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Impact gun - Rattle gun, same thing. Ed, lucky you said 'lug nuts' you had me worried for a second there!LOL

Another solution... Put a T-bar on a lug, put a big peice of metel pipe(about 2m) onto it and sit on it!:stupid: Shouldnt be a problem!



I would think that the impact gun wouldn't be a good idea. You might strip (round) the lug nuts. I've heard that the old fashioned lug nut wrench is best when the lug nuts are "rusted" on. Lots of muscle and you should be able to "crack" the lug nuts. Plus the impact wrench can scratch up the lug nuts, not good if your going to a show. Just my useless .02 cents worth.


Actually the biggest hazard with using an impact gun on lug nuts is putting them on, not taking them off. Most 1/2 inch impacts have too much tightening torque and will either stretch or break studs, if it doesn't strip out the threads in the lug nuts first.

Seriously, another method of breaking them loose is to use a hand held impact tool.

This is one where you hit the end of the of the tool with a hammer.

It will break the bond with out putting as much stress on the lug. If you don't have one they are not expensive and you'll need it again.

Good luck!

My Grandfather taught me an old trick long ago. Get one of those small bottle torches like plummers use. Apply some heat to the nut, it will expand slightly to break the rust bond. Then they should come off. Put some anti-seize on the studs before you put them back on. Works for me. Just dont heat it up to much or you might damage the wheel area around the stud. Much luck!!

Is it adviseable to use antiseize on wheel nuts? You wouldn't want to make it easy for them to come off.

Could you clean the threads with a die before using antisieze or putting the nuts back on?

Also, you can get a 12V impact wrench at harbor freight or other stores

Vicky- your suggestion wasn't useless. Maybe just needs some 'development.' :)

Remember, BIG ideas start as small ones...

Oh-- I wouldn't suggest sitting on the arm of the wrench to turn it. I once broke 2 studs using a dogleg wrench because I didn't have a cross wrench and I wasn't turning the wrench equally on both ends..

The pipe idea should be OK, as long as you twist it equally on both ends.

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