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I agree. They are heartless bastards. I´ve been speaking to friends in Madrid & I can assure you that the truth is a lot worse that the images on the TV. One friend, whos lives close to the Atocha train station, said the the fire brigade have to go up on of the trees in front of his flat to remove limbs & blood stained clothing ...........

I´ve been to the demonstration in Barcelona this evening, the centre of the city was totally paralised by ordinary folk showing their disgust at what happened.

I hope that no other country has to go through what we are going through.:sick:


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Originally posted by gema

We (being the Western world) are ALL going to go through this. It's terrible, and all caused by misunderstandings and lack of communication, by globalization and westernization...ack.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but..................

What misunderstanding? Misunderstanding that the "Christian" societies don't have the right to exist, and the "Islamic" societies do have the right to exist? Us against them? Right vs wrong?

Westernization? .............of Spain? or of NYC? ...........Isreal? ..............Iraq? (we don't care what form of government they have, so long as we get their oil) Who is attempting the "westernizing" the Al Queda (they are not even a country)?

Lack of communication?...........Al Queda doesn't seem interested in "communicating" in any other method than perpetrating acts of terrorism. They appear intent on destroying the societies that have beliefs different than what they believe in. Sort of a "My way, or the Highway form of communication".

I believe it is Intolerance, and Ignorance that drives the terrorists.

Just my $.02

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The US can definitely sympathize with Spain. Really, really sad. You're right about intolerance and ignorance. Actually one is a subset of the other, or they're one and the same. Unfortunately it seems to be human instinct to insist that others believe the way "We" do. Must be a desire to confirm our own weak beliefs and morals by forcing(or killing) others to our side of the argument. Comfort in numbers. Typically humans will widen the conflict that really is caused by just a few by disseminating b**l s**t that stereotypes the "enemy" as horribly evil so that men, women, and children can be butchered with a clear conscience. In the present conflict you can feel the undercurrent of absurd stereotypes being spread: Islam is a violent religion(so let's get rid of all muslims so we can feel "right"eous), America(and all those Christians!) is Satan personified so let's kill all those heathens, Jews are Christ killers so let's get rid of them, etc., etc., etc. We are amazingly clever at figuring out insane justifications for taking other people's lives. Sad commentary on the species, and it hasn't changed an iota since we've been writing down history. I think I'd better get some breakfast so that my mood improves. These soap boxes have that damn slippery soap all over them. Oops, fell off.

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i have sympathy for the families of those killed simply because their leader is just another u.s. (or israeli) puppet. i read an article that said that there was the sound of cell phones ringing on the on the dead bodies after the bombings. their family members were calling them to make sure that they were still ok. just imagine the chill running down their spines when there was answer.

every act of international terrorism can be linked back to their foriegn policy. when 70% of europeans oppose a war because all the information being fed to them was made up, how is it fair that they know have to live in a world of terror because their leaders were paid off? what kind of democracy is that? whose next, britain, australia?

Before you ask who, always ask WHY?

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Originally posted by 280z

..................... how is it fair that they know have to live in a world of terror because their leaders were paid off? what kind of democracy is that? whose next, britain, australia?......................

Rule #1. No one ever said the world is "fair". (Welcome to reality!)

Rule #2. Who's next? Anyone! (See Rule #1)

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Nothing will ever quite be the same for the US or anyone who is seen as a friend of the US, everyone can point the finger at alot of people with assumption of guilt, but we did not start this issue they <terrorists> did , doesn't make a diffrence if it is oil, the money we pay to countries , or the right to pray as we wish , someone will always not like us for some reason , I feel terrible for the people of spain and everyone else who will die in the fight because unfortunately it isn't over and not close to being such:disappoin

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I agree with Tanny's statement. Come on, people have been trying to make others believe in their ways since the begining of time and to date these methods are not working.......HELLO PEOPLE!!! Get a clue, just love one another, no matter your color or beliefs, and f_ _k the struggle for money and power. The only power I want is to feel is my foot on the throttle of my Z.

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