i thought i read somewhere that the FSM says its not required?
Last reply by 240260280z, -
What to do? 1 2
by siteunseen- 16 replies
The last 4" of the rain channel, left & right sides, of my hatch are open to the rain. It dumps right where they rust :stupid:. Does anyone know of a way to stop that besides not driving on rainy days or washing the car. Carry a towel?
Last reply by e-tek, -
- 5 replies
Any paint recommendations for 240z emblems? Wick's book recommended low-gloss/matte black, but no suggestions for the white. My emblem's white paint appear to be a matte, off-white. They've been in storage for 30 years, so the color is probably pretty close to original. Thanks, Dave '72 240z IZCC#508
Last reply by madkaw, -
- 2 replies
Hi all, just stripped the paint off my 73 240Z so I could wrap it in vinyl, and I've come across a problem that has stumped me (granted, this doesn't take much). I recently replaced my driver side door handle because it broke (fatigue and age, I guess), so now it is a nice shiny chrome surface. The passenger side was covered in paint by whoever the previous owner was. Since I've taken off the paint (I used acetone, not an abrasive surface), I've found that the passenger's handle wasn't in the best shape, and looks quite a bit more dull and beat up than the driver's side handle. Is there anything I can do short of re-chroming the handle to make them match a bit better? I'…
Last reply by skillinp, -
- 2 replies
I want to replace the front rotors and pads on my 72 240z. It has the stock set up and I would like to get a quality set of rotors and good street/auto-x pads. Anyone have any suggestions?
Last reply by cbuczesk, -
- 14 replies
hi all- Obviously I don't normally post here (not sure I ever have, actually), but I've been reading religiously since I began restoring my early 77 280z (6 years ago). Well now I have something to post about, because I just got my z back from paint. I couldn't bring myself to do the Earl Scheib thing OR the $7k high-end shop thing, so i went somewhere in between. I'm in the SF Bay Area, so if anyone has been looking for an affordable, reputable, locally owned shop, let me know. Anyway, I went with a Ford GT color- Midnight Blue, with a satin black stripe. I've already been asked a few times why I didn't do a dual Wimbledon White stripe, and really, I was just going fo…
Last reply by rcb280z, -
- 3 replies
I've moved to the rear hatch with my weathstrip project. I bought the MSA weatherstrip and I want to be sure that I am putting this stuff on correctly. I have put some pictures in here to help what I'm trying to do . . This one shows the actual top outer piece from MSA. It has a circle running around the entire thing. And it has 2 places where you COULD put the stitch welding into. Here I show putting the skinnier but stronger/grippier part of the weatherstrip onto the stitch weld. This feels right, but I just want to be sure before I put on the cement to hold it. Here is the outer WS that goes on the same seam as the previous one, but it just runs from the bottom…
Last reply by New-to-240z, -
- 10 replies
I have some questions on the rear valence surrounding the tail lights that some one here no doubt has the answers - Of my three 240Zs, one 1971 has a thin chrome strip on the valence openings that surround the tail lights and the other 1971 and the 1972 do not have these chrome strips. Did all cars come with the thin chrome strips around the openings and two of my cars are missing them? Where would I acquire a set of these chrome strips? Hopefully this makes some sense. Thanks for your help Hank
Last reply by Hank240, -
- 5 replies
I would like to know where to the get sheet metal for the 1970 240z I need some rocker panels rear hatch plate at top of the tail lights feender lower patch outer rocker panel, floor pans, and all the sheet metal that the seats mount to. Thanks
Last reply by 240dkw, -
- 8 replies
Hi all; My 1974 260z racecar's passenger door got dented beyond repair in a recent race and I need a new one. Note that I need only the outer skin for the door. I don't actually need a full "door" at all. There are no traditionally opening doors on this car. But we still use original body panels on the outside. What years will fit a 74 260? Anything that's dirt cheap and in reasonable condition will do. Any ideas on where to find such a part? Many thanks for your advice.
Last reply by JLPurcell, -
- 3 replies
Hi guys I`m really sorry if this is another question about these large bumpers, but I am not able to find any information that I can use. I wanna get rid of my bumpers, and I have a MSA type 3 kit in my garage which I got from a friend (probably ment to fit the coupe model) . But I wanna know if anyone can tell me, can I get 240z bumpers to fit on my -77 280Z 2+2? I have heard that the 2+2 is wider at the rear end and that the 240 bumpers might not fit? Cause, if the 240Z style bumpers may fit I wanna go for that classic style instead of the MSA kit. And besides I would guess the MSA kit is harder to make a nice Really hope anyone can help me out here, and maybe someone …
Last reply by lozn,
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