Help Me !!
This is the emergency HELP ME forum for those of you that are having troubles with your Z-Car and need immediate help.
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- 5 replies
One of my students at the SCCA drivers school has broken the front diff mount on his series one 240. Will, or anybody else in the Savannah area that might have one can call me at ...........Thanks in advance!! Paul
Last reply by SCCA240z, -
What Year Engine? 1 2 3
by chiefmd- 24 replies
I just recently purchased a 1978 280Z that is fairly good order. But as usual for older cars it needs to have some work done. It is running rich so I have downloaded the FSM and started performing some checks and I need Thermotime sw and Water Temp sensor. But after looking at the manuals I'm not sure if it is a 1978 engine. The manufactures plate reads that it build 2/78 so I know the car/chassis is a 1978. But I'm not certain if it is the a 1978 engine. Is there anyway I can tell if in fact it is a 78 or 77 or even a 76 engine?
Last reply by sblake01, -
- 1 reply
As many know I am working on a 72 240Z that I just picked up days ago. After getting the motor swap done today I know I need all new hoses. This car has almost all the stock lines on it and they are all very weak and dry. So, dose anyone make a complete hose kit for the 240Z ? I would feel much better knowing everything for the cooling lines was new. Plus the ease of getting it all one shot. Thank you in advance.
Last reply by, -
- 7 replies
Looking to figure out what to use to stick the plastic to the door before putting on the door panel. I didn't want to just use silicone I was looking for something like the original black stuff that stays sticky forever. They still use it on cars today but what is it and where can I get some? Thanks
Last reply by conedodger, -
- 6 replies
Ok back in november I thougt I might of had a blown head gasket and I still might but... I was thinking maybe the problem is in the fuel. The car is so hard to start and when it does run it hardly stays running. The car does push out a little white smoke but not tons. I looked at the oil and it looks fine. Have not drained the oil tho. Looked in the raditor, looks like there might be some small beads of oil in the coolant but not totally positive. This all started when the car would just die while driving it. So what you all think?!? The car is a 76.
Last reply by Tim 76' 280Z, -
- 6 replies
On the early choke plate,'70, to the right of the rear window defroster switch, there are symbols like parking lights or fog lights embossed in the plastic. Mine has no switch to fit in that square hole below the symbols. What is supposed to be there?? Mike
Last reply by mbarjbar, -
- 10 replies
Hi Guys, I just replaced the head gasket on my 1978 280Z. I started the engine and it's running very rough and it's smoking like crazy. I tried adjusting the timing and it helps a little but not enough. I was very careful with the timing chain and hope that's not the issues. Does anyone have any thoughts? If the concensus is the timing chain, what's the best way to adjust it? Thanks in advance for your help. Rick
Last reply by rickl750, -
- 0 replies
I am looking for a right rear shock tower black vinyl trim cover and a left rear chrome tail light trim. Good shape to fit a 1976 280z TAHNKS
Last reply by racebird1, -
- 5 replies
To those much smarter than I, I am replacing my fuel line (line 1 on the Service bulletin) from my tank to the fuel pump and my fuel regulator. While I am at the FR I was going to change the 3 lines out that connect to it (9,10,11 in the Service bulletin) because I anticipate and issue rot maybe. Any how the the auto parts store only carries standard size line.:stupid: What size standard line should I purchase to be good to go? Thanks in advance
Last reply by racebird1, -
Here's the deal, I have a fuel leak coming from the gas cap area. If the tank is more than 1/2 full and I make a sharp left turn, gas will leak out from the cap area and down the side of the car (YIKES). Not a good thing for the paint. Ive replaced the gas cap, gas flap and tighten all the screws. Not sure what the problem is. Anyone got have an idea about what's going on? Is there a NOS fuel filler neck replacement part?
Last reply by racebird1, -
- 2 replies
Looking to replace the AAR hoses but can't seem to find them anywhere. What can I use in place of the factory formed hoses? Thanks
Last reply by chiefmd, -
- 2 replies
Ok . Well I read all the forums on speedometer problems but no luck.. Here is my delema. I speedometer does not work but my miles tracking works. What could be the problem in this factor?
Last reply by myfairlady,
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