Posted March 23, 200024 yr comment_276 Shortening StrutsSubmitted by,John CoffeyMoss Micro, As a result of my parts for sale post I've received a few questionsabout shortening struts. The best description of he "why's and how's"was sent to me back in 1996 by Wayne Burstein:----------------------------------------Let's start by defining the task at hand. We want to lower the carin order to lower the center of gravity. I'll skip all the analysis onwhy we want to do this because there are lots of good bookson the subject, and confine my comments to what you might runinto in performing this on a Z.First I need to define a couple of terms:Bump -- suspension travel in the compression direction (i.e. theresult of hitting a high spot in the road).Rebound -- suspension travel in the opposite direction (i.e. theresult of going over a hill and the wheels leaving the ground).The first problem we run into is that when we shorten the springs,we are reducing the available bump travel in the strut cartridges bythe same amount we lowered the car. With all the travel availablein a stock Z, this is not too much of an issue when we lower thecar only an inch or so. For those of us who are racing our cars,we often lower them much more; for instance, in the SCCA'sIT class, we are allowed to lower the car until the rockers areno lower than 5" above the ground. This causes a problembecause the suspension is almost fully compressed when thecar is sitting at rest. When you hit a bump, the suspension quicklybottoms out (hopefully on a bump stop of resilient material). Thisis a real problem because in effect, the spring rate increasesvery dramatically and negates all of our efforts to drive thecar smoothly. When driving at or near the limit, this oftenis the beginning of a very impressive crash.Well, we now have the car at the desired ride height, but needto increase the travel in bump. The way to do that is to shortenthe struts. Now things get pretty messy. This is dependent onthe length of the struts but the struts need to be longenough to insert the cartridges of choice. For racing, the onesthat I would recommend are Carerra, Koni, or Tokico, in thatorder ( this should cause a bit of discussion on its own). Ifwe automatically shorten the strut to exactly fit the cartridge,we might actually shorten it too much. This leaves us withoutadequate rebound travel. Just in case this does not scareyou, it should. I learned my lesson the hard way whenI had the rear wheels pick off the ground while cresting ahill that had a slight turn to it. That made for a looooongfull lock slide at 100 MPH!Ok, now we need to decide just how much we want toshorten the strut housing. The desired end result isto have about equal bump and rebound travel. In otherwords, when the car is sitting at rest, we want the strutshalf way compressed. On a street car, this is fairlyeasy to do, because we generally set the car up onceand never play with it. Race cars are another situationentirely. First of all, different tires require different rideheights -- for instance, switching from 60 series to 50series tires lowered my car by .75", causing me to haveto raise the car by the same amount. We also play withspring rates, and assuming that we are using coil overs,need to keep the spring collar low enough on the struthousing to avoid it interfering with suspension travel.The bottom line is that before cutting anything offyour struts, you should carefully think about what youanticipate doing to the car over the next few yearsas far as tire/wheel, strut, spring or ride height changes,and then come up with a compromise that works foryou.FWIW, most people shorten struts 1-2". If youfigure out that you want to go more than this, recheckeverything before cutting. Yes, you can add asection, but speaking from experience, it is mucheasier to remove than to add. I almost forgot tomention this, but if your strut housing is longerthan the cartridge, you need to put a spacerbelow the cartridge inside the housing --typically, these are just pieces of tubing thatis slightly smaller in diameter than the insidedimension of the housing.Just a couple of tips to consider:1) The best way I have figured out to cut thestruts is to use a large pipe cutter. This givesa fairly straight cut with minimal cleanup -- youneed to grind the burr off the inside of the housingand bevel the outside edge before weldingthem together. Be careful not to make the cutso high on the strut that you hit the threads for thegland nut!2) To remove the original spring perch, thequickest way I have found is to cut throughit just above the housing with a grinder orcut-off tool, and then grind the remaining metaloff. I found it much easier to do this beforecutting the strut because even though I wasnot cutting the section with the perch off, it didinterfere with the cutter.3) After lowering the car, you need to align thesuspension because you have added negative camberat both the front and rear wheels. Of course, youshould probably do this any time you removesuspension components anyway.Finally, Carerra was of invaluable help to mein figuring out what to do and how to accomplish thesemodifications, as well as supplying many of theparts I used. You can reach them at:770-451-8811Sorry to be so long winded, but this is a fairly complicatedtask to plan and implement without too much trial anderror. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
January 11, 200223 yr comment_1819 My 73 240Z has been lowered as well. I bought my car back in 1978 and the original owner before me (I am the 2nd owner) did the special suspension. There is no doubt in all of these years that I have had a lot of nice comments on how the car looks so much better than other Z's because it rides lower than stock.However, it no doubt can be a rough ride. Yes it handles corners very nicely, but now that it is 24 years later and I am now in my mid 40's (oh god), this ride can get a little too stiff for me. Speed bumps can be killer (I had a friend who weighed 350 lbs and I had to make him get out of the car before crossing speedbumps or we would bottom out).I am presently looking to get new Struts installed to help get a better smoother ride, yet maintain the performance. But I do not want to raise the car back up. I know... I can't have the cake and eat it too. I'm not expecting a luxery car ride, but I definitely need as much as I can get.Does anybody have a suggestions or recommendations as to what Struts I should get installed or anything else I should know?Dan. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
January 12, 200223 yr comment_1860 Boy, that's an old post Mike. New e-mail address below: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
February 21, 200223 yr comment_3270 I would like to keep the stock " ride" but would like to lower the over all height. Is it possible to increase the shock tower height? Regards, MikeT73. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
February 21, 200223 yr comment_3287 I wouldn't attempt anything like that, about the only way possible way to use the stock springs and lower your ride height would be to lower the bottom spring seat on the strut. But you would lose a lot of your suspension travel (not good when using the stock springs). You would run into hood interference if you attempted to raise the strut tower height and if it weren't done correctly you would run the risk of a catastrophic failure. A better idea would be too use the progressive rate springs from Eibach, it would lower your ride height about an inch and still give you a decent highway ride. This would be your best alternative. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
February 21, 200223 yr comment_3302 Very cool information on the springs and struts. Thank you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
February 22, 200223 yr comment_3307 Thanks for the info. Had an original 72 Z, and lowered it about 1.5 in. The ride was uncomfortable. Now that I`am more " mature" (old) I want more comfort and still have a cool looking car. Thanks again, MikeT73. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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