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Why is it the image gallery is full of images that are not Z related, (ok maybe full is an overstatment)

Like this


and this


They arent even Japanese, or related to the S30 z in anyway.

If I wanted to see pictures of Volvos (yeah right) i'd go to a volvo site, not a z site.

I'm sure Mike doesnt like all the disc space that he has to pay for, and bandwith taken, for people to look at these photos of volvos. :sick:

I'm sure if people started posting stories bout their volvos and corvettes, they would politely be asked to take it to another forum, so why is it ok to post pictures of them.

Can the Photo moderaters be a bit more discerning? Shouldn't they be rejecting pictures like this?

I'm Playing Devlis advocate again. :devious:

What are other peoples thoughts on this?

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wow , did I miss a good chat here , no offence to any but if you don't like don't click , I enjoy the personal pics as well nothing hurt by them if it becomes an issue I am sure Mike will do what is needed to resolve that prob, but yes I like racing pics and shots of other somewhat relevant items , kinda surprised how serious some people take a this considering we all have the small passion and love of the same type of car , but as well i like a pic of a bluebird or patrol , yes 50 pics of the same rusty quarter panel might be a bit much but after the first 2 i stop looking , I enjoy the site way too much and enjoy learning about us and z from abroad as well as other datsun stuff , keep up the good job Mike and the other moderators just my 5 cents < just got paid > :)

Welcome Member!

Hello and welcome to the ClassicZcar Club. As a registered member you will be able to access most parts of our site. The club is free to use and all we ask is to keep all content related to the Zcar in some fashion.

Has everyone read this! It's the part of the system message.

Now all we need is for everyone to play by the rules, no dummy spits, no taking the bat and ball and going home.

Moderators need to do exactly what they have been enpowered to do, Moderate, else the site will develope into just another site without that special "zzzzzzzzz"..


...Does everything here have to be done the way YOU desire it to be done?

No - but this is "classiczcars.com" not "somenicepicsItook.com"

...Isn't there room for others to choose differently than you?

Yes - its called the world wide web and it has lots of other specalist websites.

...Like trs said, "Let the moderators deal with it" and STOP WHINING

Or - act like a thinking adult and keep your pictures relevant to this website.

If you must yell at eachother, at least yell at the right person. It's been my mantra to be the "Moderate Moderator" I have absolutley No desire to be the police, mother, school marm or head nun here. The only thing I'd REALLY like to delete is all the bickering, But I don't, and I won't, I will not allow myself to be a censor. THIS SITE DOES NOT NEED ONE.

Ok, so some of the photos are not "Z" related. Well, we drive sports cars, a few race sports cars, We ARE car hobbists. Take a good look at the invaluble treasure of Z car photos in our gallery. It is Amazing! There is nowhere eles where such can be found. From beauty shots to nitty gritty details. And they come in LARGE bunches! I have tough enough time to ensure they at least go to the right catagory. Non Z photos? Yell at ME! look at my gallery - Z's, 510's, Roadsters, 610's, 320's, 521's, 411's, 310's 312's, 1200's, guilty. Yell at the right person. Fire Me! Tell Mike, "Please fire Victor or I'll cancel my monthly contribution". Guess what? I wont mind too much. Someone else can deal with "Reported Posts" with no real goal outlined. I'll just be a participant.

Don't pick on Greygoast, His contribution of Z race cars is the finest YOU WILL EVER SEE. Oh and he likes ALL roadracing cars, So do I, Allmost as I like just about All Datsuns- Yes, even the 78 S10 Silvia :ROFL:

When you're not whining, your the best buch of folks ever. I love you all. Gary don't leave over this. This is just a speed bump on an otherwise twisty sports car road.

If you must yell at eachother, at least yell at the right person. It's been my mantra to be the "Moderate Moderator" . .

So, in your time as moderator, have you ever rejected any pictures? If so, on what basis were they rejected?

Non Z photos? Yell at ME! look at my gallery - Z's, 510's, Roadsters, 610's, 320's, 521's, 411's, 310's 312's, 1200's, guilty. Yell at the right person. .

No-one is really arguing against non-Z (we have forum section for other Datsun/Nissan cars). However we are generally talking about older Nissan/Datsun cars... not 2004-spec Audi Lemans cars etc.

I just got back home an hour ago and was reading replies to this. Gary, I know you do not agree with my gallery but that is ok by me really.The thread gripe was directed at me no you. You do not need to leave us to get your point across. I accept it. Any replies I made were directed generally and not to anyone specific. The only thing I take exception to was that Mr Camo

suggested that the few girls I photographed at the track should go on a porn site. I thought that was outrageous. I never have nor would I ever post such a photo in my personal gallery.

I wish there were more first generation Z's in my area, but it is rare to see one on the road. Maybe that is why I have kept mine so long. Unfortunately, because of that fact there are no Z shows to photograph. We have tons of shows but no 240Z ever shows up unless I enter. I do not do that anymore because they are all "heavy chevy" types and only a small percent of people care to look at a 240Z.

Once again, it was about me and no one needs to leave over this. I would be the first to go if that is what was needed, not gary or anybody else.

I leave you for the evening. :sleep:

Man, I go away for a long weekend and have to come home to a trashed club!

What is the deal with some of you? Stop being a bunch of pussies and suck it up. This place is not somewhere you can express your freedom of speech or expression! It is a Classic Zcar Club.

Keep the content related to our purpose. And quit bitching like a bunch of girls. I'm gonna vomit if I see another person give their opinion about how this club should be. It's here and it exists as a breathing entity because we all work for a common cause. That cause is to keep the classic z alive.

Catch my drift?

Man, I go away for a long weekend and have to come home to a trashed club!

...I'm gonna vomit if I see another person give their opinion about how this club should be. It's here and it exists as a breathing entity because we all work for a common cause. That cause is to keep the classic z alive.

Mike, it saddens me you are upset about this - especially because its quite evident you strive to keep this place healthy. It is a topic that needed to be addressed though - I feel. Maybe this wasn't the best way... but what's done is done. Now I hope we can gain from this discussion.

Perhaps we need a little direction? Some clarification in regards to what IS acceptable and what ISNT in the photo galleries (if it is not already written somewhere)? I feel some guilt here because I was one of those trying to "broaden" the aim of the club to include the C110... I feel that because of this it has blurred the focus of the club somewhat. It's very difficult to work out where the line should be drawn...

Victor, wouldn't want your thankless job.

Mike, thanks for making this site available to the community.

The rest of us need to CONTRIBUTE what matches our vision of what is of interest to the OTHERS.

If you post a photo and it's accepted, then its ACCEPTABLE.

If you post a photo and it's rejected, then live with it.

If you don't want to look at something, DON"T.

If you don't like it here, don't come here.

If you want to make things "better", do it!

Don't tell others how it should be done, show them.

POLICE YOURSELVES, don't ask the "cops" to do it for you.

Perhaps some of this is my fault for a few reasons. No rules have been written about the site or the gallery. I guess I figured that it was already pretty clear by our site name and domain about what goes on in our club.

1 - This club is dedicated to the fans of the Classic Zcar. Content posted or uploaded to this site should be useful for others interested in the same objective.

2 - Alternate content. The alternate content is totally fine with me as long as the subject relates to the classic Datsun. Why? Most Z-owners know that parts, components, and instructions are similar between the early Datsun lines. This means that pictures and forum content about your classic Datsun are acceptable. This will not change the focus of our club.

3 - No whining or flaming. If you want to be a p**** or a bully, go do it somewhere else. You are a guest, so, please act appropriately.

4 - Help others. If someone posts a message about a problem they are trying to fix on their car (and you know the answer) please send them a message. There's nothing more exciting than to see members helping members. One of the first reasons I started this club was to help others.

Anyway, that's a start on the rules. I will start posting more as I think of them.

- mike

No-one is really arguing against non-Z (we have forum section for other Datsun/Nissan cars).

Yes we do, and I remember being equally unpopular when I originally posted the idea that we should have a separate forum for people to talk about their non z datsuns (yep that was me, troublemaking again). The reasoning behind that was so that people could know what sort of car they were dealing with instead of assuming that the poster was talking about a 240Z, when infact they were talinkg about a 240K. It's not that I didnt enjoy reading about 240K/skylines, I did, and still do. But problems arise when someone is posting in the forums without indicating they have a 240K, and they get a bunch of replies about 240Z's. I think the site is better for it.

Greyghost, this thread was not aimed at you. I just used the pictures of the volvo and the other car (i stiil dont know what it is) as an example.

I was not suggesting that your photos of girls were porn. I think that, you thinking that comment was about the girls in your galley was outrageous. It was in reference something billramsey2002 had said about wanting to look at pictures of girls. As Halz said, there are other sites on the internet about girls or racingcars Bill.

I apologise if you think that this was a personal attack on you or your photos,Greyghost, it wasnt. That was not my intention. I was just trying see wheter the Z community here wanted to keep this site Z and/or Nissan-Datsun related, or diverge into a generall photo/discussion board about motorsport, or whatever else they wated to post about.

Mr C.

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