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Shift Boot and Shifter Knob


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Hey, im in the process of replaceing my center consol stuff. And my original snap on boot cover is all torn. I got a new one that has some EL in it. looks great...but i cant seem to figure out how to connect it. Someone said something about "clips". Is that all i need?

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EL Nino?

EL Taco Bell?

What the heck is does EL stand for? :stupid: I don't feel that old but apparently some new abbreviation slipped past me while I was out at sea. The best I can figure is Electrical Lighting.?.


EL=ElectroLuminesance. It is liek a cable/wire that becomes lit when power is applied to it. I have a lot of experiance with them for movie prop making, easy to use. I already have some installed onboard..not gonna go the RICE route though (thank god)

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