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Why is it the image gallery is full of images that are not Z related, (ok maybe full is an overstatment)

Like this


and this


They arent even Japanese, or related to the S30 z in anyway.

If I wanted to see pictures of Volvos (yeah right) i'd go to a volvo site, not a z site.

I'm sure Mike doesnt like all the disc space that he has to pay for, and bandwith taken, for people to look at these photos of volvos. :sick:

I'm sure if people started posting stories bout their volvos and corvettes, they would politely be asked to take it to another forum, so why is it ok to post pictures of them.

Can the Photo moderaters be a bit more discerning? Shouldn't they be rejecting pictures like this?

I'm Playing Devlis advocate again. :devious:

What are other peoples thoughts on this?

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Given enough rum, all of these pictures are Z related. No reason to go into this further, but how many of you guys contribute financially to this site? You know, this place doesn't run on peanut butter! I encourage everyone to support this site with a subscription. Quit bitching and contribute!!!!!

Greyghost, you can hide your non Z related pictures in my gallery if the mob comes looking for you. By the way, the most pictures that are Z related I have saved in my personal collection have come from your gallery. Thanks for posting them. P.S. I love the E Production Z pics. Got anymore?


I joined the club in May 2003. After one month of "using" the archives and enjoyment of meeting ya'll, I subscribed at a rate I thought was good for me - about the rate of an expensive magazine. Now that the site has been revamped, I don't see a subscription button any more. I don't remember how I did it, but every month, I get an e-mail notification of the charge against, my credit card. Once, I had charged my credit card to the max, the subscription hit was rejected, and Mike e-mailed me to ask if I was pissed off!!!

There isn't a day that I don't get a grin or two out of what goes on here. Some days I don't pay much attention. Some times the chat slows down. But the galleries, archives, and general fellowship are of immense value to me. When the site went down a month or so ago, several members wrote to me expressing dispair and we mourned the possible loss of the archives and how we should have copied all that stuff before it was lost forever.

I have met some fine people here and I really felt it when I went to the National Convention. How about the thread we all posted pictures of ourselves? Great stuff. Lately, there has been some flaming and sour feelings and it saddens me to see it. I'm afraid I lost one of my real good friends over it. I hope it passes. This place - all of you - bring a smile to my face just like getting my favorite magazine in the mail.

Anti up some bucks, ya'll!!!! Put the seriousness in your wallet and bring your smiles to the forum. You all have something important to contribute, whether it is a picture of rust or boobs, race cars or V8 implants. Enjoy this place as much as I do - and do it with a smile.

Given enough rum, all of these pictures are Z related. No reason to go into this further, but how many of you guys contribute financially to this site? You know, this place doesn't run on peanut butter! I encourage everyone to support this site with a subscription. Quit bitching and contribute!!!!!

Thanks for the encouragement on this. You are exactly correct, this site doesn't run on peanut butter. There are real expenses and there are genuine requirements to keep us online. I've funded the operation of this site for over 6 years.

However, my requests for help have always been flexible. Please donate to keep the club alive. Monitary donations are fine, but, there are also other ways to help our cause -- such as TIME. I encourage all of you to take some time to help one another by donating expertise and enthusiasm toward our purpose. And, if you are only able to give opinions, donate your POSITIVE opinions and thoughts about issues.

We are here to have a good time and to share experiences. Not all of us will agree about all things, but, that is simply human nature.

Let's all keep the focus of our purpose the same. Leaving, flaming, and putting others down really doesn't get us anywhere.

I'm in this for the main purpose of helping others keep their Classic Zcar on the road. Why are you here?

We are here to have a good time and to share experiences. Not all of us will agree about all things, but, that is simply human nature.

Let's all keep the focus of our purpose the same. Leaving, flaming, and putting others down really doesn't get us anywhere.

I'm in this for the main purpose of helping others keep their Classic Zcar on the road. Why are you here?

Hip, hip, hurah!

Hip, hip, Hurah!



You all have something important to contribute, whether it is a picture of rust or boobs, race cars or V8 implants.

...and some have rusty V-8 race cars and boob implants LOL


Thanks alfadog ! rush and head this is the real reason I got into the gallery stuff in the first place. Its this kind of comments that are made , stupic cracks , in the middle of a discussion on a problem a fellow member may be having trouble with , a diff. installation or trouble tuneing the his SUs or taking on a floor repair. I really dont care anything about the picture gallery it was just a means to get some of the other things on the table and looked at. On zcar.com this sort of carring on takes place on almost all threads and it deminishes the whole web site. I can see this becoming more and more frequent here . There is one member with over 1265 posts look and you will find who I am talking about. Out of that many posts maby 5 were of any value to the site or the thread that it was entered into. It is things like this that diminish us all and causes us to have to wade through junk to try and keep on focus. To answer a question about my deleting my gallery, I never had one in the first place, so no pictures were deleted. I dident enter the post at the top of this thread to be anywhere other than the on the tech forum . I was not trying to sturr things farther. I was discusted before at the start of this whole mess and went too far with my ranting. For this I ask your forgiveness. I dident aim ANY comment at any one person . grayghost just got hit because I cannot type fast enough and the post got out of sinc. Ghost , sorry . Picture wise if I was God , I wouldent have other than pictures of Z related stuff on the HOME PAGE thats all . What goes into the persons own gallery is not at issue for me at all , I don't care . and if I did care so what it makes no difference any way. I get tired of members that take a thread off toppic and go off on a tangent and the rest of us that are learning or trying to help have to wade through half a dozen posts to get back to the meat and focus of the thread. Boobs , girls, fast cars . post pictures and jokes , go for it , but I think it should be in the funnybone forum . If someone asks for help , don't answer if you cant help . Some off the wall comment trying to be funny it dosent work there . If you dont KNOW the answer to a posted question dont guess , if you do , say that it is a guess. If a member has asked for help with a problem that is 240 only related , coming in with stuff that worked on a 280 or a question that is 280 related is not welcome on that thread . It derails the thread , post the question on your own thread. Posting just to see the tally under your name go up is not what is important here. Look at the dates when the member started here and the ammount of posts made . some are supprising . All ofThis is what bothers me here . I want the best for the web site . There is a quote about opening ones mouth and removing all doubt . Maby I was stupid in my attempt at causing debate here and highlighting my observations. I have a bad habbit of speaking my mind , I am truly sorry if I have offended any of the members or guests . I wish Mike could implement spell check , I suffer form dislexia and have real trouble in this area. Really I am not this stupid. Gary

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