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Does anyone have experience with servicing the switch (button type) at the end of the Combo SW Stalk that activates the windshield washer pump on a 240Z?

My washer pump (new) operates itermittantly and I'd like to remedy that if I can do so without destroying the combo stalk in the process.

Thanks, Carl

Carl, I have taken the thin apart, not nearly as difficult and getting it back together, but fortunately it didn't work before I took it apart either...

I would try using contact cleaner in te switch before taking it apart. I actually did get mine working and properly reinstalled-it actually isn't that difficult.-souunds like a good technical article though!


Carl, I would guess it was lack of use/oxidation. Perhaps just working the button multiple times will resolve it. Also new motor can be bad. Have you tried a test light in place of the motor? That may also be a good way to zap current across those contacts to clen them off.

Will: How did you take it apart? Where do you start? I don't want to mess with contact cleaners, as my experience is that they often discolor plastic parts, and seldom work as a "permanent" repair. Also, even if I wanted to use a contact cleaner, I can't figure out how to get at the contacts to apply cleaner spray.

Daniel: New motor works when connected to power source w/o switch.

Carl, I will see if I can round up one Monday evening(My wife has been off all week, and I have been comandeered for baby shower preparation since I didn't take her to the Emerald Coast for the week.) My wife goes back to work on Monday,and I just might be able to at least touch some old car parts then! If it weren't for the delivery from VB, and running out to check the wiper arms, I would have had a parts-less week!

If I can put my hands on one, I will set up the video camera, and shoot some mpeg for a technical article. I'll PM you shortly.



It's been a bit since I had mine apart, but if I remember correctly the button just pushed on a shaft which pushed that little contact arm in the center of the picture inwards (towards the steering column) to the little contact post.

If mine was giving me connection problems I think I would probably just take the contacts off and sand them down with some fine sand paper then figure out some coating that would keep it from oxidizing? (although I would probably get lazy and just lube it up real well with dielectric grease)

Maybe redoing the solder joints as well if they looked like 'cold' joints

I don't even know if my washer pump works, I haven't ever used it. I am a big rainx fan so I don't generally use the wipers to clear the wind screen



Thanks for the picture. I was thinking that I had to get into the far end of the stalk to access the washer switch contacts. Guess I should have looked at my spare parts or taken the stalk off and played with it.

I will clean up the contacts and apply "DeoxiT 100" to them to keep them from getting fouled again.

Thank you.


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