March 11, 200420 yr comment_72239 Ok well i encountered a similar situation to you Alan. I was in a petrol station and on the magazine rack I see ClassicCars magazine. A bright red object almost Ferrari like is staring right at me. I pick it up and it's a great looking 240z, the article is about badge snobbery saying that it's a great car and many wouldn't know it's a Datsun alot of people when questioned about the car after it's had the badges covered up with tape say it looks like a Ferrari/Porsche.Anyway point was I bought the mag read through it only to discover how it says Goertz designed the car and the underlying message i got was that Japan couldn't invent such a wonderfull looking car not it had to be a German or a European influence.I thought about writing to them I can't find the cover on their website. So you know the one I'm talking about when I get home if you like I can find the issue #. is their webpage I am at uni now so I don't have much time to sift through it just yet.The only problem for me is that I understand Matsuo designed the car I just don't have to resources to prove it. I spose i could point them to and Carl Beck's article not sure if that would do any good though.Oh well maybe it was worth the $10 just for the pics of the 240z. The 1954 Maserati A6G/2000 Zagato Coupe was also a good read.Gav.:sleepy: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 11, 200420 yr comment_72241 When they send me their brochure back in 2000, this picture was amongst it and much more. Here you can see what they mean by having a museum. And look what is in the middle….the glorious no5!!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 11, 200420 yr comment_72243 These kind of bad journalistic skills are annoying, because if you like to know about the different things you have to assume they're doing their job correctly, countless people now are going to believe that the car was the actual genuine rally car all because they read it. Also because you know about the genuine car you can pick out these things, but what about the cars you aren't so well knowledged on? you have to take what they're saying as truth always with slight doubt, but after what seems to be such a blatant load of crap there's no way I could read an article from that person again and assume they even have a vague idea of what they're talking about. The same kind of thing no doubt happens with magazines and internet sites around the globe and it's just frustrating. I say that you Guus, should contact the magazine and get them to come to you for an article on a decent replica rally car, one that is closer to actually resembling the true rally car. And then send me a copy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 11, 200420 yr comment_72244 Maybe a e-mail from KATS explaining that the real #5 was just recently seen by him in person, in Japan might be enough for a clarification.Bugger, just when you think Goertz has been debunked the last thing you want to read is this crap.Sorry fro the strong words, but it really p......... me off.Just as thought, if all list members e-mailed the magazine it might just be enough to have the article clarified.....just a thought.MOM Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 11, 200420 yr comment_72245 If you don't get or see any clarification it's probably because they believe they have so many readers with such blind faith in their (facts). This is unfortunate that it can and probaby does go unchecked because there is nothing to keep them from doing it, like your local newspaper would have. It would be interesting to have Kats get some pictures of the #5? in Japan and ask them how they have the same car in Italy? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 12, 200420 yr comment_72246 Italians... Perhaps it might be wise to direct them to this thread so they can see the outrage amongst enthusiasts? I thought the Internet was bad enough for misinformation. It's terrible that magazines are just as bad....... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 12, 200420 yr comment_72251 Now I try to access their website and my computer keeps locking up!Can anyone supply a e-mail address to the editor?The more mail they get telling them that they have been conned the better chance we have that we don't have an Italian Job pulled on us. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 12, 200420 yr comment_72252 For sure, here are the details:PUBLISHER/EDITORCasey M. Anniscmannis@vintageracecar.comEUROPEAN EDITOREd Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 12, 200420 yr comment_72254 Thanks Puppy,Any idea if the mag is available in OZ?Before firing a rocket over in that direction I thought I would get my facts correct.MOM Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 12, 200420 yr comment_72257 Hmm I've got no idea! I try not to go into newsagents, as I end up coming out with a much lighter wallet! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 12, 200420 yr comment_72260 Just don't get the Italians riled up, mate! Wouldn't want them making trouble for us... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 12, 200420 yr comment_72267 I am a little late on the bandwagon here, but I too noticed the falacy that this magazine/journal is informing to people. The problem with this kind of thing is that if this keeps happening the true Z story is going to be forgotton. First it was the Goertz myth and now it is s30 cars painted with the rally scheme being deamed works cars. I am sorry, but the car in that article is a nice car, but there is nothing works about it. The writers of VRJ say that it is so cfivilized. That is because it is all ROAD car!!! Maybe I should put four cibies on my bumper, paint my hood and top side of fenders semigloss black, and slap some numbers on my car and say it was the only blue works car!!! :mad: I partly feel bad for th VRJ because they are caught up in the mess now. However, the car that they did the story on is EXTREMELY different from the works cars in the picture. They should have realized that when they saw the modern cd player installed! This is a problem that needs to be adressed because it is disheartening that the Z does not get the real credit it should. I really hope you write a book on the Works cars Alan. For some reason I got that feeling from one of your earlier threads. Thank you sblake, 26th, and HS30-H for writing VRJ about this. You guys are Z car history heros. -Ben p.s. Guus, your car is ten times better of a works replica that the Z in VRJ. As far as I am concerned as Alan said is that the car in the mag in is not a replica. It is a fake!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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