September 25, 200420 yr comment_96346 .............snip.....................Thats a pretty big claim, IMHO those numbers don't stack up. This thread has had 740 views and 46 post's.Mathematicaly, that makes 16 individual posters only.I'm guessing that this is a joke since it doesn't work that way.Every time "I" or "you" come back to this thread it counts as another "view", and not everyone who "views" the thread "posts" to it even once. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
September 25, 200420 yr comment_96348 I think we all need a bit of comic relief sometimes. Might just revive the How to Port & Polish Head thread! MOM Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
September 25, 200420 yr comment_96351 What does every automobile other than a Z say in a TV interview?I'm not a real car, but I play one on TV.WillThat is right before some one captures the video and posts it on a website despite the copyright notices... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
September 25, 200420 yr comment_96357 As long as it is not for personal profit or monentary gain I could care less whether somebody downloads images I post in the gallery. It is interesting to see what other people think. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
September 25, 200420 yr comment_96386 For the last 3 weeks, I have promised myself not to get sucked into this debate. Many times I have sat at my computer looking at the blank reply screen trying to compose a restrained response - each time closing the window thinking why bother. The following is MY opinion - if anything I say bothers you - get over it.All of our beloved comments and pictures are now safe thanks to this websites safe guard of encrytion-watermarks and copyrighting. Or are they? If I post a picture in a gallery - the watermark on MY picture shows If I right click, I'm told classiczcarclub - I can't copy - save - or republish. So - who actually owns the rights to this picture?The definition of copyright, according to the dictionary, is the exclusive legal right to reproduce, publish, and sell the matter and form (as of a literary, musical, or artistic work). All of this is moot if you aren't prepared to go to court and fight it out legally. If you have been injured ( ie: having your picture put on a clock face ) you need to legally confront that person. While it isn't right that these people did that - only the recourse is against them legally. Here is a suggestion - create your own website and safe guard it with all the various means available. If you want your pictures seen, people will go to your website if they are interested.It seems to me that we want to apply justice when it suits us. While we want to protect OUR pictures through copyright - we have no problem using other peoples material ( avatars "borrowed" to express our creativity). I seriously doubt that there is a member on this site that has a hard drive that doesn't have a few illegal MP3's or software that wasn't purchased.Bottomline in my warped view of the world - with all the destruction of the recent hurricanes - people dying due to war, hunger, and genocide - if the hijacking of a picture is the worst thing in your life - then you are having one sweet life. Personally - take all my pictures - keep my personal identity and credit records safe.Finally - three random thoughts. With all the high winds and hurricanes in Florida, no wonder Vicki's fudge is flyin and secondly, perhaps instead of selling hats to members - consideration should be given to selling decoder rings and finally - perhaps we need to realize that our lives should be more than the quanity of posts and pictures. Some people on here have posted more pictures of cars - than I have taken in my lifetime.Remember - if you are expecting people to do and say the right thing - you will end up blowing bubbles in your chocolate milk in a padded cell. And can quote me on that!Having said of this - I'm tired and I'm going back to my quiet corner in search of information that will make my Z car better. When do my meds get here ... anyway? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
September 25, 200420 yr comment_96389 I do understand the pros and cons of downloading various Z related pictures. Only reason I've downloaded any pictures to date (cough cough) is to document some aspect of the "Z" restoration process or as a wallpaper to keep me motivated to keep working on my "Z". (yes it does take some personal sacrifice to restore a "Z", and yes it is a real pain in the arse, but well worth it (IMHO), just ask my wife.) Without this resource being available, or at least with access to it, I'm pretty sure that down the road there will less and less "Zs" being restored each year because "everyone" does not have access to this wealth of knowledge. (Like they say "A picture is worth a thousand words"I'm pretty sure there's a way that each picture posted in a gallery could have a link to the owner asking permission to download said picture(s). (I.E - password protected...etc) Owner of said picture(s) responds via PM with "Password" for their gallery only. Problem solved......Just my 2c worth...webdawg1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
September 27, 200420 yr comment_96532 I just used a few pics for my personal site that NO ONE knows about but a few close friends and a listing on this site. I made no gain from them. I even had my Z on the main page and other pics were kept in a seperate section. I use pics for my screensaver "My pictures slidesshow" option. Is this wrong?? I had alan's fairlady as my desktop. I was asked about it once(by a relitive) and told them that it belonged to a Z car guru in england. His car brought amazement to yet another person.I liked showing people all the different styles of Zness with my screensaver.I was told to remove pics from my site. I am sorry i offended the owner, i was not aware that this was an offensive gesture. Now if i was selling calanders or something i could see that would make trouble.I removed the pics and the site immideately, since i am the only one who really uses the site. I only had that site so i could put up a place for all my Z car links i used, and thats all i used it for. If what i did was wrong I'm sorry. I'm going out of Z cars for a while. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
September 27, 200420 yr comment_96588 Pardon my ignorance as I haven't the time to read the post, but I know the jist of it. The question I pose to the community as a whole is as follows:Who did you take those pictures for, yourself? This site is a place for Datsun enthusiasts of all levels to learn and appreciate these cars. So you have a fabulous picture of a Z. Why NOT share it with others? Even if they slap their website's address on it and pass it around the it not spreading the same cause we share? It isn't as if someone is stealing your car, they're stealing a picture of it...I say unlock the galleries and simply include an option upon uploading that watermarks the CZCC logo into the picture. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
September 27, 200420 yr comment_96596 I have to agree with "the fastest Z". People around here are getting too uptight as of late. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
September 29, 200420 yr comment_96849 Thanks for the opinions guys. I appreciate it. However, don't lose focus of the original question. Should we go back to the old way (allowing right-click-download) or keep the new system that prevents any kind of download ?We will ALWAYS have copyright notices on the site and watermarking on the images. Now that this poll is off the Front Page, Is there a decision as to which way the site will go? If there is a decision, will it be communicated to the members. Will 75%+ of the (voting) members continue to be prevented from downloading images so that 11% of the (voting) members are "protected" () from one or two people (members or non-members) who will still find a way to steal their precious property? Inquiring minds want to know! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
September 29, 200420 yr comment_96877 I just used a few pics for my personal site that NO ONE knows about but a few close friends and a listing on this site. So that makes it OK then? It was ON THE NET. Anyone could see it. A Google image search even showed it. :stupid: I made no gain from them.You mean no monetary gain, I presume? This too makes it OK then? I was told to remove pics from my site.I asked you ( politely I believe, and in a PM with no public fuss directed personally at you ) to remove those pictures from your website. You did not reply. I am sorry i offended the owner, i was not aware that this was an offensive gesture.The question of the "owner" of the images is a moot point ( especially in light of some of the other comments on this thread from members who appear to believe that once I upload photos to the Gallery on this site they are automatically not 'mine' anymore ) but the fact remains that it was the photographs that I took being present on your website without permission or even credit that caused offence to me. I notice you even cropped off the watermarks..........I removed the pics and the site immideately, since i am the only one who really uses the site.I only had that site so i could put up a place for all my Z car links i used, and thats all i used it for. You didn't need to remove the whole site. You only needed to remove my photos from it.But what's the point of a website if you honestly believe that you are the only person who will view it? I don't get it.If what i did was wrong I'm sorry.It's good of you to apologise, even indirectly ( a PM would have been more fitting, in my opinion ) but there is no "if" about whether what you did was right or wrong. All you needed to do was look at the bottom of every page on this website, and the copyright notice would have told you what you needed to know.I'm going out of Z cars for a while.Nice touch. Should be good for a spot of sympathy from the "75% of ( voting ) members" of this site who appear to think that what you did was perfectly OK.Alan T. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
September 29, 200420 yr comment_96880 I have to agree with "the fastest Z". People around here are getting too uptight as of late.How dare people complain when some poor innocent Z lover steals their photos, eh? :cheeky: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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