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Thanks Mike,

I think i was over it by the second or third post, but this thread seems to have been on some peoples minds for a while. I will just have to top my gallery up with some new pics.

Yea, I want to see more pictures of that sweet ride. She's one of my favs.


Any chance of getting your opinion on the subject of the site copyright on the pictures in the classiczcars.com Gallery?

Your opinion - as owner of this site - on pictures being lifted from here, and posted on other sites, is of particular interest to me.


Alan T.

To whom does this copytight belong? Who must one get approval from to use a photo found on this site?

The Site? Does the act of posting a photo relinquish the photographer's rights to that photo? What if the photographer wishes/chooses to allow others to use a photo that has been posted here for the benefit of visitors to the site? Is the site able or financially willing to enforce this policy regarding all content?

The Photographer? Does the photgapher have to do anything to specifcally "allow" the use of their photo that has been posted here, or can he just ignore it's usage elsewhere?

These are a few of my facorite questions

I believe some statement about the copyright should be included with the galleries. Something like - The original creator/owner of the image retains all rights to the image, with submission to this site an agreement for use only on this site, no further transfer of rights is given or implied without written permission of the owner of the image. Lots of people will still want to share their photos/images, but may not want them "ripped off" for commercial use on clocks or in books, etc. If someone else wants to use the image for those purposes they should obtain written permission for the original owner of the image, not Classic Zcar Club. I'm no lawyer, but realize if you own the copyright to something it should be up to you how it is used. If someone wants to use your image in a book, for example, it would probably be flattering, but proper permission and credit for the photographer and/or image owner (may be one and the same) should be given IMHO. If a professional photographer was paid by the car owner for the image, then usually the person who paid for it owns the image. If a photographer took the photo for his/her own use and loaned it/sold it for a book or article it is up to them to ask for credit for the image if they like. In any case it is always best to give credit where credit is due - both to whoever captured the image and to the person who owns that photogenic Z. If people are present and can be identified in the photo then it raises other questions, but I tried to cover that in a previous post. Maybe we have a copyright lawyer somewhere in this group who can tell me if I'm on the right track.

Oh... my... God! You guys aren't serious are you?? I had no idea I'd kicked off all of this by collecting a few photos in my gallery on the SAME website as they originally appeared!?

...and would you believe I'm an Intellectual Property lawyer? :classic:

RB-30ZED, sorry mate - sincerely. And I am happy to remove your Z from my gallery if you like? I have those photos of your Z for my own reference (that's what my gallery has turned out to be used for these days). Your car is awesome, and a great benchmark for my own Z's ongoing "aesthetic development".

P.S: I wish I got this sort of response when I posted threads in the "Help" and "Engine" related discussions! i.e. when I need people to use their powers for good, not evil :devious:

Thanks moyest

Your apology is warmly accepted, just add my name to my photos, no hard feelings. Id also like to say that I didn't think the post would become so discussed and that I feel the posts have been more of an interest in the copyright issue and hope you haven't taken it to personally.


Let's explore this concept a little more... In theory, if you take a snapshot of something, the photograph belongs to you. When you upload that image to our site, it still belongs to you. By uploading it to our site, you are publishing the photo so that other people may see it. This is your decision.

To help protect your images, we normally add an identifying watermark to the image. And, we have also installed "anti-leeching" code to the images to prevent people from saving the images to their own hard-drive. (have you tried to right-click on an image in the gallery to 'save-as' lately?)

Other than keeping all of your images to yourself, there is no way to control how they are ultimately used by other members. But, that wouldn't be any fun now, would it? (I can just see a few of you hoarding your photos like lonely trolls under a bridge saying, "Mine, mine, mine!")

We have done all we can to protect your photos. But, ultimately the responsibility is up to you once the photo has been posted.

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