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hey i was hoping to get some advice from yall old ppl LOL.

this is nothing to do with a z well not realy.

im dating this girl and am very happy. but theres this other girl who wont leave me alone. dont get me wrong i cant stand her. she keeps begging me to go out with her. of course i wont do it.

well on the other hand she is sycotic so says the doc.(why she tells me this i donno):stupid: anyway she has tried to kill her self twice saying it was becouse of me. what should i do?

right off trying to help her kill herself that doesnt work ROFL

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That's beyond my expertise. If I was an expert on the human experience, I wouldn't have worked for a grocery store for 34 1/2 years, and then return to work in a hardware store one month after retiring, get married three times, (third time is a charm), and be so fascinated with 25+ year old Japaneese cars. Wish I could advise you but I have a tough enough time keeping my own house in order as they say. All I can say is good luck with that one!

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Tell her point blank that your not interested in going out with her?

if that dont dont work start keeping track of when, how her bugs you and take it to the cops, its harrassment, whats she is doing to you.

im not that old but ive ran into that kind of problem before.....

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Ask the advice of the girl you are happily seeing, before you do anything! If she is not privy to what ever you do in this, she will not see the good intentions you are showing, and you will easily have a huge problem on your hands! Keep your "girlfriend" as involved as she wants to be-jealousy can't grow in involvemnet and honesty. The other girl can't missunderstand your intentions if you always bring your girlfiend into the mix.

If you choose to get involved, get the other girl some help, she obviously matters to you in some respect. There is a great numer of free resources available, and remember that you are not responsible for her, and that being responsible to her is your choice. Do NOT do anything with, to, or for her that you would not want your parents and/or girlfriend to witness ringside! If she is "sycotic" you will have a different meaning for what happened than she will, and that will cause you more grief than you could expect!

Get a professional involved!


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First of all, I would like to apologize to you for my response earlier in this thread. It's just that in my almost 54 years, I have had so many problems with so many people. Some good advice has been offered by the other members. When I was younger, I had a tendency to follow my instincts which sometimes tended to make the situation worse. When you are dealing with people there are so many variables. No two situations are the same. I don't know what this person is capable of so it's hard for me to give advice. I would, however, get a professional involved. The fact that she had treatened to kill herself and the threatining calls to your girlfriend would make me go to whatever means necessary to protect me and mine.

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At the risk of sounding cold hearted the best advise I can offer is to cut off all contact with her. Let her know in no uncertain terms that you are not interested in her in any way and if she persists in approaching you contact the authorities.

I had a similar situation when I was in college. A girl with severe emotional problems took a real liking to me. Turns out I was a dead ringer for her ex-boyfriend from home (I saw a picture of him and we definitely could have been twins), so she figured that it was only logical that I should take his place. Whether I wanted to or not!

Any and all attempts to help her with her issues were misconstrued as signs of affection. Eventually I contacted the campus health clinic so she could get the help she needed and to be sure that everything was on record in case she actually did end up doing something drastic.

So don't let her try and put any guilt trips on you. You are not the cause of her problems and definitely are not in the position to be of any help to her. The mere fact that she has feelings for you would make that impossible, even if you were a mental health professional.

The best thing you can do for her is to report her to your local mental health organization so they can get her the help she needs.


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