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W.A.Z-cars (Australia)


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The engine work is turning out to be much more expensive than I anticipated:dead:

Otherwise it going well, just slowly.

Nice shots by the way. I'm surpised that the majority of the Zs were 2 seaters. Where are all the 2+2 owners?

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DANG! If I knew it was on I would have conned my Dad to go down in one of his '70s M/bikes to complete the picture!ROFL(For those of you who dont know, Im only 15 and dont have a Z YET!):stupid: I might pop down for the next one just to have a nosey and a poke!

Great idea making a Z club over here in the west!



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Great stuff guys. I don't know if you knew or not but we are doing something similar here in Melbourne.

http://www.viczcar.com or http://viczcar.com/

There are a few things to be sorted first but we bought the domain name to coinside with your club in WA.

We have quite a few really neat Z's in our group hopefully we can all get together soon and do some photos for you.


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